USB version
Use at your own risk.
The batch file will ghostback your latest ghostfile.gho to first
unhidden primary partition.
ghostfile.gho is located in main directory on one drive
ghostfile.gho is name as ghostfile1.gho, ghostfile2.gho etc.
Can download the file here...
Link to download removed by NightOwlEdited: Edit by Nightowl--6/23/2012 at approx. 11:00 am
Your download appears to contain a working copy of *ghost.exe*--that's a protected, licensed program by Symantec, and distributing it would be a violation of their EULA! That's the one main rule we have here on our forum--no distribution of licensed software that is not freeware or in the public domain for free use and distribution.
I have temporarily removed your link.
You can offer a download without that proprietary program that others can then copy their properly licensed version of the program to the boot disc, disk, or usb flashdrive.
config.sys -------------
autoexec.bat -----------------------
@echo off
prompt $p$g
SET TZ=GHO-08:00 /insert
rem /lX Sets the letter of the first used drive. For example, lC means that the first partition detected contains the letter C.
ntfs4dos /lC findG.bat
findG.bat ----------------------
@echo off
rem booting from usb
rem usb stick hd1,1 -- assign c
rem hd c hd2,1 -- assign d
rem hd d hd2,2 -- assign e
rem hd e hd2,3 -- assign f
path a:
rem Check drives for existence of .gho file and return drive letter
set drive=
if exist E:\*.gho set drive=E:
if exist F:\*.gho set drive=F:
if exist G:\*.gho set drive=G:
if exist H:\*.gho set drive=H:
if exist I:\*.gho set drive=I:
if exist J:\*.gho set drive=J:
if exist K:\*.gho set drive=K:
if exist L:\*.gho set drive=L:
if exist M:\*.gho set drive=M:
if exist N:\*.gho set drive=N:
if exist O:\*.gho set drive=O:
if exist P:\*.gho set drive=P:
if exist Q:\*.gho set drive=Q:
if exist R:\*.gho set drive=R:
if exist S:\*.gho set drive=S:
if exist T:\*.gho set drive=T:
if exist U:\*.gho set drive=U:
if exist V:\*.gho set drive=V:
if exist W:\*.gho set drive=W:
if exist X:\*.gho set drive=X:
if exist Y:\*.gho set drive=Y:
if exist Z:\*.gho set drive=Z:
FOR %%l IN (*.gho) do set ghofile=%%l
set drive2=
if exist E:\*.gho set drive2=2:2
if exist F:\*.gho set drive2=2:3
if exist G:\*.gho set drive2=2:4
if exist H:\*.gho set drive2=2:5
if exist I:\*.gho set drive2=2:6
if exist J:\*.gho set drive2=2:7
if exist K:\*.gho set drive2=2:8
if exist L:\*.gho set drive2=2:9
if exist M:\*.gho set drive2=2:10
if exist N:\*.gho set drive2=2:11
if exist O:\*.gho set drive2=2:12
if exist P:\*.gho set drive2=2:13
if exist Q:\*.gho set drive2=2:14
if exist R:\*.gho set drive2=2:15
if exist S:\*.gho set drive2=2:16
if exist T:\*.gho set drive2=2:17
if exist U:\*.gho set drive2=2:18
if exist V:\*.gho set drive2=2:19
if exist W:\*.gho set drive2=2:20
if exist X:\*.gho set drive2=2:21
if exist Y:\*.gho set drive2=2:22
if exist Z:\*.gho set drive2=2:23
echo * Ghost file
[0;32;40m at drive
echo * check if disk:volume
[0;32;40m match the table above else
input " * type the correct disk:volume = " drive2 /E /L4
if exist e:\windows GOTO part2
echo ghost.exe -CLONE,MODE=PLOAD,SRC=%drive2%\%ghofile%:1,DST=2:1 -FX
ghost.exe -CLONE,MODE=PLOAD,SRC=%drive2%\%ghofile%:1,DST=2:1 -FX
goto done
echo ghost.exe -CLONE,MODE=PLOAD,SRC=%drive2%\%ghofile%:1,DST=2:2 -FX
ghost.exe -CLONE,MODE=PLOAD,SRC=%drive2%\%ghofile%:1,DST=2:2 -FX