Allergy season is here. Everywhere I go, I hear people sneezing. If you have a big ol' schnoz like me, which sucks up all manner of debris, I might be able to help. ••• continued ••• Yoga instructors here in Laguna Beach told me about something called a Neti pot. (For a long time, I thought it was called a "Nutty pot".) Originating in India, the technique comes from Ayurveda: an ancient Hindu approach to healing, some 5,000 years old. I admit, it sounds gross, and it took weeks of encouragement before I worked up the nerve, but basically, you warm a little water in the microwave (~30 secs), add a dash of sea salt (to make a saline solution), and pour the water into one of your nostrils. Wait! Come back! The first time, yes, it feels really weird. If you ever been clobbed by a big wave, and got a load of salt water up your nose, you know a little of how it feels. But, after a few times, you get used to it. And, I tell ya, the benefits are so dramatic that you actually start looking forward to it. The first few times you do it, all kinds of junk flushes out of your sinuses. You could imagine my surprise when the neighbor's cat, Muffy, who had been missing for days, flopped out into the kitchen sink .. followed by a bumper for a '67 Volkswagen. Seriously, I flush each side for ~15-secs, once or twice a day during allergy season. Afterwards, I like to put a little (organic) sesame oil on my fingers and coat the insides of my schnoz. Lying back for a few minutes lets the oil flow into your sinuses & soothe any irritation. Works wonders. If you have a head cold, the Neti pot doesn't work as well. You're better off going straight for the pharmaceuticals. Search for Neti pot online and you should find everything you need. They cost ~US$10. Here is a search pre-configured for the query: neti pot flush sinus [Comments closed due to problems with s*p*a*m*m*a*g*e.] |