Monday: 14.August.2006

The Bug's First Overnight Stay Aborted (Heartbreak)

The little guy (Rad Jr.) was in Michigan, visiting his grandparents last week. (He's been there more times than me.) But he's back now.

I spent the day with him yesterday. Great day. He was real happy, lots of smiles & laughs. Tons of energy. Tireless. Playful. Ate like a horse.

His mom suggested I keep him overnight. (Say what?!) That hasn't happened since the break-up, more than a year ago (he's 19 months). So I was stoked.

He went to sleep fine, but woke around midnite, crying for "Momma".

••• today's entry continued •••

I tried (repeatedly) to cover him back up, so he'd fall back asleep, but he kept kicking off the covers and crying, "Noooooo!" "Want some water?" I asked. "Noooooo!" "Cheerios?" (He loves Cheerios.) "Nooooooo!" You get the picture.

You never heard the word Momma uttered more desperately. You'd a-thunk I was beating him with a hose.

Thought he might just be disoriented, but after 15 minutes of heart-wrenching pleas, I called his mom & told her I was bringing him back. He has never spent an entire night away from her yet.

Never heard him cry like that, either. I mean, if he falls down hard, he'll say, "Owie." So he's not a complainer.

Soon as I picked him up and said, "Okay, let's go see momma," he stopped crying, and even fell asleep in the car on the way there (10 mins).

Naturally, I was disappointed (heart-broke), but can't bear to see him in such distress. Was really looking forward to waking with him .. for the first time since the old days.

One of the saddest things is I never get to see him when when he goes down for the night, or when he first opens his eyes in the morning.

The good thing is that he obviously knows what he wants, and is able to express that.

Posted by Rad at August 14, 2006 10:24 AM


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