Saw Secret Window last night, at the Big Newport (on the "largest screen in the West"). I was disappointed. It wasn't that scary. The first third was downright yawning. I did however, get the willies really good once. But only once. There were some good parts, but I think my expectations were too high going in. Nick gave it a 9 (out of 10). But I don't know how he came up with that rating because he had his eyes closed for most of the movie. I kept having to peel his sweatshirt hood down. He would hide his eyes in his hood. And every time the scary parts came, he would go to the bathroom. He must've went 5 times. (We did drink a lot of Coke.) One time I said, "Come on, you can open your eyes. There's no scary part now." He said, "No way! They always put a funny part right before the scary part." ••• continued ••• While we were walking to the ticket booth from the parking lot, Nick said, "I change my mind. I don't want to see a scary movie. I want to see Starsky & Hutch." He was more entertaining than the movie itself. So anyway, I wouldn't recommend Secret Window unless you plan to keep your eyes shut. All the girls there were hooting & hollering for Johnny Depp, who was recently voted "sexiest man alive" by People magazine. Critic reviews posted here (Rotten Tomatoes). The previews however, showcased a new crop of up-&-coming scary movies that look promising. I don't know why I'm jones'ing for a good scary movie. |