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Message started by Mr Moose on Sep 4th, 2012 at 2:33pm

Title: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 4th, 2012 at 2:33pm
I'm doing a clean install of Win7 64 and moving to a Intel 520 SSD hard drive.
Are there any issues with Ghost 15?
I haven't even looked, but as long as I'm here, any need to deactivate the old copy?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 4th, 2012 at 3:38pm
@ Mr Moose

I have a 120 GB Intel 520 SSD. Bought it 6 weeks ago just before the price drop.

No problems with Ghost. Why don't you transfer your Win7 to the SSD? That could save you a lot of installing.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 4th, 2012 at 3:57pm
I picked up a virus some where, and I don't trust my image, and I just installed Lightroom 4 and Photoshop cs6 extended.
It was suggested to me that with the SSD there could be a problem with a partition alinement (what ever that means) from a image taking from my old drive, and that it would be better to do a clean install, and load all of my important software and first make a clone on a stand alone drive. Then load all of the rest of the less important software and then start to make new images on my image backup drive.
Not sure if it's good advice or not, but it wouldn't be a bad thing, just time consuming.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 4th, 2012 at 4:19pm

Mr Moose wrote on Sep 4th, 2012 at 3:57pm:
I picked up a virus some where, and I don't trust my image


Do you plan to have Win7 and WinXP on the SSD? Or just Win7?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 4th, 2012 at 4:29pm
Just Win7 64 on the SSD for now as I don't use Winxp very often any more, but I do have one need for it, and that's when I want to print longer than 37.25" on my Epson 3800 printer.
There isn't enough room on the ssd for a duel boot. So at some point I will need Winxp  Still have images that will be saved.      

Radified Community Forums

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 4th, 2012 at 4:35pm
You could have your SSD and the old HD in the computer. That's what I've done. BIBM will boot all your OS on each drive.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 5th, 2012 at 8:26am


The fact the Winxp was a hidden partition when I got the virus, do you think its OK? I could just format the Win7 partition (this is on a 1TB drive) And just leave Winxp alone.
What does BIBM mean?
It would be nice to setup another duel boot like I had before, so the two dives are hidden from each other.
Now I have the donating task of finding all of my old software for the clean install, a lot of it my be in my email which is on a sever here at work, only because thats where my email started, and were allowed to use it for personal use ( I work for a University) but I do have a Gmail account as well, for stuff like picture sales that wouldn't be appropriate on my other account.   

Brian wrote on Sep 4th, 2012 at 4:35pm:
You could have your SSD and the old HD in the computer. That's what I've done. BIBM will boot all your OS on each drive.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 5th, 2012 at 3:33pm
@ Mr Moose

BIBM is BootIt Bare Metal. I know you have BootIt NG and I thought you were going to upgrade to BIBM.

If WinXP was hidden it should have been safe from the virus. I assume BING or BIBM is installed on your current HD. Leave it there. It doesn't have to be moved to the SSD. When ready you could delete the old Win7 partition and create a new partition in its place. You could boot WinXP from the old HD and Win7 from the SSD. Keep each hidden from the other as you did before. In Boot Edit you will need to tick the Swap option as WinXP will not be on HD0. The SSD will be HD0.

One piece of advice. Make sure the SSD is plugged into SATA port 0. I had mine plugged into port 2 for a few hours and I couldn't work out why my OS took 5 minutes to boot.

When installing Win7 to the SSD, use this tutorial.

Installing Windows 7 to its Own Primary Partition (video) on...


Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 5th, 2012 at 4:06pm
One thing I forgot to mention, it was suggested that I add a SATA III adapter card as my PC is old. Here's I link to it, let know what you think? It has two SATA III ports that both come up as port zero. Its installed and I can boot with it.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 5th, 2012 at 4:17pm
@ Mr Moose

Sounds great. I should get one. I'm using a SATA II motherboard.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 6th, 2012 at 12:35pm
Check out this link for a lengthy discussion I had about my SSD, you might find some useful info, let me know what you think. 


Brian wrote on Sep 5th, 2012 at 4:17pm:
@ Mr Moose

Sounds great. I should get one. I'm using a SATA II motherboard.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 6th, 2012 at 4:29pm
@ Mr Moose

Good thread. I asked similar questions before my purchase. Several people said don't worry about the SATA II motherboard as despite the benchmarks, practically I wouldn't notice a difference in performance.

When you create the primary partitions on your SSD with BootIt, make sure BootIt is set for "Align on 2048 Sectors". It's in Settings. You don't want Legacy Cylinder Aligned partitions on the SSD.   

Edit... My PC is a 2006 model too. A Dell 9150. I help friends set up their new computers and I'm reassured when their computers aren't much faster than mine. Recently a mate bought a $7000 Dell T5500 Precision Workstation and I'm glad it wasn't my money as there wasn't much performance difference from mine. Doing basic tasks anyway.

Edit... regarding the 3 1/2" adapter. I used that and installed the SSD in an empty floppy drive/Zip bay. It's nice that Intel supplies cables too.

Edit... The BootIt method (as in that video) of installing an OS consists of..
Creating a primary partition
Creating a Boot Edit Item (includes hiding relevant partitions)
Try to boot the Boot Item. It won't boot of course as there is no OS but this sets the primary partition Active.
Boot from the Win7 disc and do a custom install into the primary partition.

Edit... You already know about the Intel Toolbox. I'd also get the latest Intel RSTL driver after you have installed Win7.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 7th, 2012 at 10:49am
Your getting a little ahead of me.
What I've read up to this point is that Intel 520 is ready to go, just plug SATA cable to one of the ports on the adapter card, plug in the power cable, boot to the Win7 64 Ultimate disc. 
I would assume that port zero on the Mother board won't have anything plugged into it, in fact would I want any of my drives connected to the MB while I load the OS?
I can't find my copy of Bootit NC either, but it should be registered.
In the past you've helped me out more than once, and I really appreciate that, and I'm ready to listen to what you have say in regards to my upcoming clean install on my new SSD. I know more about computers than the average guy,  but I'm no expert, and just doing a clean install is a bit intimidating.   

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 7th, 2012 at 1:33pm
@ Mr Moose

Mr Moose wrote on Sep 7th, 2012 at 10:49am:
n fact would I want any of my drives connected to the MB while I load the OS?

Good point. Disconnect all except the SSD.

Mr Moose wrote on Sep 7th, 2012 at 10:49am:
I can't find my copy of Bootit NC either, but it should be registered.

Log into...


If you are entitled to a BIBM upgrade it will be in the list. If it isn't there BING V1.87 is the latest BING. But you may have that version installed on your HD anyway. Can you let me know your BING/BIBM status?

We'll help you with the clean install. It will be EASY. Easier than WinXP.

Edit... Upgrades to BIBM are free if you purchased BING after July 1 2009 and as your purchase date was 2010 you are fine.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 7th, 2012 at 2:33pm
I will go to the link you gave me tomorrow, I have a laptop that's clean, at least antivirus says so, I can download from there.
I sure the software is on my desktop, but I can't trust that.
I just found the email from Terabyte With the order ID dates back to 8-5-10 I should be good to go. So I should be looking for the BIBM upgrade, yes.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 7th, 2012 at 2:47pm
@ Mr Moose

Yes, it's BootIt Bare Metal (GUI), V1.11

Download it and when you are ready I can help with further instructions.

Edit... how to make a CD

unzip the download
double click makedisk.exe, next
dot in BootIt Bare Metal, next
dot in I accept the agreement, next
tick Image for DOS (GUI)
tick Scripting Support, next
dot in Mouse Support Enabled, next
dot in VESA Video, next
dot in Video Mode 1024*768 - 64K Colors, next
dot in Normal, next
don't choose any Device Options, next
tick in Enable USB 1.1 (UHCI), next
tick in Align partitions on 2048 Sectors
tick in Use Windows 7 MBR, next
ignore Additional bootitbm.ini Options, next
enter your BM license details
select your CD burner drive letter (you can use a CD-RW or a CD-R disc)

Can you just confirm when you start your desktop you see the BING Boot Menu with Win7 and WinXP choices.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Rad on Sep 8th, 2012 at 12:01am
Interesting. Drooling.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 8th, 2012 at 4:45pm
Downloaded BootIt Bare Metal (GUI), V1.11. I also downloaded the WinZip free 45day trial to my laptop, I have it on my desktop, I paid for that license, be I don't trust my desktop because of the possible virus.
Thank for the instructions, I can do this my laptop, yes.
I remember doing this the last time with Bootit NC, but I seem to remember having problem, but your instructions seem clear.
Once I have the disc made, I will report back Monday. Hope to be ready to start the clean install.
Thanks, Bill
aka, Mr Moose.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 8th, 2012 at 5:12pm

"Can you just confirm when you start your desktop you see the BING Boot Menu with Win7 and WinXP choices."

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 8th, 2012 at 6:31pm
Yes, when I restart, and after the Dell splash screen, I still get the choice to boot to Win7 or WinXp.
Can I make the disc per your instructions on my laptop?
I should still have the boot disc I made two years ago as well
You talk about Bing as well as Bootit NC and BIBM, what is the difference between them, I remember the first two, but that was two years ago. 

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 8th, 2012 at 6:45pm

Yes, make the CD in your laptop.

BING = BootIt NG
BIBM = BootIt Bare Metal

BIBM is a big improvement on BING. Better suited to SSDs and Win7 OS.

OK. After you have created your BIBM CD you will need to upgrade BING on your desktop to BIBM. It's easy.

boot the desktop from the BootIt BM CD
Setup... click OK to upgrade BING to BIBM and put a tick in Remove the BootIt NG Files after upgrading, click OK
Setup... Click OK to begin
Setup... click OK to Setup completed successfully
click Close
Setup... Remove the boot CD and click OK to restart
BM will boot and you should see your old Boot Menu
click Maintenance
click Boot Edit and then choose Edit (for your two boot items) to confirm everything is correct. It should be. click OK

What are your plans for the Win7 partition (that you don't trust) on the HD? Would you like to delete it?

The SSD installation comes later but what size would you like the Win7 partition to be on the SSD? Do you plan to have another partition on the SSD or just the Win7 partition?

What size is the Win7 partition on your current HD? How much free space is present, roughly?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 8th, 2012 at 9:37pm
I just reviewed your Disk Management screenshot from May. The Win7 partition was 149 GB with 71 GB free space.

Edit... What size is your SSD?

Edit... How many of your HDs are internal?

Sorry for all the questions but I don't want to offer bad advice by not understanding your system.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 10th, 2012 at 3:15pm
Hi Brian,
I'm about about to unzip the down loaded BIBM,  file with Winzip, but winzip used have the option to extract to a location of my choice, which in this case was a folder I made on my decktop, that option isn't there, how do I proceed?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 3:31pm

I right click the zip file, slide down to WinZip and choose the third choice in the pop out menu. The extracted folder will be in the same folder as the zip file. Then you can move the extracted folder to where ever you like.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:10pm
I did right click on the file, it opens in my trail version of WinZip, it way different to me. I pretty sure I need to send file to a folder. I was going send a srceen shot, but I don't how do it on this laptop. I see a option in winZip to send to. I'm sort of lost with out my desktop. 

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:21pm

My method extracts to a folder. The third choice will be "Extract to folder ...."

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:29pm
Brian, here's srceen shot
Untitled.jpg (145 KB | 774 )

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:32pm
Thanks Bill. Which OS are you using? I don't open WinZip at all so I don't see what you have posted. I just right click bootitbm_en.zip, etc.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:41pm

I don't use WinZip anymore. Too bloated. I prefer 7-Zip.


If you continue to have trouble with WinZip, uninstall it and use the free 7-Zip.

7-Zip 9.20 (2010-11-18) for Windows:

Install it and right click the zip file, slide down to 7-Zip and choose the fourth choice in the pop out menu. (Extract to "bootitbm_en\"     )

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:43pm
Brian, OK, I found how extract to folder, my mistake was to open in WinZip. I now have the file in its own folder in my desktop. Now I have to brake for dinner, how much longer will you be online? I should be back 1.5 hours.
I should now be able to follow your instructions, Will see when I get back.
Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 5:50pm

You now have to make a CD and install BIBM on your HD as I outlined above. After that's done you are just about ready to install Win7. I won't get ahead of you so I'll wait until you have installed BIBM and answered my questions from earlier posts.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 10th, 2012 at 7:37pm

Well I've made the boot disc, don't have time to try tonight, will get back you tomorrow.
Going to watch Football, its been a long day.
Thanks Bill.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 10th, 2012 at 8:00pm

You still have several questions to answer from Replies #20 and #21. I need to know the answers.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 11th, 2012 at 10:44am

Brian wrote on Sep 8th, 2012 at 6:45pm:

Yes, make the CD in your laptop.

BING = BootIt NG
BIBM = BootIt Bare Metal

BIBM is a big improvement on BING. Better suited to SSDs and Win7 OS.

OK. After you have created your BIBM CD you will need to upgrade BING on your desktop to BIBM. It's easy.

boot the desktop from the BootIt BM CD
Setup... click OK to upgrade BING to BIBM and put a tick in Remove the BootIt NG Files after upgrading, click OK
Setup... Click OK to begin
Setup... click OK to Setup completed successfully
click Close
Setup... Remove the boot CD and click OK to restart
BM will boot and you should see your old Boot Menu
click Maintenance
click Boot Edit and then choose Edit (for your two boot items) to confirm everything is correct. It should be. click OK

What are your plans for the Win7 partition (that you don't trust) on the HD? Would you like to delete it?

The SSD installation comes later but what size would you like the Win7 partition to be on the SSD? Do you plan to have another partition on the SSD or just the Win7 partition?

What size is the Win7 partition on your current HD? How much free space is present, roughly?


Sorry for not answering. The drive that Win7 and Winxp  and Bootit, there are 3 partitions, and that drive is 1 TB with lots of unallocated space.
I want to get rid of (formant) the Win7 partition.
On the SSD my plan was a single partition, this is a 240 GB drive.
Currently there are 4 drives, 3 inside, with a forth out side with a eSATA connection to the MB, drive zero (c:) is the boot drive, drive 1 (F) is 2TB data drive that has 3 partitions, (F:- H:- G:) drive 2 (a single partition) a scratch drive for Photoshop, drive 3 (O:) is the eSATA our side the case that backs up drive 1(F:)
There are two more external USB drives
that backup G: H: there are 3 more backup drives off site.
There is one other dedicated drive that's  a Clone of the OS and important software, that's taken after a clean install. 
There is one more drive for Ghost images, is only used when I make a new image.
The clone sits in my desk and doesn't get used unless needed, Ghost backup also sits unused, and is used only for images.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 11th, 2012 at 12:10pm

Thanks. I'm clear now.

OK. You have BIBM installed and are ready to go. Make sure you can boot WinXP OK. Power off.

Remove all external HDs
Install your SSD
Boot into BIBM (click Maintenance on the Boot Menu window)
Click Partition Work
Leave the Bus as BIOS for all the following procedures
BIBM should see the SSD as Drive 0
Click the drop down arrow for Drives and choose the drive that contains your Win7 and WinXP partitions
Select the Win7 partition and click Delete. In the Conform Delete box click Yes and don't add any ticks. Leave the area as Free Space for the time being

Close Work with Partitions and click Settings. On the right side you should have a tick in Align on 2048 Sectors. It MUST be there.
click OK out of Settings

click Partition Work again. Your SSD is Drive 0 and is showing as Free Space
Select the Free Space and click Create
Name it Win7_SSD or your favourite name
File System NTFS
accept the Size - MB
leave everything else alone
click OK, OK again for Auto Cluster size, OK again for Format summary.

Close Work with Partitions and click Boot Edit
Select your Win7 Menu Item and click Delete
Select your WinXP Menu Item and click Edit
In the MBR Details area select the Win7_SSD partition and click Hide
On the left side of the window put a tick in Swap. (this is the first of the two Swaps). You don't want the Swap in One Time Option
click OK

You are back on the Boot Menu window
click Add
On the left side
It should be HD 0
Identity field, name it Win7_SSD or your favourite name
click the drop down arrow for Boot and choose the Win7_SSD partition
choose an Icon
put a tick in Default
On the right side (MBR Details)
select the WinXP partition and click Hide
click OK, click OK again

You are now on the BIBM desktop
click Resume
select Win7_SSD in the Boot Menu and click Boot
You will get a message similar to "This partition does not contain an operating system....."
(this procedure sets the Win7_SSD partition Active)
power off the computer

Disconnect all internal HDs except for the SSD

Boot from the Win7 DVD
Install Windows, next
Install now
select Win7 OS
I accept
choose Custom (advanced) install
select the Win7_SSD partition
you should see
Disk 0 Partition 1:Win7_SSD    224 GB  224 GB    System  (If it says Primary instead of System it is not Active)
Ignore these....Load Driver and Drive options (advanced)
next, that's it, Win7 is being installed

Any questions?

Let me know when Win7 is working properly and we'll think about the other HDs.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 11th, 2012 at 2:01pm
I'm trying to print your instructions by copy and paste into notepad, but its not working, it wants to print hundreds of pages with just a single word on each page

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 11th, 2012 at 2:40pm
Printing problem solved, something on my end.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 11th, 2012 at 3:40pm

Brian wrote on Sep 8th, 2012 at 6:45pm:

Yes, make the CD in your laptop.

BING = BootIt NG
BIBM = BootIt Bare Metal

BIBM is a big improvement on BING. Better suited to SSDs and Win7 OS.

OK. After you have created your BIBM CD you will need to upgrade BING on your desktop to BIBM. It's easy.

boot the desktop from the BootIt BM CD
Setup... click OK to upgrade BING to BIBM and put a tick in Remove the BootIt NG Files after upgrading, click OK
Setup... Click OK to begin
Setup... click OK to Setup completed successfully
click Close
Setup... Remove the boot CD and click OK to restart
BM will boot and you should see your old Boot Menu
click Maintenance
click Boot Edit and then choose Edit (for your two boot items) to confirm everything is correct. It should be. click OK

What are your plans for the Win7 partition (that you don't trust) on the HD? Would you like to delete it?

The SSD installation comes later but what size would you like the Win7 partition to be on the SSD? Do you plan to have another partition on the SSD or just the Win7 partition?

What size is the Win7 partition on your current HD? How much free space is present, roughly?


How do I know everything is correct?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 11th, 2012 at 3:55pm

click Boot Edit and then choose Edit (for your two boot items) to confirm everything is correct. It should be. click OK

You can omit this as you are going to delete Win7 and view WinXP in Boot Edit later.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 11th, 2012 at 7:55pm

I tried to boot to the disc, the first thing that shows up is this
Enter Product Key

Enter the image for Dos product key (leaving the name blank) or the Bootit bare Metal name and product key from your purchase receipt.

I did this, and I get a error,

Invalid Name or  key

I don't anymore time tonight talk with you tomorrow.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 11th, 2012 at 9:22pm

You must have entered incorrect Product numbers when you made the CD. Get the numbers from here....


When you enter your BM license details there is a Name and a Key field. Copy/Paste rather than type. See how the new CD works.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 13th, 2012 at 7:59am

I'll give it another try over the weekend, I'll report back.
Thanks, Bill

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 13th, 2012 at 8:48pm

I saw this....

Add-on SATA 6Gb/s controllers vs Native SATA 3Gb/s:
I suggest you use the onboard SATA instead of using a PCIe card. PCIe cards add latency and are not really worth it just for SATA 3. You will hardly even notice the difference in use b/w SATA 6Gb/s and SATA 3Gb/s honestly, even 2 SSDs in RAID 0 there is hardly a difference in real world use.


If you have problems with the card at least we will know you weren't the first.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 17th, 2012 at 3:25am

All OK?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 17th, 2012 at 7:52pm
I'm sorry to report that my Girlfriends Mom pasted away Friday morning, shes down in Little Rock AR. I'm just now trying to remake the boot disc, didn't get anything done over the weekend, and its getting late to night.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 18th, 2012 at 2:21pm

Sorry to hear the bad news. My condolences.

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Mr Moose on Sep 18th, 2012 at 4:23pm
Thanks Brian, not sure when I'll get the time to continue with this project
I do have one question, looking back at Bootit NG purchase, there was something called a RegString1: RegString2: When I made the boot disc, I just used the Key, do I need a new RegString for RegString BIBM?

Title: Re: Moving to a Intel 520 SSD
Post by Brian on Sep 18th, 2012 at 4:44pm

The RegStrings aren't used with BIBM. When you make the CD there are two fields for your name and product key. Both of these items are on this page ...


Edit.... it's in this format.

John Smith

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