Ariana touches left but looks right and smiles at the Billboard Music Awards, May 22, 2016

Ariana Touches Left, But Looks Right .. and Smiles
Billboard Music Awards May 22, 2016

Who are you smiling at here?
Something is obviously speaking to me .. but girly-girls are always such a mystery.

You seem to summon this totally believable smile on demand .. that is impressive.
Even the look in your eye .. how do you that?
What images do you summon here?

This guy is loving life right now.
He is thinking, "Please dont ever take your hand off me."
He can feel your energy flowing into him .. he can feel his soul's batteries being recharged.

Welcome to the club, girly .. the club of those who have made too many mistakes.
And nobody has made more mistakes than me.
I have invented mistakes .. that nobody even heard of before.

I find it curious .. that I welcome you to the club
in a section titled » A Special, One-of-a-Kind Unity.
Do you think this means anything?


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