

Fade in:

int. dream/stage - day

Silhouette female figure dancing flamenco. Feet stomping rhythms. Hands clapping palmas. INSERT title embroidered on silk: Lilliana. Dance continues, full body spin. Close on dress swirling. Scarf, hair flowing.



Hijamia, remember to dance...

cut TO:

int. bedroom - day

Zarena, 20 yr. old Latina, long wavy hair, in bed sleeping. [Dolly] into face dreaming.

LILLIANA (VO cont’d)

Listen to the music in your heart.


ext. house - day

Wide Shot of House. Sound of bed creaking.


int. bedroom - day

Zarena getting out of bed, goes to rustic, wooden desk and writes in journal. Two lilies in a vase next to photo of dancer. Longing on her Zarena’s face.

Zarena (VO)

I dreamt of you again last night, Mama. Dancing - so free. Me encanta esa sueno.

Hard knock on door. Zarena startled, stashes journal.


(in loud voice)

Zarena, time to train. Vamos, hija.

Zarena quickly dresses. Ties up hair and pulls on boots.


int. barn - day

FUEGO, horse in stall. Filtered light. Focus on eye.


int. living room - day

PAPA, 44 yr. old Latin man, lights candle on mantle next to photo himself and a woman. Then places a rose next to photo. An old news clipping sits next to photo reading: Dancer from Andalucia killed in crash, husband survives.                                      INSERT:old newspaper clipping.                                    


ext. Horse stables - day

Zarena puts halter on FUEGO. Leads him w/ rope to arena. Horse struggles as she stands in the center and tries to guide him around in a circle. Papa stands nearby sternly watching. Eyes on every move. Cracks whip, shakes hands. Zarena takes Fuego to stall. Papa closes and latches gate. Close on horses face, eyes through gate.



int. bedroom - day

Zarena sitting at desk lights a candle, next to photo of dancer, begins writing in journal. Flame flickers.

Zarena (VO)

10 yrs ago today mama. I wish I could see you again. Papa still won’t let me dance. I need to be free, like you in my dreams. Me encanta las suenos.

Zarena stops writing and stares into candle flame.

Match cut TO:


INT. Mother’s bedroom - day

Flickering light reflecting on mirror. Flamenco rhythms echo. Slow mo. YOUNG ZARENA, ten-yr-old girl, dances admiring herself in large mirror. Image of mother in a dancer’s pose reflects in background of mirror. Young Zarena pulls a scarf from old chest, holds it to her face savoring the scent. She dances elegantly in mirror.

Zarena (VO CONT.)

Mmmm, rosa y sandlewood.

Dancing gets fervent, swirling scarfs, music builds. Suddenly, door bursts open startling young Zarena. Music stops. Papa storms in and grabs scarfs out of her hands causing her to fall. He throws scarfs in chest knocking over vase of Lilies. Flowers falling (Slow mo). He locks chest, puts key in pocket and shouts while sternly shaking his finger at her(slow mo).


Nunca toca esa --(echo) Never.

Sound of door slamming as he leaves. Young Zarena sits huddled on floor staring at chest. Tears in eyes.


end flashback.

Int. bedroom - day

Big Zarena’s eyes well with tears. Sound of glass breaking in other room startles Zarena. She goes to see. Haunting flamenco rhythms echo. Candle flame blows.


int. living room - day

Zarena picks up photo of mother and father off the floor, glass broken. She stoops down carefully picking up pieces of glass under shelf. She discovers an old key.                 INSERT: shot of key. Haunting rhythms echo. She quickly looks at the old chest, eyes big. Zarena tries the key in the lock on the chest. INSERT: key in lock.                  


ext. countryside - day

Zarena runs through old oak grove carrying tapestry-bag. Excitement on face, her speed increases.

cross cut with:

Ext. countryside/trail - day

Papa walks along trail. He approaches a tree. He looks at the ground beneath it as if recalling a memory.

cross cut with:

ext. countryside - day

Zarena in a clearing reverently opens bag. As it opens, haunting flamenco rhythms echo. She pulls out scarfs, carefully places shoes and castanets on ground. Then fondles scarfs tenderly, and wipes tears off her face.

Match CUT TO:

ext. countryside/trail - day

Papa wipes forehead with handkerchief, then keeps walking. He hears something, climbs an embankment, moves branches and sees Zarena in the clearing below, dancing.


ext. countryside - day

Zarena dancing with scarfs slowly. Building momentum she moves intensely. Tempo builds, twirls and leaps freely.

Papa angrily moves forward, then gets caught by a branch.


int. dream/stage - day

Image of mother’s ghost dancing. Super-impose w/Zarena.


ext. countryside - day

Papa shaking his head, wipes forehead with handkerchief, rubs his eyes and looks at Zarena. Zarena spinning. POV Zarena, scarfs flowing around her.

Papa taken by dance, mesmerized watching.

Zarena dances into a frenzy. Drops to ground next to mother’s shoes. Lay on her back in ecstacy, staring up wide-eyed, breathing hard. POV Zarena sunlit leaves.


int. dream/stage - day

Ghost image of mother. Super-impose w/tree up to sunlit leaves. Haunting flamenco rhythms echo.


ext. countryside - day

The sound of a branch breaking snaps Zarena out of daze. She looks, sees nothing, notices sun lower and throws scarfs quickly in bag. Hurrying home she drops a scarf.

INSERT: Scarf on ground.

Match dissolve to:

int. hallway - day

Papa knocks gently on Zarena’s door, scarf over fist. Papa’s POV as Zarena opens door and looks surprised.


int. bedroom - day

Zarena’s POV of Papa’s face - softened, vulnerable. Eye contact. He shows her the scarf she dropped as he opens his arms to her. POV Zarena as she rushes into his arms.



ext. Horse stables - Day

Papa hands Zarena the reins to Fuego, all saddled up. Zarena kisses Papa and gets on the horse. Papa gives Fuego a pat on the butt. Zarena smiles as she rides off. Fuego lopes up trail. Zarena’s hair and scarf flow behind as she rides(slow mo). Wide shot of Zarena riding Fuego up hill. Sound of horse running fades into sounds of flamenco rhythms echoing.

Roll Credits



To Lilliana Cast Info

To Lilliana Production schedule

To Laguna Cinema

To Radified

email Wendy