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Error - Blue Screen of Death (Read 68382 times)

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Error - Blue Screen of Death
Mar 14th, 2007 at 1:03pm
I did chkdsk /r on 80GB hd which XP did at startup. Afterwards I noticed that there were several problems. My ZoneAlarm gave a security error and I was not able to get to the net. I then tried to reboot the computer and was given the following error:
"c000021a unknown hard error" with the infamous BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. Had to shut of the computer with on/off button.  Does anyone know what this error is? Is this error related to the HD? Does hard error refer to the type of system error or the hard drive?

I did notice when doing help in dos command that chkdsk give options of  /F /R etc. All are capitalized but when one uses capitals it states that it does not recognize the option. I finally figured out it would recognize it if done in lower case. What a trip! If the options are case sensitive then they should be shown in the proper case I think.

Anyway, does this sound as though it might be related to the chkdisk issue. This is the HD that I cloned off of the original 40GB HD Dell installed.

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #1 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 5:30pm
The c000021a seems to have several possible causes.


If one of your disk sectors was bad or corrupted, it would depend upon what application was using that bad sector.

Did the chkdsk x: /r complete normally?  You can find the results of the boot time chkdsk in the xp Event Log.  Look for a application Winlogon entry.

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #2 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 9:00pm
  I got this error when I was rebooting the computer and in shutdown.  While it was trying to shutdown it was unable to shutdown XPeventlog. The file was not responding. After several attempts to shut it down I went ahead and manually shut the machine down. Then when I rebooted everything came up normally without incidence.
   I have also noticed another problem and wonder if the two are related. I have been attempting to do a NG10 backup. It was supposed to take 2 hours on my USB2 HD. It is at least 3 hours past the deadline now and everytime I look at the remaining time it has gone up from 13 minutes left to 26 minutes left after 3 hours. Drives "C", "F" have been backup but drive "N" appears to be stuck. Maybe this is the HD error you were mentioning.
   I did do chkdsk on all drives and all passed. Partition Magic also said partions were ok.
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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #3 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 9:27pm
What is the configuration of your computer?  For example, you have 2 internal IDE drives.  Drive1 (C NTFS partition and F NTFS partition), Drive 2 (N NTFS partition), one external USB2 500gb drive, ntfs.

Run the partinNT.exe program from the Partition Magic folder and copy the contents of the output to the clipboard and post here.

I would create 3 separate Ghost 10 definitions.  One for each backup.  That way you can back up the partitions separately.

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #4 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 11:06am
Disk Geometry Information for Disk 1:    9729 Cylinders,  255 Heads,  63 Sectors/Track
System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect    StartSect     NumSects
DellUtility                0  0  00     0    1    1  DE       3  254   63           63       64,197
                          0  1  80     4    0    1  07    1023  254   63       64,260  149,083,200
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  1  80      4    0    1  07   9283  254   63     64260 149083200
                          0  2  00  1023    0    1  DB    1023  254   63  149,147,460    7,132,860
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  2  00   9284    0    1  DB   9727  254   63 149147460   7132860

Disk Geometry Information for Disk 2:    2498 Cylinders,  255 Heads,  63 Sectors/Track
System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect    StartSect     NumSects
SWAPSPACE2                 0  0  00     0    1    1  82     261  254   63           63    4,208,967
                          0  1  00   262    0    1  83    1023  254   63    4,209,030   14,795,865
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  1  00    262    0    1  83   1182  254   63   4209030  14795865
                          0  2  00  1023  254   63  83    1023  254   63   19,004,895   21,125,475
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  2  00   1183    0    1  83   2497  254   63  19004895  21125475

Disk Geometry Information for Disk 3:    3649 Cylinders,  255 Heads,  63 Sectors/Track
Info: Disk Manager is installed on this drive.
System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect    StartSect     NumSects
                          0  0  80     0    1    1  0C    1023  254   63           63   37,351,062
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  0  80      0    1    1  0C   2324  254   63        63  37351062
                          0  1  00  1023    0    1  0F    1023  254   63   37,351,125   21,270,060
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  1  00   2325    0    1  0F   3648  254   63  37351125  21270060
DATA1             37,351,125  0  00  1023    1    1  0B    1023  254   63   37,351,188   21,269,997
Info: Begin C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
37351125  0  00   2325    1    1  0B   3648  254   63  37351188  21269997

Disk Geometry Information for Disk 4:    60802 Cylinders,  255 Heads,  63 Sectors/Track
System              PartSect  # Boot BCyl Head Sect  FS    ECyl Head Sect    StartSect     NumSects
                          0  0  00     0    1    1  07    1023  254   63           63  976,784,067
Info: End C,H,S values were large drive placeholders.
 Actual values are:
       0  0  00      0    1    1  07  60801  254   63        63 976784067

Partition Information for Disk 1:    76,316.6 Megabytes
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  TotalSects
*:DellUtility  Dell        Pri          31.3           0  0          63      64,197
C:             NTFS        Pri,Boot 72,794.5           0  1      64,260 149,083,200
              CP/M, Concurrent DOS, CTOSPri       3,482.8           0  2 149,147,460   7,132,860
              Unallocated Pri           7.8        None -- 156,280,320      16,065

Partition Information for Disk 2:    19,594.9 Megabytes
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  TotalSects
*:SWAPSPACE2   Linux Swap  Pri       2,055.2           0  0          63   4,208,967
              Linux Ext2  Pri       7,224.5           0  1   4,209,030  14,795,865
              Linux Ext2  Pri      10,315.2           0  2  19,004,895  21,125,475

Partition Information for Disk 3:    28,623.6 Megabytes
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  TotalSects
F:             FAT32X      Pri,Boot 18,237.8           0  0          63  37,351,062
              ExtendedX   Pri      10,385.8           0  1  37,351,125  21,270,060
              EPBR        Log      10,385.8        None --  37,351,125  21,270,060
N:DATA1        FAT32       Log      10,385.7  37,351,125  0  37,351,188  21,269,997

Partition Information for Disk 4:    476,945.4 Megabytes
Volume         PartType    Status    Size MB    PartSect  #   StartSect  TotalSects
G:             NTFS        Pri      476,945.3           0  0          63 976,784,067
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 44
Stanton, CA

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #5 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 11:09am

I also came to the conclusion that I would need to do seperate backups for each hd with NG10. It appeared to hang on drive N: at 89% completed and stayed there for hours. I tried to cancel and it didn't appear to do so. Finally I closed the window. It appeared that drives C & F got completely backed up but N didn't complete for whatever reason. Chkdsk /r were just fine.

Disk F:

Volume Serial Number is 17EE-2827
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows is verifying free space...
Free space verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
   18,639,104 KB total disk space.
       2,228 KB in 34 hidden files.
       2,016 KB in 481 folders.
   10,614,308 KB in 2,581 files.
         128 KB in bad sectors.
    8,020,420 KB are available.

       4,096 bytes in each allocation unit.
    4,659,776 total allocation units on disk.
    2,005,105 allocation units available on disk.

C:\Documents and Settings\Henry>chkdsk N: /r
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Volume DATA1 created 9/23/2006 1:55 PM
Volume Serial Number is 4515-3CBB
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows is verifying free space...
Free space verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
   10,624,600 KB total disk space.
         192 KB in 10 hidden files.
         144 KB in 18 folders.
    6,791,760 KB in 82 files.
    3,832,496 KB are available.

       8,192 bytes in each allocation unit.
    1,328,075 total allocation units on disk.
     479,062 allocation units available on disk.

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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 44
Stanton, CA

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #6 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 11:12am

Here is my configuration:

Disk1   C:    80GB    NTFS     internal
Disk2          20GB    ReiserFS   internal
Disk3   F:    18GB    FAT32     FW400
         N:    10GB    FAT32     FW400
Disk4  G:   500GB    NTFS       USB2

Disk2 is for Suse Linux and not acknowledged by Windows.

Had to divide your answers into several posts to accomodate length restrictions. Still did not give all of info on partinfo.

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #7 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 12:57pm
That clarifies your configuration.  I didn't realize you were backing up from firewire to usb2.

Summary:  your c: NTFS internal drive backs up fine, and your f: fat32 firewire partition backs up fine, but the n: fat32 extended firewire partition doesn't.

I would concentrate on what is going on with the firewire issues if any and Dell bios updates (search Dell website).

First though, if it were my pc, I would try to cleanup Disk3:  

** First try a Ghost 10 backup of just n, then try Ghost 10 backup of just f.

1. See if you can use XP Windows Explorer to make backup copies of f: and n: to your new usb2 drive, such as g:\fat32backup
2. Delete n: partition and delete extended partition.
3. Use Partition Magic to expand f: to full size of firewire drive.  (I assume you want fat32 for some linux reason.  If not change to ntfs.)
4. run chkdsk f: /r
5. Try to take Ghost 10 backup of f:

For your Dell 3000 do you have a separate firewire/usb2 card in the pc or did it come that way?  

Basically what happened I believe is that during the heavy i/o load from usb2 to firewire there was some data recovery error.  There are other threads of usb2 failing on some motherboards under heavy i/o loads, which is basically the case here when Ghost image backup is running.  Same can apply to firewire.

So, verify that you have the latest Dell BIOS (if not update) for your Dell Dimension 3000 and the latest software/firmware for your firewire drive.

Bottom line, I think you are getting closer as to what the problem(s) are/were.  With your large 500gb usb2 drive now, maybe you don't need your older 28gb fw400 drive.
It's often better to simplify (my opinion).

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 44
Stanton, CA

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #8 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 2:00pm
Originally I had a 40GB C drive with only 10% of free space left. So I decided to add some spare HDs I had laying around to provide more space to install software. That is  how I ended up with the externals. Also I had intended to place my iTunes on an external that I could then take with me and my laptop. So I added the 28Gb and divided it into 2 drives (F, N)  FAT32 to provide either storage for Linux & Windows or even to add Linux for booting. I was still thinking it over. Recently, I added the second internal and made it the Linux hd. Now I can boot either linux or Windows.     With the failure of NG10 on the NAS and Acronis' success and ur input I decided to change my config to backup on USB2 drive. Norton may have failed here and Acronis has just now finished a full backup and verify on all three disks in a single file. I say NG10 may have failed because I still have some doubts but it did not finish like it should have.
  I think your advice is good and I will need to followup on why NG doesn't seem to finish. Maybe it failed during the verify or maybe it didn't finish the image on N:. Backups of F & N are both sceduled today and we will see what happens. FW was added by me.     I should say that previous attempts to backup to G: were FW to FW. It only became USB2 when I installed the 500GB drive from LaCie.
  I will probably move the files over to C: from F: & N: now that I have 40GB of free space. I will probably completely remove all partitions on Drive 3 and store away until needed. So the configuration will only be drives C:, Linux, G:. More than enough space. I need to find a program to move the files; got any suggestions?
  Chkdsk /r  of F: and N: were both provided on my second post today. I have ran it several times without incidence.
   KISS,  Keep It Simple Stupid,  the moto of all good engineers and one I usually try to follow. 
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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #9 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 2:13pm
From what I read on the Dell website, the Dell Dimension 3000 does not have firewire, so I assume you purchased a separate PCI firewire card and put it inside your pc?

Everything else sounds fine now, but verify that you have the latest updates for your card.  Older pc's had more problems with heavy i/o loads with usb2 and firewire than current ones.  If your usb2 and firewire cables are both plugged into the same card, try putting the usb2 in the Dell connection to separate the two.

You don't have Norton GoBack do you?  That was one of the errors mentioned from google.

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 44
Stanton, CA

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 5:09pm
Yes, the Dell didn't come with firewire and so I added it with a PCI card. I did this because the enclosures I bought had both USB2 and FW400 and I wanted to try FW. I was told that FW didn't load down the CPU like USB did. I now don't believe that that is correct.  The Dell came with USB2. I believe that the PCI card is FW400 only. I will need to stop the system and get back to you on that. I have a lot of other things plugged into USB and maybe I need to look at that also.

The driver for FW is written by M$ and Device Manager says that FW is Texas Instrument OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller. I suppose that means the chip. I would have to pull the card out of the computer to see if I recognize the mfr.

But there is one nagging haunt in the back of my mind. Why does Acronis backup the system to either NAS or USB2 without a hitch and NG10 is having these difficulties? If it is an I/O problem I would think that it would affect both programs the same.

No, I don't have Norton GoBack. This sounds like  Windows rollback.

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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #11 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 5:30pm
ollie90680 wrote on Mar 15th, 2007 at 5:09pm:
I have a lot of other things plugged into USB and maybe I need to look at that also.

One of the first suggestions most techs recommend regarding usb2 debugging is to be sure the device you are having a problem with (in your case 500GB drive) is plugging directly into the pc, and not into a usb2 hub (again simplify).  Since your Dell Dimension 3000 has two usb ports in the front I believe, be sure the 500GB USB2 drive is connected directly to that, or to one in the back.

I've seen some USB2 problems resolved by using a PCI card instead of the motherboard usb2 connection (this may not apply to you, but that is why I suggested checking the Dell BIOS level.)

Regarding the success of TI9/10 vs. Ghost 10, you should do more reading on the TI support website:


I have used both products, but prefer the reliability of Ghost over True Image.  The methods each uses to backup images is different.  TI has many threads of people who say they backed up their hard drive, verified it, and then found out on restore that the image was corrupt.  Most of the issues tend to point to memory, because as I understand it, TI uses the pc's memory extensively to hold back any disk activity while the hot image backup is occurring.

Ghost uses a different method and doesn't seem to be so memory sensitive.  However, problems with Ghost and problems with True Image failing are usually hardware related.

Not previously mentioned, but I assume (hope) you have all the XP updates installed on your pc.  Norton Ghost is dependent upon that especially .NET.

Does TI backup to your NAS drive in 30 or 45 minutes or 6 hours?

I am anxious to hear how the separate Ghost 10 full independent backup of just your n: drive goes.  Sometimes i/o errors don't occur until after a period of activity.


Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #12 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 5:33pm
Also, I'm assuming the c000021a blue screen of death error went away?

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #13 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 5:42pm

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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Re: Error - Blue Screen of Death
Reply #14 - Mar 16th, 2007 at 7:54am
Are F: and N: the two partitions that you couldn't defrag?  Just wondered if that issue was ever resolved.

How much free space in f: now?  It occurred to me that may be contributing to the Ghost 10 backup problem with that partition.

Ghost4me  Ghost 9, 10, 12, 14, 15.  Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
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