Day 3 with no coffee. This is where I usually cave. And to be honest, if it weren't so freaking hot today, I probably would've.
But drinking coffee (espresso) isn't very appealing when it's so dang hot. (Heat wave here.) Thank God for global warming.
I was working earlier on the new Guide to Virtual Private Servers, yawning, with the intellectual drive of a mad cow.
The coffee demon was jumping up-n-down on my shoulder .. reminding me how blissful I would feel after downing a triple-shot, and how much mental energy it would give me. (It would.)
But the temperate angel was perched on the other side, reminding me I'd have to tell everybody (here) what a big, fat failure I was. (Again.)
So I made it another day. (Barely.) And the previous entry here gave enough pause to help keep me from falling off the wagon. Getting by day-3 is a major accomplishment for me.
Funny how the addict's brain works to get its fix. Today for example, I couldn't locate a book I'd checked out from the library (for the Bug). My first thought ยป "Must've left it at the coffee shop." (I read stories to him there.)