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The psychology of mobile marketing (Read 4949 times)
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The psychology of mobile marketing
Mar 5th, 2014 at 1:56am
In the course of just one decade, mobile devices have undergone a lot of big changes. When they were first starting out, they were an extremely useful tool that allowed people to make phone calls on the go. Today, a mobile device's ability to make a phone call is taken for granted in light of everything else it can do. Today, mobile devices are mini computers, they are people's primary line of communication by phone, email, text, and social media. They're communication and entertainment devices all rolled into one.

Because mobile devices have become such an integral part of our lives, it's not surprising that they have become a part of our psychology as well. Consider the feelings of anxiety and fear that suddenly grip you when you can't find your phone. Many smartphone owners report that they can't go more than a few minutes without it. It's always nearby even when they're in bed or in the restroom.

The more we use smartphones, the more we learn to rely on them. For marketers looking for ways to reach customers through their mobile device, they need to understand the psychology behind mobile marketing.

The same principles still apply

Because mobile technology is rapidly evolving, many people assume that the marketing strategies we use should as well. To some degree this is true. As smartphones grow more advanced, marketers find new ways to take advantage of that technology. However, many of the marketing principles that have been around for decades still apply. Consider these timeless marketing truths that our grandparents' generation embraced:

·         Have a neat appearance. Any door-to-door salesperson will tell you that people are willing to listen to a well dressed and well groomed salesperson than a grungy one

·         Confidence sells. Salespeople who are confident but not arrogant see more success than those that are too timid

·         The power of the first impression. No amount of good impressions can completely overwrite a bad first impression. Salespeople understand that the first impression is everything

·         Form a personal connection. Success is most likely when salespeople can communicate with people in their language and with their manner of speaking

·         Overcome concerns. Every salesperson knows that people will have concerns. Their pitch is designed to address and overcome those concerns early on

·         Be honest. While a dishonest approach can work for awhile, it's never the successful approach in the long run

·         Follow up. Finally, a good salesperson's work doesn't end with the sale. They follow up to ensure their customer is satisfied

These tried and true techniques for door-to-door salespeople are just as valuable to mobile marketers. These same principles apply to mobile marketing.

Though the mobile marketer isn't personally visiting people's doorsteps, they are approaching them through their mobile device, and for many people that is a very personal space. Mobile marketers who can master these sales techniques will see more success with their mobile campaigns.

Mobile Technology News brought to you by businesstexter.com

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: The psychology of mobile marketing
Reply #1 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 2:56am
wtf, mary?

we normally delete stuff like this.
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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 5826
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound--USA

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Re: The psychology of mobile marketing
Reply #2 - Mar 5th, 2014 at 9:24am

Hmmm....Mary Smith--is that the *author* of this material if you follow the link given (I have not looked).  That's a pretty generic looking name--often used by folks posting advertising (spam) to increase views of a given site!

The content of the post may actually be using the psychology that is being referenced to grab one's attention and *make you look* at the posted link.

we normally delete stuff like this.

So far, you haven't deleted it (has worked its magic?!)--it's your call!



No question is stupid ... but, possibly the answers are Wink !
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