Thursday: 18.November.2004

Battman's World Tour Update #2

Here I share a few experiences / highlights: From drugging con-men stories to misty mountains…


I visited Barcelona for several days. The following story will give you the feel...

Remember the word “Gawdy”? meaning outrageous or outlandish… well it must have been coined to reflect the artist by the same name but different spelling… His work is a primary draw to Barcelona, Spain where I spoke to a Japanese adventurer. This young Japanese gentleman had a very “polite” mugger/scammer/con-artist invite him for lunch in a park. This scam artist laced the Japanese fellow's drink, so that he woke up a few hours later minus his cash and camera.

The con man left his credit cards, watch, and passport untouched. He even put a bus ticket to get to the Airport in the Japanese fellows pocket! How polite of him, yes? Well… perhaps it was just to encourage the tourist to leave town and not spot the con “working” the next guy the next day…

The other Artist with recognizable work in Barcelona is Antonio Gaudi (whom has passed from this world). Some photos can be found here: Barcelona is an outstanding city, safe and entertaining, regardless of my little story above. Later in the week I hiked the Andalucian Coast of Spain, and then headed for France!

••• continued •••


Perhaps France gets a bad and undeserved rap… as I have heard and been guilty of calling them very snobbish. My visit to Paris for a week convinced me they just need to see a little sincerity to bridge the culture gap (mostly mine I’m sure… "culture gap" that is).

I stayed with my friend Haru Uno whom was a gracious host. From her comfortable little apartment I rambled for three days in one of the western world’s finest museums, the Luvre. Two of the three days in the Mesopotamian Exhibit halls.

Other stand-outs events were walks on the River Seine, the Eiffel Tower, and the other multitude of sights norm for Paris visitors. Here are a few photos: I stayed a week. This is a longer stay than any city visit to date. Go to Paris if you get a chance!


I then took the overnight rail connection south and entered the domain of the world’s greatest tourist dollar drainers, the Italians! Ever milked a cow? You have to really squeeze and pull... just as the Italians do to get every last Euro from tourist! Italy has been filling milk pails from tourist for many years now. They excel at it.

Here are a few photo links to see some of the sights I enjoyed in Italy while trying to keep the Italians from milking my treasury dry: Venice, Italy: Best to learn to swin if you live in Venice…

Rome, Italy: Rome… Yesterdays empire. Guess which country is empire building these days… Let’s not forget Rome’s lesson! Pompeii, Italy: Volcanos have a way of reminding us Mother Nature always wins…


From Italy I have been into Slovenia, through Greece, and over to Turkey. I've been in Turkey for 10 days now... The experienced and sights seem to just get better and better. I'll catch you up on a few of these in the next email travel update!

Posted by Rad at November 18, 2004 12:26 AM


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