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Life - poem from Jose Hierro (Read 74948 times)

Always walking against
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #15 - May 18th, 2012 at 2:10pm
Well, the market's hitting all Spanish banks, but specially Bankia, which is a patchwork of 5 old regional savings banks.

My first piggy bank & savings account was from one of them, Caja Madrid, 45 years ago. It was a savings bank. but in the last 15 years ended up dumping it's huge potential with this whirlwind of crazy housing credits.

They've just had to sack the president of Bankia, (roughly a year in charge),  former vice-Prime Minister nine years ago, and runner up for presidential race then. But he lost, and had to readjust his profile. But his failure is our ruin.

The worst part of this is that he was supposed to sharpen up the scalpel and trim without mercy all the tumours that were dragging down the new bank, but dreams concerning huge banking fusions blinded him, and politic clash for power within the bank took him to this state. Anyway, he'll be well off; but (for sure) NOT as well as he expected.

Rumours about withdrawing dough from banks have been spread by 15 - M, in their crusade against financial institutions, but obviously what might scare people is stock's value plummeting. People have with drawled deposits from Bankia, but it's fate will be solely be determined by the market, and in the next few weeks. Unfortunately, this works like tides, if it gains momentum.....it may sweep everything.

So people are worried, of course, but panic has not begun - just yet.

This roller coaster is gaining speed......and the worst part of it is that the rails have been designed by the beneficiary of the disaster's insurance....and conducted by monkeys - or even worse, thugs disguised as monkeys. 

So, there will be more spine chilling news to come.

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Rad's non-Admin Test profile
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #16 - May 21st, 2012 at 1:54pm
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #17 - May 22nd, 2012 at 5:03pm
Well, I don't know where this Mathew gets his info. For sure, not from all kinds of people living here. And even if he really knew, then the article may not sound so striking as it does at first glance.

As in all crisis, the wealthy people are usually more worried about where to hide their money than if things cost 5% more or less.  Perhaps these people aren't spending as happily as before, just as a reflex to general situation, but they keep buying expensive cars, going to good restaurants and having good holidays, and in some ways, in an easier way. These people just feel the crisis as a far away breeze, and can only be concerned because their business is nowhere as profitable as it was - oh, my god,  what - a - pity!

People who make less money (but are still well off) and depend  specially on evading tax paying (remember, its perhaps more than 20 % of Spanish economy), are more affected. They have to calculate carefully what to do, because they can still stay afloat, but not forever.

90 % of the population are financially exhausted. In most cases, salaries have not increased for the last five years. If you work for the government, ALL salaries were reduced 5 %. Our electric, gas, and petrol bills HAVE raised (oh, boy, how they have). We roughly have have a 2 % annual inflation during the last 5 years, so if salary has raised about 3 % overall (not if you're a public worker, of course, its much worse), and you have to overcome a 10 % inflation.....it's a no brainer, your salary is, in fact, shrinking. Tax income HAS raised, VAT has been raised too.....I really don't know where the writer is looking at. Spreadsheets? Powerpoints? There is life boiling in the streets, you know.

Not to mention, of course, that all of the above is of NO interest if you directly have lost your job (and have little expectation of getting one again).

Part of the article is reasonable enough, regarding how people spend less  (sometimes to cut expenses, most times because they have to go back to reality and spend according to their income), and how Spanish economy could partially recover if we were able to control our own currency. But, he SHOULD explain, that what Argentina did (called CORRALITO - to stop external debt payments, block most cash transactions & withdrawals, and devalue their currency, hence like surrounding your country with a huge economic wall) can only be done when you have full economic control of the country.

We don't. We thrust ourselves in the arms of Germany & France, and now, have to live begging for their crumbs - no tears for that (like most of the Greeks do), we asked for it. UK, Sweden, and a few other countries refused to join the Euro currency. It was clear UK was going to continue using their tax havens, so only a fool would think that they would let that juicy chunk out of their control - and even without these, they are NEVER going to abandon the control of their currency!

Having nothing to do with this crisis, Spain has been fighting against a model of  "cheap" tourism , masses who come to Spain for holidays, really spend little money here. But it's not easy.  Quality should be a must, because there is so much good to offer, but it is impossible to make it dirt cheap. Food at restaurants is perhaps 5% down on most things, but do people really think about that when choosing a destiny? There is no way you can lower prices beyond that level, unless there is a general downsize in every aspect.

So, I'm afraid there will be no extra cheap holidays here in Spain. The part we could control, hotel rates -  have not sunk, they are roughly the same. With just a 25 % vacancy, you cannot expect to dump prices on the 75 % who do come.  You cannot expect to reduce service's wages much further than that 5-10 %, even considering  high unemployment; it ends up affecting quality of service.

Besides the economy blurb, and talking about something serious  Wink, a plate of good paella can be as cheap as 15 €. (Of course if you drop in lobsters and giant clams, it can rise up to the 40 €, just like there are 500 $ bottles of wine, or a cup of coffee at certain hotels might be 10 $ ). It really is a mystical dish. When done the right way, to the exact point, just  after a dip at the sea, (lips still salty),  with a fine bottle of white wine and in company of good friends, it's a kind of communion (please take it as the original meaning of the word, which comes from a group of people participating, sharing, communicating; no religious intention here).

But even if you eat it alone, during the winter, if you are lucky enough to have it correctly cooked to be worthy of its name, you'll never forget it. Don't know if many of you have had the opportunity to taste one of these- it's not always easy, even here. You have to use the right pan, quality ingredients, and the exact time of cooking. There is a chap in the States; Jose Andrés, who seems to be making a crusade of on it, I believe he's even been to the White House with Obama. If you have the chance to watch him, he's really good explaining its making. Please be aware that paella can take many, many variations and ingredients; and most of them make a delicious meal, but  the right ingredients, including rice, are the key to reaching excellence. 

So, if you happen to come to Spain, and looking forward to eating paella, you can afford to eat it nearly everyday - fresh fish & meat are far more expensive. But there are so many other wonderful things to eat, it would be a pity not to  give them a try too. You just have to be a bit open minded  - you won't regret it.

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Sufferin' succotash

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Newport Beach, California

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #18 - May 25th, 2012 at 8:33pm
this says catalonia is the richest area. do you live there?


have you see the woody allen movie titled 'vivky, christina barcelona'?

set in spain.

i loved it

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Sufferin' succotash

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Newport Beach, California

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #19 - May 26th, 2012 at 12:06am
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Always walking against
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #20 - May 27th, 2012 at 4:34am
No, Madrid is right in the centre.

Catalonia is in the north east, in the border with France, with the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean Sea at the sides. it is the most "European" part of Spain, and a country on its own, whether we (the rest of Spain) like it or not.

It is rich, with fertile lands, good merchants and hard working people - but never forgetting their huge love for culture and art. Cannot help but recommend it to anyone, it is SO easy to fall in love with its magic!

That being said, they have exactly the same kind of problems as the rest - a bit less (but still very important) on the banking side, a bit more on the regional finance hole - they've also have spent so much more than they can afford....

Haven't seen the film, but I'm sure Woody has taken advantage of a marvellous scenery. But remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And as for Bankia, during the first week of May it was clear things were going to show up....what really makes no sense is how they let its exchange plunge during 3 weeks, to suspend them NOW.  It is just another chapter on how our politicians are "strangely" incompetent; we can never trust what dark intentions there are behind each act.....let's hope they can finally get through that law making politicians pay for they mistakes when administrating public wealth.

Keep an eye on France and Germany. There's going to be a clash there with how to deal with Greece....that will strike the rest of Europe.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #21 - May 27th, 2012 at 3:12pm
Figment wrote on May 27th, 2012 at 4:34am:
it is the most "European" part 

I have heard the term 'European' before. Can you explain precsely what the term means?
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Sufferin' succotash

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Newport Beach, California

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #22 - May 27th, 2012 at 3:16pm
Figment wrote on May 27th, 2012 at 4:34am:
Keep an eye on France and Germany. There's going to be a clash there with how to deal with Greece

What are your feelings on how this will play out? .. seeing you are so much closer than me.
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Always walking against
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #23 - May 27th, 2012 at 7:30pm
It’s a kind of expression mostly used by Mediterranean countries. Atlantic & Centre Europe, Nordic countries, England, Northern Italy (for example, the Lombards some of which are talking about independence). Cold, serious Europe. Organized. Reliable. Clockwork. Developed. All work and no fun. No one on the street at nine o’clock. Lunch in 30 minutes. It’s all a matter of culture. A bit exaggerated; think about the fable of the ant and the grasshopper (sort out by yourselves which is which).
So, Greece, most of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and others to come are slowly following the “northern” path. Some better, some quicker, some stopping in the way.
Catalonia made a huge effort to modernize themselves at the beginning of the 20th Century, without losing their identity. Most of Spain didn't; they had to wait more than half a century to start off. Catalonia did a terrific job doing a mixture of “ant & grasshopper”, and I really admire it, because it’s only possible when the people are really committed to it. Of course differences are smaller nowadays, but what cannot be denied is that Catalonia is considered the “rich brother”, wealth that comes by being organized, reliable, developed. All of which, of course, doesn’t mean they’re above all, just like our “Rich neighbours” in Germany, being the economic steamroller of Europe,  has made quite a few mistakes.
And about the future here…it’s just a matter of timing. We don’t really have all the information, but we know there are huge amounts of Greek bonds in hands of German & French Banks. That’s the most important reason for rescuing them several times. When Greece finally busts out from the Euro (everybody knows deep inside that they have no other way), of course, they will have to face quite a few problems by themselves. But the greater “collateral” effect will be the tidal wave of economic panic spreading through Europe, which will crush any weak recovery that could be taking place. Unfortunately, it is the time for great decisions full of courage, but all our politicians exude an aura of doubt and shadows. There is a reasonable fear that Germany, under their plans for stability, will ask for even more control on our destiny. The huge question is what will Germany be up to when things get really ugly?
There are huge movements ready to take place, but by the ones that have the complete information.
Will try to shed some light as soon as things evolve.

And, btw, please forgive me if sometimes I try to simplify using examples that, for sure, can never be fair enough to everyone. It's difficult to resume so much information, in such few words. But I'm no professional writer, nor lecturer in Economy.  I'm just an ordinary street guy who tries not to believe everything we're told, and who tries to share his narrow view of things happening around him.
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Always walking against
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #24 - May 27th, 2012 at 7:50pm
Ah, I almost forgot. French movements concerning European economy will, most probably, come as a reaction to German decisions, specially as they have recently sacked Sarkozy and changed President.

If things get really ugly, ripples will arrive to the States. They may even turn out as an argument to pound on Obama.....no candidate in Europe has yet been able to resist the effects of crisis.
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Rad's non-Admin Test profile
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #25 - May 27th, 2012 at 11:19pm
Figment wrote on May 27th, 2012 at 7:30pm:
I'm just an ordinary street guy

that's why what you say matters to me.  Smiley

that was very good, surprisingly enlightening. thanks.

Figment wrote on May 27th, 2012 at 7:30pm:
Cold, serious Europe. Organized. Reliable. Clockwork. Developed. All work and no fun.

this section was particularly elucidating.
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Always walking against
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #26 - May 28th, 2012 at 4:17pm
Today's been a particular hard day in economy. The gap in Bankia begins to widen up. People can't believe their eyes.
Everyday it seems to widen up a few thousand million euros. They talk about 25.000 million today. What are they going to do with this money? Where did that money go to in the first place? People getting credit for buying worthless badlands?
There is such a long, long series of "unfortunate" events lining up one after the other, that NO ONE can believe it is just a coincidence. In the first place, the people who got paid (and very well indeed) for running/ruining the savings banks. The auditors, did they just get paid NOT to see what was going on right under their eyes? What about the Bank of Spain, who is the next stop, and should keep an eye close over these two. Why did they just smile and backed up all the wrong information fed? The government, who has all the figures to know that this is just another gigantic pyramid?
Speculators who sold worthless lands, and got back huge profits as if they were downtown space? Try to get a grip on them, now!! Companies, big and small, who got benefit from work that should not have been done?
No body's telling the truth, because they're scared to death to announce it. It's all been a giant maze, built up to squeeze billions that were making economy turn, using decoys to distract the ordinary eye, and meanwhile sucking that dough to "other" pockets in exotic destinies. Because all the money lent has really gone somewhere.

With all this 5 digit figures spinning round, I bet a few million can be easily tucked away.....and nobody will notice.

No, our politicians will give no step forward to judging all the responsible for this nightmare. First, because we might not have enough jails. And even more important, how can they imprison so many of their kin? Like the Bible says, he who is free of sin, cast the first stone.....

We let them go for it. We did not AND do not have the courage to do what's right. When people  are angry, when there is no hope left, when you have no way out, it is easy to react and explode, and then anything may come - usually completely regrettable. No, we are doomed to either take real control of our lives, or let be sucked to death by these endlessly greedy vampires.

Unfortunately, more is coming right away.
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Sufferin' succotash

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Newport Beach, California

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #27 - May 31st, 2012 at 6:55pm
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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #28 - Jun 1st, 2012 at 8:02pm
No, and not just because my savings are not worth the fuss of opening an account abroad.
In my humble opinion, if anyone thinks they’re  better off with their money elsewhere….they‘d rather leave the country .  People may not trust banks, and try to hold on to cash, gold, bonds, jewels… whatever. But in the end, like the poem that started this thread, everything will be for nothing.  Better leave your money in a box than abroad, because it will be used, no doubt, to sink your country.
Another interesting point of view is the way information is being presented, and the exact timing. These last two articles gather information focused on what I've been telling you about in the last week, perhaps months late. Why now? (e.g. the dollar, in the lowest exchange with the euro in the last 2 years….look at the historical during the last 8 years and you’ll see the cycles - but  hey, that info does not sound so dramatic!!).  Please do not think that any of it is coincidence.  All the steps are being taken carefully though a path to let Spain sink, deeply. The flotsam and jetsam will be easily collected then, and looters even be praised as saviors.  Unless Germany has the will to lead Europe, (and not for its own benefit, which is something that will eventually show up) and the rest of countries do exactly what they should when they still can, there is NO way out.
First of all and above everything, comes our own inability to decide our future, always awaiting for a Big Brother to save us, endlessly arguing, amidst the storm. Why should we be respected?
The rest is a brawl of scavengers and desperate preys. The big sharks smell the blood in all this and must have their share.  Fire is being fought with petrol, instead of water. Like an archeology job, every week we find out  a new chunk of debt in banks – how come no one is able to give the definite answer?  Italians - who have a Prime Minister NOT chosen by election- try not to look as bad as Spanish and Greek do, but again, in the end….. for nothing.
What’s happening now is the dawning of an era. We lived happily and consciously unaware of our future, secretly awaiting and hoping  that leaving  things on their own, they would eventually  come to a balance. We wanted to believe that handing over the responsibility (which implies knowing, deciding, suffering), things would end up being done the right way.  Meanwhile predators and scavengers have been raiding whatever they could lay their hands on, under sheep skins, with velvet voices, with blinding fireworks. They themselves spread the fear when necessary, weakening the victims.   These insatiable giant leeches are bleeding us to death from fiscal paradises.
People still don’t want to realize that pure, lustful greed is the seed of this crisis, and that the choices made by individuals, have slowly had their awful and expected outcome.
Morality has already been drowned and buried-  it was a nuisance, and we’re far better off without it.
But we’ll soon observe what follows on…….
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Rad's non-Admin Test profile
in Seamonkey

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Re: Life - poem from Jose Hierro
Reply #29 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 12:21am
Wow, Spain is all the news.
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