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Message started by Sean McBrien on Sep 6th, 2005 at 12:54pm

Title: Norton Ghost
Post by Sean McBrien on Sep 6th, 2005 at 12:54pm
Hi Guys and Gals,

I work for an organisation with people coming and going all the time, everytime someone leaves, their PC is formatted and rebuilt.

Luckily I have images of each build for every Pc the organisation has. I use a Network Bootable Disk and DOS to login onto a server that has all the ghost files in a shared folder including the ghost images.

At the minute I have to cycle about 5 different batch files which asks me what to do, from formatting, partitioning, which make and model of pc etc. I was wondering is there a way for to run a batch file which will look up a certain detail and then figure out that this is the correct computer, I know I could use the MAC address since it is unqiue for each PC, but that means  a lot of If statements, around 1000 possibly and getting a hold of all these MAC addresses could be a bit of a pain.

Is there another option that will give another method which could possible be referred to that I could use to tell that a certain PC is indeed a Dell GX260 or a Fujitsu Siemens N600.

Any suggestions welcome!

Sean McBrien

Title: Re: Norton Ghost
Post by Rad on Sep 6th, 2005 at 2:35pm
Moved to the Low Rad Board for more exposure.

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