All songs performed by acclaimed recording artist Dave Reeder

recorded live at Radified Studios, Laguna Beach, California

July 18, 2000


Love Is (3.1 MB, words by John Lennon, music by Dave Reeder)

Ziggy Stardust (3.1MB, words by David Bowie, music by Dave Reeder)

Me & Snopey (3.5 MB, words & music by Dave Reeder)

Ground Control to Major Tom (2.5MB, words & music by David Bowie)


Selecting Open this file from its current location, songs begins playing soon as download finishes

Selecting Save this file to disc -> have to execute file from directory where it d/l'ed to, but you'll always have it 

If you don't have an MP3 player (shame), can download Winamp here (free)

If you need a download agent to help with downloading (primarily dial-up), can download GetRight here 

Not sure if I can stream MP3s from my web server - will look into that 

Songs to be used in the DV shorts Vandancing & Floating

Wendy captured the entire recording session on video

Maybe she'll encode a few RealVideo files & post them on her site


Hard / Software Used

Radified Home