Saturday: 17.January.2004

Did the Native American Indian get screwed?

In keeping with the ongoing theme of 'debate' from these last few days .. I was invited to a dinner party last night. A guy there mentioned seeing the movie The Last Samurai, starring Tom Cruise.

I told how him I thought it was interesting how the film alluded to a parallel with the native American Indian, how both groups of noble people got screwed (wiped out) by their respective governments .. not intending to start a political/philosophical argument, mind you. (I have already discussed some of my thoughts on this topic in the post dated 29december.)

This guy's wife immediately chimed in, saying to him, "See! see! I'm not the only one who thinks that." It was obvious they had already discussed the issue, and disagreed. He claimed to be a Political Science major, as if that somehow qualifies one to make such judgments. We did not discuss the issue long, not wanting to ruin the party for others, but I was genuinely curious about how he arrived at his conclusion.

His two, main premises were:

1. This was nothing new. Nations have been conquering other nations for thousands of years.
2. The Indians were fighting amongst themselves for hundreds of years before we arrived.

I tried to point out that precedent is never a valid justification, and is even listed as a logical fallacy known as the Appeal to Precedent, or Appeal to Tradition or Appeal to Common Practice. (If I were king, I'd require every student to take a class in Logic.)

Then I mentioned that the Indians were fighting amongst themselves with bows & arrows & tomahawks, while the government was raining cannonballs on their heads, as cited in the well-documented Massacre at Wounded Knee, where unarmed women & children were also attacked.

To be honest, I am not surprised that our technologically advanced nation had their way with the native American Indian. What surprises me is how badly we treated them. I mean, we could have easily given them land equaling a few states, such a North & South Dakota, and even Montana and Idaho.

Chief Joseph had a saying that captures this idea more eloquently than I could express: "If you tie a horse to a stake, do you expect he will grow fat? If you pen an Indian up on a small spot of earth and compel him to stay there, he will not be contented nor will he grow and prosper. I have asked some of the Great White Chiefs where they get their authority to say to the Indian that he shall stay in one place, while he sees white men going where they please. They cannot tell me."

Anyway, as we all know, you can never talk someone into seeing things your way. Usually it just ends up angering them. So we moved on to more innocuous topics, such as football.

Posted by Rad at January 17, 2004 05:55 AM


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Did the Indians get a rotten deal, of course and all the illogical nonsense about being civilized because of written laws, professing a religion, or greater technological advancement is just plain horse feathers. It is what is in the hearts of the people that matters and when selfishness and greed rule their hearts, nothing but suffering and sorrow can be the outcome and all the written laws will make no difference.

I note that throughout history, those on the bottom of the heap who later rise to the top will do unto others as had been done to them and they are usually not very selective about who they do it to, except that they must be weaker.

As mankind is just now begining to realize, that might does not necessarily justify right, perhaps picking on decendents of the bullies will cease since we are not responsible for the actions of those gone before us. They lived in a different time with different values and they taught us the ugliness of their deeds. We will all learn that if we work toward unity of all peoples of this planet, then war will be eliminated and the world and its people will at last find peace.

Now I know the arguements and I am sure you will say I am wrong because people just can't all be good, but wait. In this day it is impossible, but in the future, peace will come. Don't worry though, you will not have to give up your bad habits because you and I will be long dead when it happens, which is a good thing because first the earth will tremble and the nations will be brought to their knees.

Posted by: Sue Watkins at August 28, 2004 03:25 PM

Well said.

Posted by: Commentor3 at August 28, 2004 05:31 PM