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updated post for new pc build (new)(??) (Read 29323 times)

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updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Jun 2nd, 2004 at 6:54am
I am updateing and simplifying this post if possible or thats what I should call an attempt.. anyway;
should I be using BOTH the channels on this scsi card?
cus thats whats taking place anyhow..and whenI did tests each side seemed to have a function..other words something did stop working when I disabled either one of the channels.. but I somehow question if this is what should be takin place,actually I haven't the foggiest, but i do know I want it configured correctly, or optimumly.
I might just install a second scsi disk for my audio for all the knowledge I command regarding my many choices at acheiving the raid 0 array I still am convinced isn't a totalwaste of time.. though I am still pondering..& hoping to perceive...some time soon.
I suppose i owe myself some documented tests, but firsthand tell is always preferable..
I really have little qualms about my sound, infact i could easily get lostin a phase of production.. I know the potential of the yield that is possibly attainable from config/tweaks with components&stuff, and simple enablements, and settings.
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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #1 - Jun 2nd, 2004 at 7:32am
Prescoot, SCSI and RAID. You were really asking for it.

I just used the default SCSI setting. The only config mods I made were to tell the SCSI controller not to scan unused SCSI IDs. Saves a little boot time.

The big question is WHAT SCSI drive did you get? I went for the 15k.3. It made a big difference for me.

Which SCSI controller do you have?

What CPU temps are you getting with that Prescoot? Idle and under 100% load.

Did you have to flash-update your BIOS?

Are you using the Prescott now, or still the Celly?

What drives are you RAID'ing?
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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #2 - Jun 3rd, 2004 at 9:34pm
forgive any brevity here I have lost this post twice, each time a rather full answer in paragraphsbut now I am pasting
from notepad, any further posts

I am still usin the celeron but i think its that time the update facility tells me i have the new bios but i am skeptical
as it is not confirmed in my bios whats a good download to check my bios?
Raided drive/s?:
2 raptors=raid 0
before in pavilion, used rocketraid 1520 by highpoint successful raid 0 array several times however non remarkable
what scsi drive?
fujitsu (used)36gb MAP drive,10,000rpm 320ultra- I was keeping costs down, I figured if my read speed might benefit
by it, I could upgrade to a 15,000rpm model, but i read that the upgrade from a 10 to a 15 was negligible as compared
to that between a 7200 against a 10,000,and $ being ever a major consideration, I was being wise, or
hoping to keep costs tolerable.

Iy factor, here managed to use the "update " thingy that appeared to me in my desktop, instead of the afudos,
I was mistakenly(hope)convinced was my only means of upgrading.

I still as i said , am very leary of the murphy factor here, for some reason,
no I know the reason, I do not see any confirmations in my bios that the upgrade
has taken place, and its got me spooked into being hesitant to make the switch back
until I get a third party confirmation, somehow...

but it will work itself out I feel like

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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #3 - Jun 4th, 2004 at 3:15am
It's hard to make sense of what you posted. The whole point of "going SCSI" to 15K rpm. Doesn't make sense to go for 10K. If cost is an issue, then you don't go SCSI. You stick with IDE.

If you're still running off the celly, that might make your system seem slower. Use afudos flash utility. It's easy. Many programs such as Sandra can tell you what BIOS you're running.

Seems like you took too many big steps (SCSI, Prescott, etc.) at once.
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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #4 - Jun 4th, 2004 at 7:27pm
what scsi controller?
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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #5 - Jun 5th, 2004 at 6:11pm
I opted to get by with only this LSI 1010 ultra U160 card
even though my disk is a fujitsu ultra320 10,000, it made sense to me to get a 320 adapter, but my thoroughput is the only relevant thing, in audio terms, so what sounds logical to me is sometimes off..
The thing is dual-channel... I disabled each side (identicals), but apparently something stopped working in both instances... do I need to reconfigure, so as to only have one channel going, since i only have one scsi drive?

Also I should update overall:

My components:
Prescott 3.0
fujitsu Map Drive scsi ultra320 36gb
LSI1010ultraU160 scsi adaptercard
PAIR WD 36gb10,000rpmRaptorsata drives=raid"0"array
Intel Application AcceleratorRaid edition enabled IDE-Raid
Evercool WaterCoolerheatsinkheatexchange/system
ATI9200Radeon dualmon support
(Crucial 3200 512gb ram )x 2 is in my other desktop.. i messed up sort of- but this way i have a gig in each desktop
soon to have Aardvark24/96
I did bite off quite a mouthful, yes indeed, My intensive research has been well spent, however, seemingly.. all is well, and only my inner instinctive nature to seek any & all potential problems, has me even doing so... SO THIS IS GOOD!!

Temps for the Prescott--avg=37c
I am puzzled with some 2-3 odd little quirky things though..

I must research Via raid chip on my mb what I would be using if sata raid is used..
Right now though I am sata connected,though my raid is running by way of the Intel Ide raid onboard...If anybody is familiar with  the choices i have ...I am going to have to discover some amount of data on this issue.. if possible.
but I do not really have any gripes about the sound I am getting as i record using this pc I tried last night, it sounds great.... So Anybody still reading thank you so very much.. and I always look for all ways to improve my set.. since its my full time occupation these days.

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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #6 - Jun 5th, 2004 at 8:35pm
You have a full blown DAW there.

The U160 controller is fine. More than adequate.

You probably would've been better off with a Northwood CPU. The Prescotts are really designed for LGA-775 packaging, which won't be released until later this month. But it's not much of an issue.

Have you thought about running those Raptors UN-Raided. They are so fast that you don't really need RAID, do you? You lose reliability with RAID. If one drive dies, you lose it all.

The Intel-based RAID is the best way to go. All other suk, comparatively.
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Re: snarling scsi BOOT DRIVE- I DID IT now help!
Reply #7 - Jun 5th, 2004 at 11:24pm
aah-sooo then so thats a deal eh? i had wondered what the raptor would've done for my audio on its own, a subject that is way more muddy for me to fully grasp than i would like..Kent...man I am so glad to hear your thoughts, and you surely sound like you know.
I had tried all the varied methods of self-justification for "taking the chance",but I simply looked at the fact that by having twodrives running upon which the integrity of the material is reliant, having two doesn't add any risk that wouldn't already be present, in the running of two drives, no more, due to the fact raid is being employed..I find thes risks negligible, for the most part.. and if I reaally have to swallow a mouthful ofthe baadresult,, so be it, its music I recordedit and to re-do that would only be easier the second time around.. and be tighter to boot.
I most likely got much more to learn about what i am trying to do than what i do know, but  that is no sweat either, as long as i can enjoy this as i presently do, i am not out anything.
I believe I can transfer copies of valued music files to less volatile storage, and i believe this is a good method..  I may find out more laterof course.. but thats good too.
with my intended methodolgy I might've had much smaller drives for audio recording,  
i am sure i will modify my way of doing things a million times, so don't spare me any ideas you wanna share
thankyou for the remarks

i am looking at evercools site.. i will have to seperate myself from this fan noise while using micro phone... some how.. i am seeing there are a number of ways... outside air is almost an obvious must.. but the modding has only just begun,supposedly
haha i know i will have some decent musical material outflowing from her some of these days...
I will be having two desktops with soundcards and gigs of ram each
My wife is having a stroke cus i told her I bought my sound card((500$)but since its an aard it was worth it she'll get better I hope cus I still need some speakers to costruct some monitors! there's no end. I hope

Kent that is some provocative considerations.. I will be thinking about this..
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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #9 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 7:18pm
thanksmon i iz there...Ok I skimmed those posts and missed anything conclusive on the first go... you can read just about anything.. seems there's always someone willing to sayanything to dispute something thats inprogress the one guy trying to talk the other out of havin a raid 0 array, and gettin his "water" shut off! by the first guy funny stuff!
I think i am gonna look into as many faq's as I can locate back at that board, since thats the location of conclusive answers, (by process of elimination)
I don't expect to hear of any resolved issues of the sorts touched on there..."Opinion-based"Arguments over how someone "should" do something, alas, will never be in short supply, it seems.
good linx..thanks.
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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #10 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 7:50pm
what is it that you're asking?
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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #11 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 8:04pm
Thank you ..uh,   I am using a dual channel controller or scsi adapter card, both channels are presently in use  and I am puzzled with this.. & wonder if I need to re-configure the thing or something. I mean I only have one scsi disk, why should  both channels be employed, or is  this the more efficient  method?
I am using   a scsi drive  fujitsu MAP 36gb 10,00rpm , as my system disk.... It is a consideration for me to add a second scsi disk to use instead of my raptor-pair in raid-0.. .. all this controversy over it  has me wondering what that would work like, or sound like to be more precise.
but the issue about should i disable dual channel operation  in my current configuration in favor of  a single channel one?


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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #12 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 8:40pm
It doesn't hurt to leave dual-channel operation enabled. You could try disabling one channel and see how that affects your perfeormance. I doubt it will.

I would not use RAID-0. You gain little and risk a lot.
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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #13 - Jun 6th, 2004 at 11:30pm
Thank you..But isn't it just a little bit odd-sounding?&  what is the deal if I want to add a second scsi disk?that should be a no-problemo, should it not?

A valid question I should ask here i suppose is, then,
one channel  is the norm for one drive ain't it?, or is it normally two channels to operate one drive? thanks very much  for scsi background....

Ok then......I am interested in audio recording,right?... so ,   gains in audio quality are the sort I am after...this stated,   do

you recommend anything ,rather than raid0, to acheive fast/thoroughput?(smallest latencies)

Also, by the way

I am reading up on the scsi hangup with xp on ms site/s.. if someone has the after thoughts/condensed version...
you know the one regarding write caching?....
But  be-lay that.. i found out some stuff...
<edit> I found the "xp cachefilter", a homade fix;  but it seems all is dependent upon release of sp2, "Server 2003" is already fixed


This  has been  some kinda informative day

Anybody know the cheapest route from xphome to xp pro?
thanks much friends....
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Re: updated post for new pc build (new)(??)
Reply #14 - Jun 7th, 2004 at 5:13am
what is od-sounding about adding a second scsi disk? you will have no problem. do you think there would be a problem/ if so, why?

each scsi channel can support up to 15 devices.

is this the scsi adapter you have?


if so, notice that it says that it is a SINGLE channel card.

so i don't know what you are talking about in reference to DUAL channels.

can you post a link to the scsi card you have?

while RAID-0 increases throughput, it all increases latency. so i think you have your funcamentals of disk performance factors inaccurate.

the best way to decrease latency is to go with 15k rpm scsi drives.

re:  Also, by the way

what does that mean? i don't understand your symbolism. it isn't clear.
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