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Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs (Read 8706 times)

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Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
May 21st, 2006 at 9:49pm
Hi All:
        I tried and tried to use nightowls method of making a bootable Ghost 2003 using Nero but the thing won`t give me and option of using it`s program boot file after I sneek in the image I built.  I tried several different ways and was very careful to follow the instructions on rebuilding needed files to the letter.  When the Nero screen goes to the burger dot page where you choose which source to boot from, the Nero source is never highlighted.  Confusing.  Anyway, I figured they put a snippet of code in to have the image recognize an alteration or something and hence the reason for keeping the Nero selection grayed out.  Any ideas?.........Thanks, Plain Smiley

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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #1 - May 21st, 2006 at 11:25pm

This should help--it's a workaround that several folks have reported success with: 
creating a Recovery disc
, beginning with reply #14


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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #2 - May 22nd, 2006 at 7:04am
Hi Nightowl:
      It worked perfectly!  Thanks a heap.  Let me tell you one other thing I did that didn`t work so we can narrow this down a little.  I noticed Nero won`t allow its files to 'scoot' over when you paste the new boot image in.  Weird..or maybe I just never noticed this before..so I tried removing 'DosBootimage.old.ima' to my desktop and running with the Nightowl boot image only and it won`t take it that way either.  I didn`t try selecting the present date with this method.  Only so much time you know.  Nero may look for the files build date...or something, I don`t know.  Mine is Nero Express 6 also.  However, I was able to update it from the web site when I first purchased it.  Haven`t tried since then.

      Anyway, another question.  Now that I have a boot CD thanks to you guys (thanks recnep) I`m wondering if anyone has tried to run Ghost strictly from CD?  It is now in my Utilities folder and I can`t image that partition...right?...with my own Ghost.  I`ve read quite a bit and maybe I`ve missed what is in front of my face but have never come across a statement in plain English stating that one can run the application strictly from CD.  It (this license)  belongs to me so is it possible to do this and image that partition?..

        Has anyone tried Deepburner?
                   Thanks again for the help..Plain

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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #3 - May 22nd, 2006 at 9:35am

Mine is Nero Express 6 also.  However, I was able to update it from the web site when I first purchased it.

Do you have the *full* version of Nero, and not just the Nero Express 6 program?  

The reason I ask is that I've never used the *full* version, and the *Express* program is designed to be *CD burning for dummies*, and so it does not allow for making a lot of selections of different *advanced* burning settings.  As you have reported--the newer version of the *Express* program will not allow for the boot image file to be other than its own version--some flag or check-sum that the program must check for--and that workaround gets past that check.

But I've seen references to the *full* Nero program that suggests that in its *Advanced* setting options for burning--you can select a *custom boot image* file.  But, I've not asked anyone to confirm that--maybe you could  Wink ?!

Now that I have a boot CD thanks to you guys (thanks recnep) I`m wondering if anyone has tried to run Ghost strictly from CD?

DOS Ghost can be run from any location that DOS has access to--so any FAT based file system, but not NTFS formatted partitions.

So, in the *
Step-by-Step Instructions
*, in the outline for using *
Nero's OEM NeroExpress6
*, in step #3, I say:
The next screen, (Disc Content), gives you the option to select data to be burned to the disc. For this bootable CD project, skip adding any files to the data portion of the disc--the burn will be much quicker.

If you want *ghost.exe* on the bootable CD, instead of *skipping adding any files to the data portion of the disc*, browse to your *ghost.exe* file and add it at this step.  I would place it in the data disc's *root directory* and not a sub-directory for the reason I'll state below.

Now *ghost.exe* will be on the bootable CD.  And because the boot files load the DOS drivers to access your optical drive--you will have access to your *ghost.exe* program on the CD.

If you have followed the
without modifications, your optical drive will be assigned X:\, you will now have *ghost.exe* in the root directory of X:\, and your *autoexec.bat* path statement will have X:\ in it--so the last command of the *autoexec.bat* will find the *ghost.exe* on X:\ and load it from there.

I would recommend one change to the *autoexec.bat* line for loading Ghost--add the switch *-ghostoncd*--now Ghost will place the *ghost.exe* in the root directory of any CD or DVD that you burn an image to--so Ghost will always be available on bootable optical media that it creates.  The switch does not effect any other functions of Ghost when working with images on HDD's:


mscdex.exe /d:nightowl /l:x /m:16 /v
ghost.exe -ghostoncd

Has anyone tried Deepburner?

I tried a bunch of *freeware* CD burning programs when I was writing the
, including *Deepburner*, and even though they said they would create a bootable CD using a *WinImage* boot image file--I was unsuccessful with all of them.  But, it's been a year now--maybe newer versions are out now that do work--you would have to give them a try--I haven't recently.

As always--for the good of the forum, it's good to hear feedback of what others have tried  Wink !


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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #4 - May 22nd, 2006 at 10:10am
Boy!  I can`t wait to try this!

Mine is Nero 6 Express or Express 6 and like yours has few options.  Not sure why I had to go through it like this but it may be that the updates I got at Nero are responsible.  When I get this Ghost on CD project done I`ll try to uninstall and reinstall Nero w/out the updates and see what it does.  A rainy day perhaps.  Thanks Nightowl for your help..Plain

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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #5 - May 22nd, 2006 at 10:31am

Mine is Nero 6 Express or Express 6 and like yours has few options.

I think the *full* version would be labeled *Nero Burning ROM 6* or something to that effect without the *Express* part.  I think you can buy the OEM version of Nero which will be Nero Express, and update that version--without having the *full* program--which may cost more  Wink !

Something I forgot to mention in my previous post (for completeness  Wink :

When you boot from the bootable CD or DVD, load Ghost, and if selecting burning a new image to optical media, and telling Ghost to make the new optical media *bootable*--Ghost will ask if you have put the *boot floppy* in the floppy drive--you simply answer *Yes* (or whatever the response to that effect is--can't remember right now)--and Ghost *reads* the boot files that the boot sector of the optical media created as a *virtual A:\ drive* as if it were the floppy A:\ drive--and places that on your new optical media as the boot sector.


No question is stupid ... but, possibly the answers are Wink !
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What a mess!

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Re: Ghost 2003 Nero bootable Probs
Reply #6 - May 22nd, 2006 at 5:23pm
Hi Nightowl:
       I burned the Ghost CD using the method you suggested.  I`ve not tried it yet but in doing this I searched high and low for an opportunity to use another boot image.  I couldn`t find any reference or choice for such an operation.  Evidently my download from Nero did no upgrading which is okay.  I don`t have a use for a full blown program.  Nero Express 6 it is.  Thanks again for the help.  Your instructions were crystal clear.                            Plain

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