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Rad Community Technical Discussion Boards (Computer Hardware + PC Software) >> Cloning Programs (Except Norton Ghost) >> BING 2

Message started by Brian on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 12:08pm

Title: BING 2
Post by Brian on Dec 3rd, 2010 at 12:08pm
From the TeraByte Unlimited newsgroup...

"It's coming along.... It will be tight to release Jan 1 but should be doable for a .00 release. (if not it will be within a week or two).

As far as new stuff, most of that will be coming in future versions although some items will be apparent.  There are lots of behind the scenes changes that remove the limits the V1 version ran into and some long standing issues improved like rollback with data only enabled.    The imaging will be a GUI version of Image for DOS launched from the main desktop.  The purchase will include Image for DOS (not Image for Linux) with the option to include it during installation (so it will be considered two separate programs (encryption CCATS stuff already exists for IFD))."

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