Saw Walk the Line last night. Excellent. Easy to recommend. Theater was packed. Only the very front row remained open. Most surprising was little Reese Witherspoon, who kicked much butt as June Carter. Nearly stole the show. And of course, Joaquin Phoenix played well the tortured soul of Johnny Cash. ••• continued ••• Hard not to compare WTL with Ray. Both musicians lost brothers at a tender age, among numerous other similarities of lifestyle. WTL is really a love story between Johnny Cash & June Carter, and their contrasting personalities. At one point the two sing a duet of the Dylan tune It Ain't Me, Babe. Surprised me the film included two whole verses, since it wasn't an original song. Then the camera pans to the audience, where Johnny's wife is sitting, looking none too pleased. Suddenly makes sense why Dylan's song gets so much play. Classic line: "What's with the black? You look like you're going to a funeral." CASH: "Well, maybe I am." Other classic line: WARDEN: "Mr. Cash, Try to refrain from singing songs that remind the prisoners they're in prison." CASH: "Ya think they forgot?" I never knew June Carter wrote Ring of Fire. If you enjoyed Ray, I bet you'll enjoy WTL. Well made flick. A movie you can feel. Reviews here. For more info, here is a Google search pre-configured for the query: walk the line film movie review phoenix witherspoon |