Tuesday: 18.October.2005

Updated the Guide to Norton Ghost

Updated the Ghost guide .. minor update .. included links to additional alternatives to Norton Ghost, one of them being free for home users (DriveImage XML).

Everybody likes freeware, but I feel the ability to restore your system (should anything tragic befall your hard drive) comes with such grave consequences that co$t should not become much of a factor in deciding which imaging application to use.

Nevertheless, everyone agrees that *any* imaging solution - no matter how rudimentary - is still far better than no imaging solution.

••• continued •••

Obviously, I feel Ghost is the best choice for an imaging program (for some of the reasons detailed here) .. as it has saved my bacon dozens of time .. and never once failed me .. but I am not dogmatic about using Ghost.

[Now, if those boyz at Symantec would send me a fat check every month, I might be persuaded to wax dogmatic. =) ]

I do however, feel it foolhardy to operate your system without the protection of *any* back-up imaging solution .. which is why I include links to every alternative I'm aware of.

If there's *one* thing you should get from this site, it should be the awareness that using an imaging solution today can save many tears tomorrow. I hate to see grown men cry.

Notice how prominently the Rad Ghost guide ranks in a Google search for the query-terms: Norton Ghost. It is over 5 years old, and still the site's most popular feature.

Gents who frequent the forums have much experience with every version of Ghost out there, and can help with any problem you might have.

In other news, Frontline is broadcasting a special tonight on: The Torture Question. Should be interesting.

Frontline is one of my favorite shows. They're not afraid to shine their investigative light on subjects others prefer to avoid. They ask tough questions and dig deep for answers. I also like the understated manner in which they present their findings.

Posted by Rad at October 18, 2005 01:50 PM


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