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Message started by Notaclue on May 19th, 2005 at 9:14am

Title: Cloning and different versions of Ghost
Post by Notaclue on May 19th, 2005 at 9:14am

First apologies for probably asking a question you've seen a zillion times before.   :-[ .. but...
I have just taken over from my predeccessor and need to get up and running with Ghost ASAP. All legal software.

He created a bootable Ghost 2002 CD with Ghostwalker on it, together wirth the NIC drivers etc, so that it is very easy to clone one identical machine to another.  ;D

However I have some questions and would be grateful if someone could comment.. I'm sure I'll avoid some common pitfalls!
I have read the user guide, but I don't wan't to make a mistake at this early stage!

1.  If I were to create an image using Ghost 2002, can it be read and restored by Ghost 2003 and Ghost 9?
Am I right that Ghost 9 couldnt do it because if it contained Win98 stuff it wouldnt be supported.

2. I have purchased Ghost 9 with Ghost 2003. I believe that Ghost 2003 would be more appropriate to 'tool up for' because it can deal with a larger range of operating systems.

3. In the light of this decision, can anyone advise me whether using 2003 I can clone machine to machine using TCPIP AND save images onto bootable DVD, bootable CD and (bootable??) USB ?

4. I have to produce a newer version of this bootable Cd using 2003 (What do you call it? Slipstream CD? ?  :-/)

Where can I read a step by step guide to producing it?

5. My aim next is to produce 2 versions of this bootable Cd with relevent NIC drivers  so that I can transfer images or clone - between different machine types.

Before I 'tool up' for action, got any MAIN tips so I can avoid common mistakes?

Thanks a million!!

Title: Re: Cloning and different versions of Ghost
Post by jack on May 19th, 2005 at 1:36pm
I have read it somewhere that Ghost image Reading is backward compatible. So u shouldn't have any problem reading 2002 images with ghost 2003 version. I tried it with Ghost 8 and ghost 7.5 versions. Didn't have any problem.
As a surprise I am looking myself for some answers on whether an image can be burned on a bootable dvd media. If you find any help, please let me know.....

Title: Re: Cloning and different versions of Ghost
Post by Notaclue on May 20th, 2005 at 12:32pm
Thanks Jack. :)
Yes will do.

I discovered if I rebooted from the Ghost 9 CD that it has an option for 'legacy' things. Haven't had time to check it further.


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