Saw Good Night & Good Luck last night. Historical drama, circa 1950's, about the Communist-paranoia hearings sponsored by Senator Joseph McCarthy (from Wisconsin) and the CBS newsmen, led by Edward R. Murrow, who had the courage to follow their convictions and publicly criticize the Senator, despite considerable personal risk. Inspiring in that respect. I enjoy historical dramas. Fun to go back in time. Hard to believe anything like this could happen today, tho. Directed by George Clooney (the actor), who also starred in the film. Highly rated. Seems like everybody smoked cigarettes back then. Nasty. Some of the audience applauded at the end. Entire film shot in black-n-white. Not sure I liked that. Plenty of historical footage .. made for realistic viewing. Maybe that's why they went B+W .. made the film appear seamless. ••• continued ••• Certainly I can appreciate the notion of the little guy having the cojones to publicly criticize big, powerful institutions, at considerable personal risk (which, at the time, looked more like stupidity). But the movie was a bit dark for me. (Includes a suicide.) Probably should've opted for something a little lighter. Must-see for history buffs. The point the filmmakers were trying to make, I feel, is that criticizing your government is not necessarily unpatriotic, but rather can be the most patriotic thing a person can do. Politicians are human. They make mistakes just like everybody else. Hard to watch this flick and not reflect on the President's approval rating, which is at an all-time low. It's becoming clear that good intentions do not necessarily make good decisions. Need a little wisdom and insight, too. I'd also like to see Capote. It's playing at the University theater and received similarly strong reviews. A film about Truman Capote, the writer. I read Breakfast at Tiffany's. The book is darker than the film (starring the light-n-airy Audrey Hepburn). Truman's most famous novel is In Cold Blood (1965), based on a true story. Never read that one. For more info, here's a Google search pre-configured for the query: good night and good luck film movie review |