I don't know about where you live, but here in SoCal, people drive strangely. By that, I mean they will drive at a regular speed, until you try to pass them, at which time they'll speed up. You can watch the speedometer climb: 45, 55, 65. Soon as you take your foot off the gas and let them keep the lead, they will slow back down: 65, 55, 45. I've been studying this phenomena for many years. I even applied for a government grant to document it (but they told me to get lost and stick to my web site). Anyway, after many years of exhaustive research, I have discovered what I believe to be the cause of this bizarre driving behavior. I call it: THE SPERM EFFECT. You see, we all began as little sperms. Now I know some girls refuse to admit they were ever a sperm. But it's true. Ask your sex education teacher. And, when you were a sperm, the only thing you cared about was being in the lead position. Because the sperm who came in second place got no prize. No cigar for that boy. All of us were *first* to mommy's egg. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here right now. So, my theory (the sperm effect, patent pending) states that, on some deep, unconscious, primeval level, we all have an unexplainable complulsion to be first in line. And we find it disconcerting whenever another sperm, uh, I mean, car, tries to pass. This explains the behavior of drivers here in Southern California, and maybe where you live too. Think I'll win a Pulitzer? |
An alternative explaination may be that there are two kinds of people:
1) Those in cars
2) Those not in cars
(note that any one person can change what kind of person he/she is by simply getting behind the wheel)
From these two peopletypes, only the second kind actually knows how to
- drive
- apply social skills
- not act like a baboon on steroids
This is of course in correlation with the scientificly established fact that we are all "above average drivers" :-)
Posted by: El Guapo at January 21, 2004 11:49 PM