Wednesday: 08.March.2006

Resolved MySQL database connection error (since moving site to new host)

Sweet Jesus! Finally figured out how to solve the problem I was havin' getting the blogging software I use (MovableType) to work with the new server.

I mean, the blog itself always worked fine for readers (see here: Ye Olde Rad Blog), but I could not connect to the interface that allows me create new blog entries. (It's a CGI script .. refer to entry for 24.feb for details).

In my entire digital career, there are only a handful of things I haven't been able to resolve. Troubleshooting has always been a strength. Or maybe I'm just too stubborn to let a stupid piece of software wup my butt. I mean, this shouldn't have been that difficult.

••• continued •••

The problem I was having was that I couldn't connect to site's the MySQL database, which drives the blog's administrative interface (used to create new entries). I was getting an error which said essentially that.

What I failed to do, it seems, was add the MySQL user to the MySQL database (SQL = structured query list). See, I had created the new MySQL database at the new host. And I also created the new MySQL user .. trying to mimic the database and user names as closely as possible to that used at the old host.

But the new host uses a different naming scheme, so I had to improvise.

Then, the nice folks at Lunarpages support transferred the old database files (from the old host) to the new server, cuz I couldn't get that to work myself, using phpMyAdmin. (Good support. Needed some special magic to do that.)

But (you see) I never actually added the MySQL users (that I created at the new host) to the MySQL databases (also created there).

There's a little button labeled 'Add User' in the site's control panel for MySQL databases. You select the database, then select the User from a drop-down menu, then click the 'Add user' button. Voila! Presto! Like magic, it now works. Had a feeling it was something minor I over-looked.

Actually, I didn't realize this needed to be done, cuz my old host handled MySQL databases and users differently. Users were *automatically* added to the databases for which they were created. More idiot-proof.

Kudos to Lunarpages support for their patience in working with me on this. Thought I was gonna have to install a new version of MovableType (which *still* wouldn't have worked).

I love it when things work. This was the *last* remaining hurdle to get over after moving the site to the new host. I coulda *kissed* that support guy. Suh_wak!

Posted by Rad at March 8, 2006 07:56 AM


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