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Ghost 10, Unable to remove restore points (Read 5856 times)

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Ghost 10, Unable to remove restore points
Mar 28th, 2014 at 6:29am
I have Ghost 10 on a desktop, windows XP media center. I have used it to make backups to an external drive F: . I wanted to clean up F: and start it all over again. So, I formatted it. disk manager shows the F: to be basic, online, NTFS,  single partition, healthy, 99% free (don't know why  it should not be 100% free).

I assumed that this would remove all the restore points as well. Are the retore points not stored on the external drive (the back up location)?

So, I start Ghost, click on back up, back up now.It opens the "back up now" window and it has two restore points left over. I go to tasks, remove back up and delete those two points. Now the "selelct backups from the list" is blank. I close this window and go to "recover my computer". It shows six recovery points. It looks like those recovery points are years old. Going to "explore recovery points" shows the same list but clicking on any of them says "cannot access recovery points".

So, the back ups are no longer there but these recovery points still show in "recovery" part of the Ghost. How do I remove them from the list?

For my understanding: are the reovery/restore points stored on the local hard drive (C:)  or on the back up drive (F:)? If they are stored on the local drive and the drive is corrupted or one cannot boot to windows and cannot open that drive even with the recovery disk, that means one will not be able to restore? Please explain this part of the Ghost system.

Thank you very much in advance.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Ghost 10, Unable to remove restore points
Reply #1 - Mar 28th, 2014 at 4:47pm

ju wrote on Mar 28th, 2014 at 6:29am:
(don't know whyit should not be 100% free).

When you create a partition a file system is written to the new partition. For example, I just created a 150 GB partition and the used space is 108 MiB.

ju wrote on Mar 28th, 2014 at 6:29am:
Please explain this part of the Ghost system.

You don't have any recovery points. They used to be on your external HD. You are looking at the history index. I don't bother with that index but there is an option somewhere to remove entries.

When searching for recovery points in the CD Recovery Environment, choose Filename from the "View recovery points by" drop down menu.
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