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bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD) (Read 197500 times)

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bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Apr 26th, 2003 at 6:26am
crap I already lost 2 long posts!  Lucky you - short and sweet version now Smiley

I need to run ghost (corp 7.5) on a laptop with XP-NTFS (also 2.5gb fat32 partition) to get files off a hosed laptop that won't boot win98.    I need to connect thru LPT and grab the image - place it on the Fat32 partition to extract the needed files through Ghost Explorer, so I can refomat the other computer.

I've tried in the past to creat a bootable CD, but I end up making alot of coasters.  Been to Barts CD FAQ and 911cd.net (looks promising for what I want to do) but I'm just totally confused about what files I need beyond the one that Norton Book Disk Wizard creates (lpt-usb-cdrw support)

Am I missing something in the autoexec.bat and config.sys files?  I did get one to boot months ago using winimage and EZ CD to make the disk bootable.  Norton loads (after many errors including missing command.com when it's there) and then locks up.

I have Nero on this laptop (where I'll create the bootable CD) but I just need to know what files to add to the CD.

Sure wish Symantec would offer downloadable iso's of bootable CD's from their site!  With more and more new computers not having FDD's, it's a real problem.  If anyone can create an idiots gui to create bootable CD's they will make a fortune!!

TIA for any ideas or clues to what I'm missing.  Nothing more frustrating that spending hours creating coasters, only to have them boot to a little heart and sit there at a __ prompt Smiley

thx again.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #1 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 1:57pm
have u verified that ur burner is sppt'ed by ghost?


have u tried sid's guide?


u might find some of these files helpful:


particularly the files winme.

i have a floppy, so i have no experience with this, but i've never heard of anyone having problems with it.

perhaps symantec can help you:

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #2 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 3:34pm
Yes my old and new burners are supported.  It shouldn't make a difference for the bootable CD though, because I don't even plan to burn a .gho image to the CD.  I just want the CD to BOOT norton for an LPT connection.  I only want to make sure the CD is compatible with 98 with common hardware.

Sids guide is the best I have seen so far for editing the config.sys file correctly.  Norton's standard one left much to be desired. 


I assume if I leave out the norton.bat it should create what I want.  I don't want to restore an image, although I could add it b/c I may want to at a later time.

Bootdisk.com is where I found out about Emergency Boot CD http://www.ebcd.i-am.ru/. (under their beta iso section) It automates the process like 911cd.net, but I'm still not sure how to customize it for Norton.  911cd has a 911 Utilities folder where you can add Norton by adding norton.exe, ghost.env, and ghost.ini to their Ghost folder.  Only problem is I don't have a ghost.ini on my hard drive.  I think that's where my confusion is coming from.  Everyone has a "method" but there is no sure fire method that fits all.

Thanks for the links.  I'll give Sids method a try.  As I said I will be booting the CD on a computer without Ghost on the HD, so I just wanted to be sure what files I needed.  Also overwriting the autoexec.bat with another one (sids or ms-dos's) is confusing. Should I just call the the autoexec.bat that Norton's Boot Wizard creates, norton.bat and add the lines:

@echo off
echo Loading...

leaving the boot disk's autoexec.bat in place? 

thanks again.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #3 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 4:03pm
like i said, i have no experience with creating bootable cd's .. and i'm relectant to dispense advice on things for which i have no experience .. but several readers have contributed their suggestions for creating a batch file. perhaps u might find them helpful. see here (scroll down to 2nd half of page):

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #4 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 4:45pm
Thanks for your input.  I was hoping someone with similar trouble would know what to do, but I do appreciate your taking the time.  

The Radified batch file is beyond the scope of what I want to do, but it is useful information for a later time.  I searched  your Symantec message forum link and found several with the same problem.  Symantec, unfortunately was of little help.  One tech even suggested not using Norton.  Others suggested adding functionality to create a bootable CD as a boot disk option.  Gawd I hope they jump on that idea!

In my search of their KB I did find information that I think will solve my problem. "How to create an MS DOS system disk for Ghost".   Why Norton's boot disk wizard doesn't create these files is a total mystery to me!! They list what files are needed >>  

EDIT: RAD note: I removed the long-@ss link cuz it was screwing up the forum display in some browsers. I re-posted the link at the very bottom of this page:

"Keep or remove the SCSI drivers
Ghost Boot Wizard automatically copies SCSI drivers to the bootable floppy disk. (DIDN'T ON MINE!)

   * If you have SCSI devices or use a CD-ROM boot disc, then do not delete the following files. SCSI devices and CD-ROM boot discs require one or more of these files.
   * If you do not have SCSI devices or will not have a CD-ROM boot disc, then delete the following files.


Verify remaining files
After you delete the previous files, the floppy disk still includes the following files. These files are required for starting the computer into a DOS environment and connecting to various devices.

Verify Ghost files
Verify that Ghost copied the files that are appropriate for your version of Ghost to the bootable floppy disk. If the files are not on the floppy disk, copy the files from the hard disk to the Ghost bootable floppy disk.

   * Symantec Ghost 7.0 and Symantec Ghost 7.5
     Wattcp.cfg  <<<<<Didn't create it on mine
   * Norton Ghost 2002, Norton Ghost 2001 and Ghost in Norton SystemWorks version 5.x

Not all situations require the files Ghost.env and Wattcp.cfg:

   * The consumer Ghost versions require Wattcp.cfg only when cloning over a TCP/IP peer-to-peer connection.
   * The corporate Ghost versions require Wattcp.cfg in the same circumstances as the consumer versions, plus in some instances when using Ghost Multicast Server, GhostCast Server, and Ghost Console.
   * The consumer Ghost versions require Ghost.env only when copying Ghostpe.exe directly from the Ghost CD (instead of from the hard disk to which Ghost was installed).
   * The corporate Ghost versions require Ghost.env in the same circumstances as the consumer versions and in some instances that involve customizing Ghost or licensing Ghost. For customization information, see the document How to customize Ghost for individual users.

Edit the file Config.sys
To edit the file Config.sys that is on the bootable floppy disk, open the file with any text editor, such as Notepad.

   * If you have SCSI devices or you will use a CD-ROM boot disc, verify that Config.sys contains the following lines.
   * If you do not have SCSI devices or will not have a CD-ROM boot disc, then delete the following lines.

device=oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001
device=aspicd.sys /D:mscd001

Edit the file Autoexec.bat
If you want Ghost to start automatically when starting from the bootable floppy disk, add the following line to the end of the file Autoexec.bat that is on the bootable floppy disk:


If you are using Symantec Ghost 6.x or later, rather than Norton Ghost 2001 or later, use the line Ghostpe.exe rather than Ghost.exe.

Hopefully this will solve my problem and help someone else.  It sounds like a step in the right direction anway Smiley  It's unfortunate I had to sift thru their entire site to find what their techs should know off the top of their heads.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #5 - Apr 26th, 2003 at 9:39pm
If/when you find success, I'll gladly update the Ghost guide with your solution .. if you think it would help others. Perhaps you'd write up a synopsis of the goal, the problem & the solution.
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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #6 - Apr 28th, 2003 at 5:44pm
message too long errors.  grr. will try this in multiple messages Smiley

sure no problem.  The easiest way is to use Sids bootdisk.exe


I had errors with it when trying to copy to floppy (tried several) so I don't know if it's a corrupt DL or my drive.  Anyway,  create the disk.

2) create a Ghost boot disk of your choice from the bootdisk wizard. then -

3) open the autoexec.bat from the Ghost boot disk that you created and rename it 'ghost.bat'. Make sure any drivers on the Ghost Boot Disk  are also on Sid's bootdisk that you created.   If Sid's disk also has the same drivers great, if not, add them to the disk.

4) open the config.sys file on Ghost's Boot Disk and compare all the "device=" lines to the config.sys file that Sid's disk has under [GHOST].  If they match, great, if not add them to Sid's config.sys.

The image that you write to the CD will have to be good to go with your customization, so get it customized before you burn = reboot your pc with your modified Sids disk - choose Boot with CD Rom Support  and make sure all the drivers load, that you can read C: drive and any other partitions or CDrom drives that you have. If it boots fine it's useable.

Unfortunately, because Norton will not fit on Sids disk, you'll have to do a test burn to test it with Norton.   If you renamed Ghosts boot disk's autoexec.bat to 'ghost.bat' as described above, and placed the drivers and folders from the Ghost Boot Disk to Sids, it should burn fine.

5) open the CD writing program of your choice. 

EZCD - file/new/bootable CD - 1.44MB - from floppy- next
Nero (see Sids pictorial)

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #7 - Apr 28th, 2003 at 5:45pm
After floppy boot files (bin) have been copied - copy whatever directories are on the Norton Boot Floppy to the CD, along with your ghost.bat.  For my version (Enterprise 7.5) I also copied ghost.env.  If you are using TCP/IP connection with Ghost, also copy  Wattcp.cfg.  Verify all the files and folders are how you want them and and burn. 

*** use a CDRW and finalize session for testing.  You can always erase it.***

Problems to watch out for:

The disk I want to create from Norton Ghost's boot wizard is USB/LPT support.  Unfortunately, the config.sys that it creates adds the line device=usb\uchi.exe which Sid's config.sys doesn't interpret correctly if you put it under the [GHOST] section. It can't find it, because it is expecting in on the boot image (the floppy) even though the directory IS on the CD in the USB directory.  It wants it on the floppy.  I know little about config.sys and autoexec.bat files so I don't know how to correct it.  Maybe Sid would be able to tell you how to tweak the config.sys, autoexec.bat, or ghost.bat file to allow a path beyond root on the device= line.

The USB folder won't fit on the floppy.  I suppose you could emmulate a 2.88 floppy with a program like WinImage and add the USB folder to it that way, but I didn't have much luck getting a CD to boot from the image file.  More tweaking there.

My Ghost boot disk also has a folder called LPT which isn't referenced in Sid's config.sys under [Ghost].  It's referenced in the ghost.bat file you created so the bootable CD pulls it up fine and loads paralink.com for parallel support in Ghost.
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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #8 - Apr 28th, 2003 at 5:46pm
final part >

In theory, all the above should work for whatever boot disk Ghost's Boot Disk wizard creates.  Right now I'm having a bitch of a time getting my cordless USB mouse to not lockup with Ghost in DOS.  I had to remove mouse.com from my ghost.bat file AND references to the USB directory entirely on the boot disk.  I'm still having a bit of trouble with Sid's mouse.com loading and screwing with my USB mouse.  The mouse works, but after a few clicks Norton locks up and I have to reboot.  I'll have to find out what the keyboard key is to drop down the drive box Smiley

Anyway, it's totally doable and with some tweaking it will make Norton usable for ppl with no floppy drives.  Tweaking the USB problem may be a bit harder to do.  Alot of ppl have USB keyboard and no PS/2 ports at all.  Depending on BIOS options available, Norton could not work at all for ppl with USB keyboards.  I've tried enabling and disabling legacy USB in Bios with little change in Norton locking up with mouse.com loading.  I know that USB in BIOS is funky from past experience.  ie: I have to disable  legacy USB if I want to use my PS/2 keyboard AND my wireless USB mouse when I get to windows.  One or the other, but not both!  What a pita that was to figure out Smiley

I found one suggestion of adding 'hidusb.sys' (find/files and folders) to the bootdisk and loading it at the A: prompt.  I had no luck with that, and when added as a device= line to Sid's config.sys, the boot process locks up.

Like I said, talk to Sid.  He has a great config.sys and auto.exec bat configuration on his bootdisk.  You could add your own menuitems for other DOS tools and create bat files for them to load the same way [GHOST] and ghost.bat work together.  That would be pretty cool.  I'm not sure, but I assume you would just add your toolsfilename.bat to Sid's autoexec.bat under ghost.bat.  ??  Like I said, Sid would know.  That would be very cool.  Wish I knew more about batch and config files.

Hope this all made some sense.  It's not meant as a tutorial by any means, but it will work to create a bootable CD to run Ghost, and the tweaking possibilities for a multi-boot Norton Ghost Boot Disk CD would be awesome =

1) boot to Ghost with USB Boot Disk.
2) boot to Ghost with Network Boot Disk.
3) boot to Ghost with TCP/IP Network Book Disk.

yowza!!  oh man if anyone knows how to do that I'd love to hear it.  It can't be that hard for someone that understands autoexec.bat files.  Would definitely need a way to make a bigger boot floppy image to support the additional drivers, unless there is a way to add a device=/path/tothesysfile.sys that would work.  Then the limitations of the boot floppy size would not be a problem.  Could even do a DY own cab file like ebd.cab (?) that extracts the drivers like a windows setup disk.  Endless possibilities for someone that knows how to do that stuff.

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #9 - Apr 28th, 2003 at 6:58pm

i'm preparing to update the guide to reference your input.

can you explain why the ghost utility that allows you to write images to CD doesn't work for you?

this utility is supposed to create a bootable CD, no?

at least, that's what i understood. am i wrong?

or how does your problem differ from the norm?

is it b-cuz ur using the corp version? i have no experience with that.

can u post what ur final edited files look like? that might help someone, no? or are they too system-specific dependant?
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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #10 - Apr 28th, 2003 at 11:27pm
Hello everyone. Im new at this place and ive been searching for about 2 weeks to solve my problem....i recently got norton ghost 2003  and for some reason...when i choose Backup and i go through the process, at 5% it says Error 12020. Sometimes it says a different number...but this has wasted 15 cds and i already tried doing it from the boot disk but it still wont work...after it fails it makes a file in C:\  called "Virtual partition.DAT"....am i supposed to keep that inside or delete it? i havn't tried doing a back up with it in there. I have checked the the website for supported cd-rws but im not shure what brand it is i just know its a CD-RW 24x10x40 ATAPI and i had bought it about 1 year ago...so if anyone knows any ways i can try to fix this problem it would help me and my cds a lot Roll Eyes ..........sorry if i posted in the wronge section but i was lost
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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #11 - Apr 29th, 2003 at 11:37pm
I'm not sure what you mean by the Ghost Utility to write images to CD?  If you mean create a bootdisk for CDRW, I can make one of those on a floppy, but I'd have to boot off the floppy and write an image to a CD to get Norton to write a bootable CD.  I didn't see any utility that would create a bootable CD without writing an image at the same time.

I don't want to write an image to the CD - I just need Norton on the CD so I can boot into Norton without a floppy drive.  Because a no floppy user would have the boot disk in CD form, they would be limited to not being able to write to that disk if that was their CD-RW drive.  Like laptops now that are DVD/CDRW drives.  No floppy drives are a real problem!!  I suppose you could copy norton to the drive in DOS and run it from there to free up your CDRW drive, but if you are working with a hosed drive and just want to image it, I wouldn't want to write anything to the drive.

If you know Sid, maybe you could contact him for a good tutorial on creating bootable CD's for ppl in this situation.  I just don't have enough knowledge on batch files.  I got the CD to boot Norton fine with the above ghost.bat trick, but I got side tracked on my USB wireless mouse issue Smiley 

I can't fully get the kinks out, because I don't have a ps/2 mouse on my desktop and I don't have a ps/2 port on my laptop.  I am totally limited to USB on my laptop.  I'll hook up my old ps/2 mouse on my desktop this weekend and see how it boots with mouse.com loading... then I'll know it's a clean bootable CD to share so ppl won't have to go through errors like I've been.  Pulling your hair out is no fun Smiley

I can see quite a few issues arising with newer computers.  I did read the tech forums at symantec, and they're aware of the issues, but no fixes in the near future.  Dos is just so limited.

I don't know about 2003.  I read where ppl thought it would run in windows entirely  and found they'd have to boot to dos to restore the image, only like me they have no floppy drive.  Norton offered them a refund, which tells me they have no plans to resolve the issue anytime soon.

When I get time this weekend, I'll try to get a clean bootable CD and give you the list of files, and config and bat text.  Then you can burn one and see how it runs.

Jacklz - sorry I don't know what that error is.  If you don't know what your drive model is, go here:


download Aida32 (it's free)  - run it and it will tell you what make/model and specs are on your CDRW drive.  And a whole lot more!  The program is great!
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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #12 - Apr 29th, 2003 at 11:45pm
jacklz, I did find this at symantec on error 12020 >


If you still can't get it to work, can you write the image to your hard drive instead of the CD and put the image on the CD later?  Like with Sid's tutorial here:

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #13 - Apr 30th, 2003 at 3:43am
Okay, my bad. I thot there was a button that asked: "Do you want to make this CD bootable". But I guess not. I must have confused this with Nero, or some other program.

I actually fired up Ghost 2003, then v2002, and even 2001, but could not find that feature I thot Ghost offered.

So, to be extra clear, Ghost does not offer the feature of making a CD bootable .. right?

Now it all makes sense.

I'm almost positive that Nero offers the option to make a CD bootable. Have u tried that?

Nevermind, I just checked, and I can't find that option in Nero either. Feel like I'm losing my mind. Seems like it's more difficult to make a bootable CD than I thought.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: bootable CD to run ghost (no FDD)
Reply #14 - Apr 30th, 2003 at 4:02am
Okay, I did a little more research. This link here:



"Choose Yes when Ghost asks whether to make the disk bootable."

Have you seen this question posed to you?

If you don't have a floppy, can't you simply navigate to a directory somewhere on your hard drive?

I can't seem to locate that option/question, tho.

You say, "I didn't see any utility that would create a bootable CD without writing an image at the same time. "

What is wrong with writing the image to CD?

As an obvious point, you know u can buy a cheap floppy for your laptop, right? I mean, most manufacturers offer the option.

I have a friend who just got a Dell 8200, and she ordered one. It was only like $30 I think.
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