Been off the bean for a few days, so motivation is scarce. And I keep killing keyboards. Hard to believe I used the same KB for nearly 10 years and I've killed 3 in the last month. I keep spilling things .. last night a beer (non-alc, no less, while watching the penultimate episode of Sex and the City). Seems like the littlest spill renders them unusable. A couple of weeks ago I ordered a new keyboard. Today I checked the UPS tracking to find where the heck it is, and it says *delivered*. Upon further inspection, I noticed that it was delivered to the wrong address, in the wrong town (Laguna Hills, while I live in Laguna Beach). So I call the manufacturer and say, "Hey! What gives?" First they say I must have filled in the order form incorrectly, because shipping is done automatically, without human intervention. But I'm looking right at the invoice (luckily I had a copy), so I know they're full of it. When their blame-the-customer-first strategy didn't work, they said, "Oops, sorry. Our bad. You have two options (my interpretation): 1. Drive around Southern California, going door-to-door, trying to find your lost keyboard that we mis-shipped. Or 2. We'll tell UPS to retrieve the KB and send it back to us. Then, when we get around to it (maybe a week later), we'll re-ship it to you, and try to get it right this time. ••• continued ••• Notice nowhere in those options was the statement: "Since we made a dumb-@ss mistake, and you've been waiting for two weeks already, we'll Fed-Ex you one overnight," which is what I expected to hear. So I got frustrated and cancelled my order. But now I have a keyboard with sticky keys, and some that don't work at all. It's been one of those days. And how much you want to wager that they 'forget' to credit my credit card? I can hear them now, "Must've slipped my mind." |
Hard to get good help these days. Really is.
Posted by: Gonzo at February 19, 2004 02:06 PM