Upgraded Ye Olde Rad Blog to Moveable Type 4.21 (released 21.Aug). Had problems when I tried a new upgrade-method.
I used the same procedure I use to upgrade the forums, so I was surprised it didn't work. But the forums don't use a database (and the blog does), which is why I suspect I had problems. Finally got 'er working again. Whew! That suk'ed.
On another note, I found these $80 Sennheiser earbud headphones for $15 (with rebate) + free shipping .. if you need a new pair. Good deal. Many positive reviews, so lotsa people are buying these, and happy with their purchase. (September is my favorite month. Warm days, cool nights.)
For more along these lines. here's a Google search preconfigured for the query ยป upgrade movable type open source mtos blog