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Rad Community Technical Discussion Boards (Computer Hardware + PC Software) >> Norton Ghost 15, 14, 12, 10, 9, + Norton Save + Restore (NS+R) >> Backing up a Linux partition or disk - Help needed

Message started by ravital-n on Nov 19th, 2009 at 9:05pm

Title: Backing up a Linux partition or disk - Help needed
Post by ravital-n on Nov 19th, 2009 at 9:05pm
Hello all, and apologies in advance if this has been covered, I couldn't find any info on this.  Former expert on Norton Ghost 2001, new to NG 14.0

Using Norton Ghost 14.0 - Windows XP Pro 64, installed fine, all running.

I want to create a backup of a Linux system - maybe write it to DVD or even USB drive. 

From Windows, running NG 14.0, I can add the linux computer through the network connections setup, but since it's not a Windows machine and doesn't have the RPC service that NG is looking for, I can't deploy the Norton "agent" required, so that option is out. 

Booting the Linux machine with the original NG 14.0 CD works fine, but there is no menu that I can find that will let me create a backup or clone a partition or the entire disk.

NG 14.0 docs say this supports Linux with Ext3 partitions.  Does that mean that it can write TO Ext3 partitions, or read from and create backups of Ext3 partitions?  Silly, I know, but I never expected to be able to install/run NG on Linux, just to be able to make a backup of a partition or the whole disk.

If there is a way to do what I'm trying to do, I would appreciate a quick howto, because the manual (printed or PDF) doesn't talk about it.

Thanks in advance and best regards

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