My domain name registrar (DNR) sent a note saying it would soon be time to renew the RADIFIED.COM domain name. This spring will complete 6 years online, and start year 7. I normally renew 2 years at a time. They wanted $25 for 1 year & $40 for two. But I noticed GoDaddy offers transfers for just $6.95 per year .. with a free 1-year extension. So I get on the horn and call my DNR, asking them what gives. "How come you guys are so dang expensive?" They offered to drop my rate to $15/year. (Whoopie.) I say, "Dude, that's still *double* GoDaddy's rate. I can't be a good capitalist and do that." Guy says he's authorized to go no lower. Lump it or leave it. ••• continued ••• So I fill out transfer authorization with GoDaddy (which seems very professional). Then I return to my current DNR and authorized the transfer (unlock the Registrar lock). When I do, *then* a note pops up, offering me a super-low rate. It's like, you have to get in your car and begin to drive off the lot (which I've done) before the car salesman will chase you down and agree to the price you want. Shameless. So I took it. Less chance of something going wrong by staying with the same registrar. Afterwards, I returned to GoDaddy, canceled my order and requested a refund, which they processed without griping, which impressed me, and convinced me to do business with them in the future. If they had given me a hard time about the refund, or flatly refused, that would've instantly put them on my Krap list. It was RAD readers who first alerted me to the ultra-competitive rates offered by GoDaddy two years ago. For more info on this topic, here is a Google search pre-configured for the query: domain name registrars In other financial news, I been noticing dollars bills with the words Bush Lied hand-printed on them, usually on the back, at the very top, centered. Wonder if this is a local thing, or nationwide. Only 1-dollar bills so far. Interesting form of protest by the common folk. (The wealthy elite would use $100 bills, or stencil it across the stern of their yachts.) |