Radified Domain Name Origins
The kids came home one
day with
a 3D
video game, and couldn't get it to work.
Being Mr. Fix-Anything, I said, "Lemme try."
To make a (very) long story
short .. the tech
guy said, "You need a
3D graphics accelerator card, Sir."
I said, "Okay,
do you
Sir. Can't make recommendations. Company policy."
said, "Common, man.
I know nothing about graphics cards. Help me out."
said, "Search
online for 3D graphics accelerators with any search engine.
You'll find everything
you need to know."
So I fired up
Copernic &
typed 3D graphics accelerator in the Query box.
Bamm! ->
received a
truckload of hits. But everything looked Greek.
After an hour of clicking links & perusing reviews (many conflicting each
I became more confused than when I began. Then I stumbled onto an online
forum, also called a bulletin board
.. at
a site devoted to computer hardware
for 3D gaming. [Unfortunately, this particular site is no
longer up.]
I discovered that (to my surprise) games require more CPU clock-cycles and
graphics horsepower than most other programs.
When I found the
forum, I saw pages
& pages full of people posting questions,
and others providing
answers & adding helpful perspectives.
Finding so many knowledgeable people,
all in one
place, I thought I'd hit a
veritable goldmine of techno information. I anticipated posting a quick question,
receiving a quick answer .. without being put on hold, or costing me a
fortune in long-distance telephone charges.
But first this bulletin board made me register .. after which, they sent me a
password that allowed me to log-in & post
my question.
The first part of the registration form asked for a User name. I
began to enter
my name, but noticed that others using nicknames - like DocSilly, The Dude,
I had no clue what nickname I should use, but it seemed like no big deal for
a single question. While trying to decide, I
began filling out other parts of the
registration form.
As I was
typing in the Occupation
Wendy walked by, wearing a new dress,
heading out
to meet with her girlfriends. I made
some off-the-cuff remark .. to
which she replied, "You're such a badboy."
.. while I was typing R-a-d (Radiation).
I thought, "Hmmm, Badboy .. that'll work," but accidentally typed Radboy
accident. I started to change the 'R' to 'B', but preferred the
former over the later.
While at that forum, after
asking my question about which 3D graphics accelerator
represented the best choice, it seemed like no two people agreed on
Everybody had their own point of view.
Little did I know that ..
a million questions later,
I finally decided on a 3D graphics
accelerator (Voodoo2) & eventually become accustomed to the tag, Radboy
for short).
I read thru many
other posts at that hardware forum, and learned
answers to
questions I hadn't even thought of yet. It no time, I learned how to configure
a system for maximum performance on a shoestring budget. It seemed that
there was nothing this
community of online enthusiasts didn't know about PCs.
In many ways,
online forums are superior to books. They allow you to ask specific
questions, and receive a variety of answers in real-time .. from people who have
real-life experience. My knowledge of the digital world grew quickly.
Wendy had been wanting to explore video-editing for years. After becoming
comfortable with a PC, I researched what editing video would require. It wasn't
long until she began saying things like, "Radboy, you over-clocking stud,
how 'bout
defragging my hard drive tonight?" So I had plenty of encouragement along the way. =)
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