Happy Veteran's day to all you vets. I served my country for 6 years, (queue up Battle Hymn of the Republic) stationed aboard a nuke sub, home-ported in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Of all my old Navy buddies, the Dog is the only one I stay in contact with. ••• continued ••• The best part of doing time in the military is that, once you get out, no matter how nasty or gnarly life may get, it never quite suks as bad as the time you spent in the military. Everything else (as the Dog says), is "a walk in the park." My idea of what I thought life-aboard-a-nuke-sub would be like (naively thinking I'd be wearing a white lab coat, making check-marks on a stainless steel clipboard, as I monitored gage readings hourly) was quite different from what life in the military turned out to be (no life at all). G. Gordon Liddy used to recommend starting your day by biting the head off a live frog. The rest of your day (the theory goes) would then be relatively pleasant. Same concept: our perception of life is relative. One man's hell is another's heaven. A special thought goes out to our troops serving in Iraq .. away from their families & friends .. in harm's way. Can't be very pleasant to have people shooting at you, trying to blow you up. Here in Laguna, a group of some 100 protestors stood along PCH (Pacific Coast Hwy) at Main beach in the center of town, at sunset, on the weekend, holding candles. Looked beautiful, with all those candles burning. Lots of kids, too. At first I thought they might be singing Christmas carols to the cars driving by. Then I saw the protest signs. Support for the war here was never particularly strong. But now it seems like there is renewed anti-war sentiment. |