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Message started by Christer on Jun 14th, 2017 at 3:22pm

Title: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 14th, 2017 at 3:22pm
It seems like the option to "disable fast startup" as outlined here has been removed in version 1703. Does this mean that it no longer "hibernates" when shutting down or that the choice not to has been removed?

I edited the registry key "HiberbootEnabled" at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power

and changed the value to 0 but ... :-/ ... notice no difference.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 14th, 2017 at 6:05pm
@ Christer

I had a look at a fresh 1703 install. The menu has been changed slightly but you can still disable Fast Startup.

Right click the Start button
Power Options
Additional power settings (on the right side)
Choose what the power button does
Change settings that are currently unavailable

It's much easier to do from BIBM.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 15th, 2017 at 2:39am
Well, could it differ between Professional and Home? I'm running Home and don't have that option since 1703. (To be honest, I never checked while on the previous version.) See the attached JPG.
PowerOptions.jpg (129 KB | 949 )

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 3:00am
@ Christer

Correct. I have Pro. Standby and I'll install Home and check it.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 3:05am
Do you have Hibernation on?

powercfg -h on

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 3:29am
That was fast. I made the UFD and installed 1703 32-bit Home.

The menu is "almost" identical to Pro. There is a tick in "Turn on fast startup (recommended)"

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 15th, 2017 at 4:05am
Well ... :-[ ... it seems like I suffer from Alzheimer Light. At some point in time I must have disabled hibernation. Running the "powercfg -h on" command brought the option back:
PowerOptions2.jpg (151 KB | 998 )

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 15th, 2017 at 4:08am
My conclusion is that disabling Hibernation also disables Fast Startup (and Sleep).

Thanks Brian!

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 4:21am
Interesting. I did a test with Fast Startup enabled and writing data to a USB external HD from a WinPE. After a shutdown. When I booted into Windows all data on the USB external HD was unavailable as the partition was RAW.

I disable Fast Startup and Hibernation. This doesn't disable Sleep.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 15th, 2017 at 5:53am
Someone stated that "no two systems are exactly the same" and maybe that's true?

I run 64 bit Home 1703 but it shouldn't differ from 32 bit, I think.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 6:22pm
@ Christer

I looked at BIBM and disabled Fast Startup. This changes the Value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power from 1 to 0.

I next looked in Power Options and Fast Startup was still there but it was not selected.

Running powercfg -h off

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Brian on Jun 15th, 2017 at 6:28pm
removed Fast Startup from Power Options.

Title: Re: Windows 10 version 1703 and Fast Startup
Post by Christer on Jun 16th, 2017 at 3:25am
I believe our original discussion on this also noted that upgrading to a new version of W10, reset the Fast Startup to the recommended (ON) setting. This was avoided by the "powercfg -h off" (disabling hibernation) and it seems like it works ... ;) ... I just have to remember what I've done!

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