581 GUIDELINES (8/24/01) This document replaces all previously published guidelines. The faculty and administration reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time. (Check with the Production Faculty Office for copies of the most current guidelines.) WHAT IS A 581? A 581 is a short film or video, up to twelve minutes (12:00) in length including titles and credits, with the primary creative responsibility held by the director and any other student who is registered in the class. It is intended to be a "portfolio" film, a final chance for the creator(s) to demonstrate what he or she has learned in film school. WHO LS QUALIFIED TO CREATE A 581? Students taking 581 will typically be in their last year. The creator(s) of a 581 narrative must have completed 532, 546 and 551. The creator(s) of a 581 documentary must have completed 546 and 551**. 532 is not required for the creator(s) of a 581 documentary. WHO IS QUALIFIED TO CREW ON A 581? The 581 creator(s) may use a crew member (e.g., cinematographer, editor, producer, sound person) not enrolled in 581, but the crew member must be a current or recently graduated USC-CNTV student who has either I)previously taken 546/480 in the position in which they are now crewing or 2) crewed in 546/480 in another position but taken certain specified courses to ensure that they are experienced enough to meet the aesthetic and technical demands of the job. (Consult each individual department for the names of qualified students and alumni.) NOTE: The 581 creator(s) and crew members MUST have crewed on a 546 in some position before he/she can enroll in 581. Crewing on a 581 as a non-enrolled student does not substitute for the degree requirement of taking 546 Be aware that there is no "retroactive registration" in 581; students who do not officially enroll in 581 by the registration deadline will not receive credit and "I not be allowed to enroll at a later date. 581 PRODUCING: The 581 Producer must have crewed on a 546 or 480 film as Producer or A.D. (Exceptions in special cases, e.g. a Stark Program Producer; or a student that has crewed on a 546 in some other position and taken certain producing seminars; exceptions must be approved by the Head of the Producing Track.) 581 CINEMATOGRAPHY: To qualify as Cinematographer on a 581, the student must have taken 537 or 5461480 cinematography. He/she must be proficient with Arri-SR, Aaton, Eclair cameras as well as with AC power distribution on the USC stages and on location. 581 EDITING: To qualify as Editor on a 581, the student must have previously taken 535 or 546/480 in editing. 581 SOUND: To qualify as Production Sound Person on a 581, the student must have previously taken 546/480 in sound or receive special permission from the Sound Department Coordinator (Richard Hyland). To qualify as a Post-Production Sound Person, the student must have previously taken 546/480 in sound or completed 540 along with receiving specific approval from the Sound Department Coordinator. REGISTRATION IN 581A: All 581 students must register and settle their fee bill by the University registration deadline in order to avoid the $100/week late fee. REGISTER ON TIME!