leftyxGlad to hear you worked out the source of the problem!
Quote:I checked the post code on the motherboard.
Good catch! Did not occur to me to ask about POST beep codes.
Quote:If that's all it was then that explains the random freezes.
I have a system where every so often the power cord to the main HDD looses its continuity. Have to reset it and all is good again for 6-12 months.
A friend's system has a PATA HDD communication cable that randomly stops communicating--again re-setting the cable connector at the HDD solves the problem--until it occurs again. We now know what to do each time it happens. Must be oxidation of the connector terminal that blocks the connection.
I had one of my systems develop random BSOD (blue screens of death), increasing software errors (HDD writes were unreliable and it was corrupting the programs)--turned out to be failing capacitors on the motherboard causing fluctuating power which was causing random system errors.
So, lots of potential hardware issues that can cause such problems.
You should probably do a *chk disk* routine to see if there are any HDD issues found. And look closely at your various programs to make sure there has not been any corruption.
On my one system with the bad capacitors, once fixed, I had to restore an image that went back 4 months before I got a stable system where I could not find any software errors occurring (I can only hope they are all accounted for--seems to be running without observable problems!)