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Site Moved to New Server (Read 45715 times)

Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Site Moved to New Server
Nov 28th, 2007 at 3:04pm


Your account is utilizing excessive resources, causing a significant degradation of services on the server. This is a shared environment and we can not allow one user to utilize the majority of the resources on a server as it affects all users adversely. Because of this, you have been temporarily moved to the Arneb server. A detail of the problem is shown below as:

CPU: 3.09 %
Memory: 1.68 %
Mysql: 0.1

Top processes:
Top Process %CPU 54.2 /usr/bin/perl -- YaBB.pl
Top Process %CPU 42.0 /usr/bin/perl -- YaBB.pl
Top Process %CPU 41.0 /usr/bin/perl -w mt-search.cgi

As per above usages your account is more suitable for a VPS or dedicated server, not a shared situation.

We moved you to Arneb first to solve the issue of the degraded service on the server and second as a courtesy in order to prevent any downtime on your site to allow you time to rectify the situation. Currently, your site is not suitable for a shared hosting environment.

Arneb is not a production server and is not guaranteed to run in the same manner as your old server nor will it support all functions you may have. This is a transitional server only and is not intended to be a permanent placement. Please make a decision on how you would like to proceed. Your account will be suspended if no other arrangements are made.

You may log into Arneb using http://Arneb.lunarservers.com/cpanel or https://Arneb.lunarservers.com:2083/ . You will not be able to log into Arneb using the Lunarpages main login page as the server is non-production and not available via that page.

You have the following options:

1. You may take steps to correct the problem. You will need to let the technician know the steps you took to correct the issue and get approval before being returned to a production server.

2.You may upgrade your package to our VPS hosting plan. For more information on the features and pricing, please see http://www.lunarpages.com/virtual-private-server/

3.You may upgrade your package to our Dedicated hosting plan. For more information on the features and pricing, please see http://www.lunarpages.com/dedicated-hosting/

Please note that the acceptable usage range for shuttle and voyager plans is 1.0% average %CPU or less, 1.0% average %Memory or less and Top Processes below 20%. Currently, your usage far exceeds this range at

CPU: 3.09 %
Memory: 1.68 %
Mysql: 0.1

Top processes:
Top Process %CPU 54.2 /usr/bin/perl -- YaBB.pl
Top Process %CPU 42.0 /usr/bin/perl -- YaBB.pl

4. You may look for a dedicated/VPS server or other hosting solution. Please remember that propagation takes up to seventy two (72) hours so if you decide on changing hosts you should allow enough time for propagation.

We value you as a customer and want to work with you toward a solution that is mutually beneficial. Please let us know as quickly as possible how you would like to proceed.
One of our representatives will contact to discuss the matter further. You may also reply to this ticket if you have any other concerns as well.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.
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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: Server moved
Reply #1 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 3:31pm

I've noted over the last week or two that the site's responsiveness has been degrading--long delays after clicking on a link.  I was going to mention it if it continued--but, I guess we have an answer now.

I'm guessing your host has been adding others to this *shared* server and they have finally over-loaded it when combined with your usage!

So, now they move *you* off the server--they'll probably add several more users to that server that will equal your usage--and they will be right back to the poor performance--what's their logic?  Probably just want to charge you more to reflect the usage--I guess that's what they're in business for!

Your account is utilizing excessive resources,

I guess that's a *good* thing!?  Must mean you are getting more traffic at the site--do the stats bear this out?

This is a shared environment and we  
can not allow one user to utilize the majority of the resources on a server  
as it affects all users adversely.

Strange tone they have chosen to take--as if *blaming* you for the usage--one would think they would want their clients to be successful--and as usage shows increases--then contact you to let you know something else needs to be done in the near future--rather than *we can not allow....*--Rad--you're *bad*--for having all that traffic--shame on you!

Just the wrong *tone*!

But, the responsiveness seems better now!


No question is stupid ... but, possibly the answers are Wink !
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #2 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 4:31pm
yeah, i am actually flattered that the site is causing usage problems, tho i can't help but wonder if they just want to generate more revenue, since virtual costs ~50/mo, and shared accts $10/mo .. and i've had the site 7 years and never once received a usage warning.

perhaps google - or one of the other search engines - sent one of their bots thru, to index,

i could upgrade the forum software to v2.2, which is supposed to be easier on server usage.

or i could move to another host .. i know how to that now.

i found particularly interesting their comment about site down-time should i move to another host, but propagation is required if i move to a virtual private server, too.

i know squat about VPS admin. Magoo said he could handle it, no prob.

would be cool experience-wise, but a little pricy for me.

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #3 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 4:38pm
i asked the boys at YaBB if they had any insight regarding this alleged problem.

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #4 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 4:40pm
What was that tweak we did after laoding YaBB 2.1?

I remember we discussed the idea of excessive server usage .. i think it was regarding search .. for a large number of .. something.

Anybody recall?

I recall 9999 .. something.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #5 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 4:57pm
Could be worse.

They *coulda* sent a memo saying:

"Dude, we noticed your account is generating absolutely NO server usage load AT ALL. Why do you even *have* a web site?

We can no longer in good conscience charge you any monthly fees. You sorry-a$$ site is henceforth hosted for FREE.=)"

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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: Server moved
Reply #6 - Nov 28th, 2007 at 5:10pm

I remember we discussed the idea of excessive server usage .. i think it was regarding search .. for a large number of .. something.

Anybody recall?

It was in the *Admin/Forum Configuration/Forum Settings*--near the bottom of the page--*Max messages returned on recent posts by user*--was set at 99999--I just changed it to 30!--see if it makes any difference!

We can no longer in good conscience charge you any monthly fees. You sorry-a$$ site is henceforth hosted for FREE.=)"

Right!--wishful thinking!


No question is stupid ... but, possibly the answers are Wink !
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #7 - Nov 29th, 2007 at 1:36pm
Because they listed the YaBB script *twice* .. I'm guessing that means *both* installs (both v2.1 and v1.4) are using too many resources. I am going to re-direct traffic from v1.4 to the new board and delete the old. That will eliminate one entire board, where search engines may still be indexing.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #8 - Nov 30th, 2007 at 11:51pm
Checking out Simple Machines Forum (SMF).

Magoo recommended. Very nice, so far.


Great site to compare forum features:


Wish I knew PHP. All are coded in PHP.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #9 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 10:23am


Thanks for the modifications & changings. Now, your account resource usage is normal; but, have to monitor in for next 48 hours, before we move it back to the original server.

The IP has been assigned to your account.

Please do let us know, if you encounter any issues.

Should you need any assistance or have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us back.

Thank you.
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Dan Goodell
Special Guest

Posts: 552
N California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #10 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 3:50pm
What "modifications & changings" (sic) do you think returned your account resource usage back to normal?  Eliminating the old board?  NightOwl's "max messages" tweak?  (Did you do anything else?)

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Dude! (Rad in SeaMonkey)

Posts: 104

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Re: Server moved
Reply #11 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 4:24pm
[Amish = Rad in SeaMonkey]

I really don't know. To be honest, I think the search engine spider left.

I'm sure NighOwl's tweak ("9999"to "30") helped, cuz we were discussing the possible ramifications back when we made it.

But if that tweak was a main culprit, I'm sure we would've heard about it much sooner.

A few months back, we had close to 300 users here, when Yahoo came to stay for a week or so, yet no usage warning.

I have also done some serious pruning of the user database .. deleting some 3,000 inactive users. Will be hacking more, cuz that will make any upgrade easier (to YaBB 2.2 or SMF or vBulletin or phpBB).

Seriously considering a move to Simple Machines, which is based on PHP/MySQL. Magoo says they tend to be more effiient, easier on server resources.

I also wanna prune some old threads, but I'm not sure which ones are still useful.

Haven't yet resolved the old forum, cuz figuring out the forwarding has proven more challenging than I expected. Seems that "forwarding" is a feature offered by some forums, but not YaBB v1.4.

The simple HTML forwarding methods haven't worked.
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Thumbs Up!

Posts: 1605
Bayou Country, USA

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Re: Server moved
Reply #12 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 9:16pm
Amish. wrote on Dec 1st, 2007 at 4:24pm:
"... I also wanna prune some old threads, but I'm not sure which ones are still useful..."

If it comes to that - and I do find the prospect very disquieting - I would suggest that in the very first round of elimination, all threads containing imbedded images make the cut.  Also, any thread containing examples of autoexec.bat, config.sys, et cetera files would warrant making the cut in my opinion.

El Pescador

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #13 - Dec 1st, 2007 at 9:51pm
The forum dates back to 2001 I think, which would make some posts very old.

Well, actually, the board itself is less than a year old. But the threads & posts were IMPORTED from the old board .. which dates back to 2001.

Not sure if I have the ability to sort by content. I think the archiving feature uses |date| as a sort parameter.

I still have more inactive users I can delete .. before I get to looking at threads, and the prospect of archiving some.
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Dan Goodell
Special Guest

Posts: 552
N California

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Re: Server moved
Reply #14 - Dec 2nd, 2007 at 3:10am
Re: "I have also done some serious pruning of the user database..."

I suppose that could have some effect, though perhaps minor.  If perl has to slog through a huge database every time it logs somebody in, I guess that could use more resources.

Re: NightOwl's tweak: "Max messages returned on recent posts by user"

Seems like that would only come into play if a user is doing a forum search--which I would think ought to be a minor component of overall CPU usage, relative to the rest of the forum activity.

Re: "...eliminate one entire board, where search engines may still be indexing."

I could imagine that being significant.  If the search robots are "reading" as many messages as the real users, that probably doubles resource usage, right?

But if that's the major culprit, it seems like you could restrict most of the web crawlers with the robots.txt file without eliminating the old board.  I.e., it seems you ought to be able to let the crawlers index the active messages, not index the old messages, yet keep the old messages available for manual searches.  I don't consider myself particularly adept at using the robots.txt file, but perhaps some of the more knowledgeable webmaster gurus could weigh in here.

Anyway, I'm curious because I use YaBB for a couple private forums--strictly low-traffic, so I can't imagine I'd ever run into such problems, but it would be interesting to know, nonetheless.  And I, too, have noticed everything else seems to be php these days, but I know perl and not php.

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