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Adding USB to Ghost Boot CD (Read 36631 times)
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Re: Adding USB to Ghost Boot CD
Reply #15 - Oct 12th, 2008 at 6:36pm

I have followed the instructions to create a "Standard Ghost Boot CD/DVD--on Steroids!" and then your instructions on "Adding USB to Ghost Boot CD".
The CD boots up but I have the following 2 problems:
1) When at the DOS prompt I only get drives A:\ and X:\.
It seems that my external USB HD is not detected.
Isn't my external USB HD suppose to show/be detected?
How can I get my external USB HD detected?
2) Ghost 11 (ghost32.exe) will not work.
When my Radified CD boots up, I get a message stating "This program cannot run in DOS mode".
I use Ghost 11 because of the size of my external USB HD (250GB).
I used to use Ghost 2003 but it would not recognize a drive over 100+GB? or 130+GB?.
I currently use UBCD4win with Ghost 11 but the problem is that it is too slow to boot up and has too many programs I do not need, it's too bloated.
I want something simple. That is why I am trying to use a DOS Bootable CD with Ghost.
What can I do to make Ghost 11 work with the Radified Bootable CD???
Your advice/help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you   Smiley

NOTE: I added the USB drivers (Di1000dd.sys & Usbaspi.sys) when creating the bootable CD with Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.xx and just to be sure I also placed them in C:\Bootable CD Project\Extracted Files so they would be included in the bootcdp1.IMA file.

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