Saw the Matrix Reloaded today .. at the "largest screen in the west" .. aka The Big Newport. Place was packed. Especially for a weekday night. Seats 1100. The line wrapped around the block. What a roudy bunch. Kids were amped. Yelling & carrying on. Theater management tossed out 6 or 7 beach balls. The crowd tossed them around while waiting for the show to start. Kinda fun. Before the flick started, a lady came down front with a blow horn and told everyone to shut-up, turn off their cel phones & behave. Filmmakers went all out on this movie. It's a spectacle. I try to give you my impressions without spoiling it for you. Things that got my attention: 1. plenty of passion in this flick, surprisingly so .. downright erotic in parts .. all done well. 3. kenau reeves, who i've never thot of as a great actor, did a superb job. this performance puts him in another league. 5. trinity gave a great performance also. this helped, cuz she's in a lot of the movie. 7. One of the coolest parts is when Neo does his launching-into-superman thing. From many different sources, MetaCritic compiled a bunch of reviews on the Matrix here. On the way home, we saw the lunar eclipse, right in front of us, which added to the magic. Saw previews for T3: Terminator 3 .. Arnold's baaack. And Bad Boys II. It's going to be a good summer. |
I am having a problem getting category archiving to work on my blog and I stumbled upon one of your posts on the mt forum. I found it interesting: that we installed mt on the same day, saw Matrix Reloaded at the same time and I suck at design as well.
I'll keep an eye out for your blog.
Posted by: Elias at May 16, 2003 12:22 AM