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› Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinserted
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Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinserted (Read 9077 times)
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Virginia, USA
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Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinserted
Aug 19
, 2006 at 6:01pm
Running Ghost 2003 on an XP-Pro PC, I used the Windows Ghost Basic mode to set up the DOS session to write the image to DVD. I selected "integrity check" and "Image password". I did NOT select "Assign drive letters to CD/DVD". After booting into PC DOS, entering a password and writing the image to DVD (it fit on one DVD), DOS Ghost displayed a message saying "Closing CD/DVD" and the DVD was ejected.
Then DOS Ghost reported "error accessing CD/DVD". (I guess it was trying to do an integrity check.) I closed the DVD tray with the DVD in it, but nothing happened when I clicked on "retry" button (the button on the "error accessing CD/DVD" pop-up). I retried several times & I'm pretty sure I waited long enough for the DVD to spin up.
Since the "retry" button was ineffective, I clicked on cancel button & then the PC DOS screen reappeared. From that menu, I selected "Retry" and then DOS Ghost re-started and asked me for a password. I assumed that it was about to re-write the image (but maybe it about to do the integrity check -- however there was no indication of what DOS Ghost was about to do). So I canceled out & then manually selected Local | Check | Image File. DOS Ghost asked for the password, I entered it, and the integrity check was successful.
After booting into Windows, Win Ghost automatically displayed a msg that the selected task completed with errors. The log says "Password not provided for protected file." and "ExecutionFailed" on the ImageCheckOperation.
The DVD is not bootable.
(1) What am I supposed to do after the image is written & the DVD is ejected & I reinsert it and get hung up at the "error accessing CD/DVD" message? Wait longer for the DVD to spin up? Per the log file, the elapsed time between the BeginTime and EndTime for the Image Check Operation (which failed) was 2 minutes and 27 seconds. In Windows, when I insert a blank DVD, Window recognizes it in less than 15 seconds.
(2) When I canceled out to PC DOS and retried & got the prompt for the password, was Ghost about to rewrite the image or about to verify the image?
(3) Why is the DVD not bootable? From what I have read on this Web site and from Symantec, it is supposed to be bootable automatically. But per the log file, the command line arguments were:
-wizard -chkimg,@CD[ID:2234281] -ghwrap
I would have expected to see the -BOOTCD switch.
(3a) I just now saw in the Ghost 2003 Guide that for the -bootcd switch you need a bootable floppy disk in drive A. I did not have one in my A drive. Is this the problem?
(4) Would it be better to NOT select "integrity check" in Win Ghost Basic and manually do the check later? For example, if the DVD is bootable, could I boot from the DVD do the integrity check from Ghost on that DVD?
-- AchingBack - Running Ghost 2003 on XP-Pro
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"I tought I saw a puddy
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Re: Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinse
Reply #1 -
Aug 20
, 2006 at 9:55am
Sounds like your user name should be *GhostUserMigraine* !
Since the "retry" button was ineffective, I clicked on cancel button & then the PC DOS screen reappeared.
I'm surprised the program didn't re-boot you to Windows *automatically* after it encountered an error state.
From that menu, I selected "Retry" and then DOS Ghost re-started and asked me for a password. I assumed that it was about to re-write the image (but maybe it about to do the integrity check -- however there was no indication of what DOS Ghost was about to do).
Ghost, when started from the Windows GUI, is running from a *script* file--so it may have been trying to complete the script, and perhaps do the integrity check--but, even if it was trying to *re-write* the image--unless you have a re-writeable disc--Ghost would not be able to access a one-write optical media and cause any harm--so it was *safe* as far as the image on the disc is concerned.
For a re-writeable, there would have to be an *erase* command sent--and to be honest--I've never tried Ghost with a re-writeable that has data on it already while running the *automated* image creation from the Windows GUI--so I don't know how Ghost would handle that. I do know that if you boot Ghost from a floppy or bootable optical media, and use re-writeable media, Ghost has a step where it asks for confirmation that you wish to *erase* the existing data on the disc.
After booting into Windows, Win Ghost automatically displayed a msg that the selected task completed with errors. The log says "Password not provided for protected file." and "ExecutionFailed" on the ImageCheckOperation.
Everything that happened after the disc was finalized and ejected, probably was not part of the error log file created by Ghost. As mentioned above--I would have thought Ghost would have automatically re-booted to Windows at that point--but, apparently it did not, and you were able to the additional things you outline *manually*--but, as far as Ghost's *script*--all those *manual* procedures did not happen!
The DVD is not bootable.
Hmmmm....that's weird--quoting from the User Guide, page 113, regarding the *Backup Wizard* in the Windows GUI:
When you create an image on CD/DVD, you can make the CD/DVD bootable.
The Backup Wizard does this automatically
There is *hidden* boot code that Ghost uses to make the optical media bootable when using the Windows Ghost GUI--don't know how that works because it happens *behind the scene*--probably a *boot ".img" file* embedded inside another file--I think I remember that Ghost shows in its log file that it calls a .bin, or .dat or .cab file of some kind when it's creating a bootable optical disc--so the code is not seen by the user.
(1) What am I supposed to do after the image is written & the DVD is ejected & I reinsert it and get hung up at the "error accessing CD/DVD" message?
I think you may be dealing with conflicting coding that Symantec did not correctly implement--how can you setup an *automated* process in the Windows GUI to create an image, and then next automatically test the Integrity of an image, if you (a) require a password to access the image, and (b) the coding for writing to optical media includes a *eject* command at the end of the writing! This can not be *automated* unless Ghost is going to *remember* the password during the script cycle, and has the ability to either not eject after the disc is finalized, or has the ability to *automatically* close the tray for the integrity check to take place!
I saw one posting in the past where there is a DOS command to close the optical drive's tray--but that is not in Ghost's capabilities--apparently!
(2) When I canceled out to PC DOS and retried & got the prompt for the password, was Ghost about to rewrite the image or about to verify the image?
Don't know--you would have to re-try that and let it run to see what it attempts to do! As mentioned above--if it's a one-write disc, then Ghost can't access it after it's *finalized*, and if it's a re-writeable--well, at least for testing purposes--no harm done if it erases the data--but, you would want to avoid that if you want the image data for the future!
(3a) I just now saw in the Ghost 2003 Guide that for the -bootcd switch you need a bootable floppy disk in drive A. I did not have one in my A drive. Is this the problem?
That switch will only apply if you use the DOS based Ghost, and not the Windows Ghost GUI. Having the boot floppy in the floppy drive again only applies if you have booted from a floppy disk to DOS. (By the way--if you boot from a bootable optical media that creates a *virtual* floppy A:\ drive--the DOS based Ghost will ask if you have your floppy disk in the A:\ drive--which of course you *can't*, because it's a *virtual* drive--but you simply click *OK* or *Continue*--can't remember which right now--and the DOS Ghost program will read and use the boot files in that *virtual* floppy A:\ drive to create a bootable optical media.)
(4) Would it be better to NOT select "integrity check" in Win Ghost Basic and manually do the check later?
For example, if the DVD is bootable, could I boot from the DVD do the integrity check from Ghost on that DVD?
You would have to do some experimenting to see what works! Your last statement above should work fine, except as you have already mentioned--it's not bootable!
If you eliminate the *password*--that might help. Or, instead, as you say--do the Integrity check separately. You can do the Integrity test from the Windows GUI--but, with a password--I suspect you will have to enter that somewhere in the process--the Windows Ghost GUI would not *know* the password unless you have to enter it somewhere.
Report back with what you find out in troubleshooting your issues--it would be of interest!
No question is stupid ... but, possibly the answers are
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Posts: 12
Virginia, USA
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Re: Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinse
Reply #2 -
Aug 20
, 2006 at 6:32pm
NightOwl, I really appreciate the time you took to read & reply to my posting. You were right when you said my user name should be GhostUserMigrane, but from exploring postings on this forum, I think that Ghost has been major migraine maker for a lot of people.
I re-ran Ghost with a password and without image verification and the resultant DVD is also not bootable.
Ghost Explorer has problems reading both the first DVD (the one with a successful image verification) and second DVD I created (which was not verified, but was created without errors.) I've seen other postings in this forum about difficulties w Ghost Explorer, so maybe this is not evidence of a bad image.
After creating the second DVD (the one without image verification), the log showed that the arguments included "-bootcd=\ghost\bootcd.dat", but even so, the DVD is not bootable. I verified that I am set up to boot from this drive (a DVD ROM drive), by booting from the Norton SystemsWorks CD. When I aborted one of the DOS Ghost runs, I used PC DOS to view the contents of the virtual partition and saw a BOOTCD.DAT file.
Would I need to instead boot from the DVD/R/RW drive on which I created the DVD?
With Ghost Explorer, I get the error "Corruption in image file, or media not present -- not all files are shown" on both DVDs. In three out of 5 tries to explore the second DVD, I was not able to see any of the image contents. On one try I was able to see only the files in the root, but none of the files in subdirectories. I have 19 root folders but was able to see only one root folder in the left-hand panel of Ghost Explorer. On another try, I was able to see 4 root folders in the left-hand panel of Explorer.
In response to the "Spanned image difficult to view or restore" posting on July 18, 2006, regarding problems with Ghost Explorer reading files written originally to DVD, NightOwl stated: "Some folks who could not get Ghost Explorer to work found success ... using the regular Ghost program to restore the image to a large enough spare, slaved HDD, and then pulling the files off the spare HDD as needed using Windows Explorer or equivalent." FWIW, all 5 .GHO files on my DVD have the same time stamp (unlike the experience cited in the other thread).
In the "Norton Ghost 2003 Ghost Explorer Fault?" thread, NightOwl stated "The Ghost Explorer program has been reported to be less reliable than one would like."
In Ghost Explorer | View | Options, the Span split point 2048 Mb. The size of the .GHO files on DVD is 1,048,576 KB. I was able to see more files when I changed the split point to 1024, but still was not able to see all of them.
Both DVDs I created are indeed password protected as confirmed by Ghost Explorer which asks for the password. If I enter an incorrect password, Ghost Explorer says so & prompts me to retry.
The second DVD I created is one that I initially started writing to via Ghost, but aborted. A document downloaded from Symantec states "If you want to re-use a DVD+ RW or DVD- RW disc (that is, save a new image file that replaces the old image file), first use the DVD's utility software to wipe the disc." However, when I re-ran Ghost, it asked me if I wanted to overwrite it. I said "Yes" and the Ghost completed without error (per the Ghost log file).
I am using DVD+RWs. The first DVD I created 2 days ago was written to blank DVD.
-- AchingBack - Running Ghost 2003 on XP-Pro
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Virginia, USA
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Re: Error accessing DVD after ejected & reinse
Reply #3 -
Aug 22
, 2006 at 10:03pm
My 3rd DVD backup (like the first 2) is NOT bootable>
. In setting the options in the Windows GIU for the 3rd DVD, I selected no password and no verify. (The 1st Ghost was with both password and verify. The second was with password, but no verify.)
The log for this 3rd session says the arguments were:
-igb -bootcd=\ghost\bootcd.dat -z2 -imgdescfile=\ghost\imgdescp.txt -wizard "-clone,mode=create,src=
=[long text sting that looks like a disk ID or serial number]
,dst=@CD[ID:5372562]" -ghwrap
-bootcd is supposed to make this bootable
Is there anything wrong with these arguments?
What else can I try in order to make my Ghost DVD bootable?
-- AchingBack - Running Ghost 2003 on XP-Pro
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