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Message started by NightOwl on Nov 22nd, 2012 at 2:26pm

Title: Touch Screen Monitors--is it just me, or do others have a problem...
Post by NightOwl on Nov 22nd, 2012 at 2:26pm
To all

Well, with the release of Windows 8, and its attempt to *unify* the digital experience with handheld smart devices (Windows Phone, Surface Tablet) and the desktop PC, is anyone else bothered by the whole concept of reaching out, and smearing your fingerprints all over your monitor?

A couple months ago, I was at a conference at a University--in one of their large lecture halls.  And the lectures were coordinated with WiFi access to the lecture syllabus and presentation photos, etc.  So, there were all these attendees across the hall with their smart phones, tablets, etc., and when the lights were turned to about half brightness, I could see on everyone of the devices, a vertical and horizontal pattern of smudged fingerprints on the display where the icons are located to be *touched* to launch an app of one kind or another.

Ever since I began computing, I have always asked others not to reach out and *touch* the screen to point out what they want me to see!  I just end up having to clean the screen--again! 

With the advent of digital photography, I tried even harder to admonish folks not to tough the screen!  We talk about all these mega pixels of resolution that we *have to have* when considering a camera purchase for the best quality picture--and now we're being told to reach out and *touch* (smudge!) our monitors!  Why bother *photoshopping* a picture to make it *better* if all you're going to do is look at it through all that smeared mess?!

I do not have a touch screen monitor.  I purposely put more dollars into purchasing an above average monitor so I would get the *best* quality picture to look at on that monitor--because--guess what--your major interaction with a computer is looking at that damn monitor!

I was curious if Apple had jumped to using touchscreen technology and found this brief article--read some of the replies after the article--they make some of the points that are a *negative* as far as using touchscreens on a desktop--especially for any productivity in the workplace.....but, there are supporters too:   Is the Touch Screen Mac Coming Any Time Soon?

And here's another discussion about the usability of Windows 8:  Windows 8 — Disappointing Usability for Both Novice and Power Users

I don't think I'm going to move up to Windows 8 anytime soon.  I really don't want to ever have a touch screen desktop monitor!  Smart phone, iPhone, iPad, Kindle or other small handheld devise--sure--maybe!

Title: Re: Touch Screen Monitors--is it just me, or do others have a problem...
Post by Dan Goodell on Nov 28th, 2012 at 9:49pm
I'm with you, NightOwl.

I had a tablet (Nook, which I rooted and rom'd from an e-reader into a regular android tablet), but found I really don't care for tablets.  I can't stand typing on the screen instead of a real keyboard, and if I'm going to keep my laptop why do I need a tablet?  I gave it to my adult son, who's getting much more use out of it.

I have a smartphone because it can do what tablets do but fits in my pocket, which makes it a nice adjunct to my laptop.  Though, I do find myself compulsively wiping it all day long to keep it clean.  (Okay, I'll admit I may be a bit OCD.)

I have an older Kindle, which I love because it's *not* touch-screen.  I like not having to worry about where I touch or how I hold it.  (It also has a matte screen that doesn't pickup fingerprints like glossy screens.)

As for Macs, Apple's leading the way in this undesirable direction.  They're ahead of Microsoft in merging their desktop and mobile OS's into a common iOS, and that necessarily means the hardware has to be heavily touch-enabled.  To go along with that, Macs are becoming (like the iPhone) non-repairable throwaway devices with soldered in RAM, soldered in SSD, and glued in batteries, and you won't be able to install your own programs anymore because (like the iPhone) you'll only be able to install what Apple lets you from Apple's app store.  This is the business model Microsoft wants to copy with the Surface and Windows 8 RT because it made Apple filthy rich.

Title: Re: Touch Screen Monitors--is it just me, or do others have a problem...
Post by roxe on Sep 25th, 2013 at 11:57am
@ Dan Goodell

I see you are in N Cali... that's the GOOD end of the state :)    (Born and raised there...)

S Idaho is ok... just don't like all the arsenic in the dirt...
and they grow their "famous" potatoes in it - :o
On thread topic...
I've tried touch screens in the stores... don't like them either... mouses are better [smiley=wink.gif]

Title: Re: Touch Screen Monitors--is it just me, or do others have a problem...
Post by NightOwl on Sep 25th, 2013 at 7:09pm
@ roxe

just don't like all the arsenic in the dirt...

Is the arsenic naturally occurring, or a contaminant from mining--isn't that a by product of gold and copper mining?

S Idaho is ok...

Where abouts--Boise, Mtn Home, Twin Falls, Burley, Am. Falls, Pocatello, Idaho Falls ....???? 

Somewhere along the Snake River basin....or elsewhere?

Title: Re: Touch Screen Monitors--is it just me, or do others have a problem...
Post by roxe on Sep 26th, 2013 at 12:15pm
@ NightOwl

Is the arsenic naturally occurring,

Naturally occurring...

Where abouts--Boise, Mtn Home, Twin Falls, Burley, Am. Falls, Pocatello, Idaho Falls ....???? 

Near Boise...

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