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Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0 (Read 34292 times)
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Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Jun 3rd, 2005 at 1:41pm
Hi all
I had two discs in the box one said recovery and I thought the other disc was for installation of ghost 9x , so I installed  put that other disc in and installed 2003 without realizing it
( no activation # was asked I thought that was strange )
then I realized that it was 2003 not 9x when I had a better look at the disc ( it did say ghost 2003)
( so the recovery disc is also the installation disc  as well as the recovery disc , its misleading because it does not say ghost 9x anywhere on the face of the 9x installation disc all it says is recovery disc period but the second disc is  actually ghost 2003.
I could see lots of people getting misled this way ....
Does it make any difference besides taking up space on my C drive , should I leave it  and now install ghost 9x along with ghost 2003 and keep both versions or would I be better off to uninstall ghost 2003 iand install 9x alone
I will only use 9x and probably never need to use 2003 ?
So my instinct tells me to uninstall ghost 2003 and install ghost 9x now  
I am not even sure its the full version or a bare bones version for those who previously had powerquest drive image v6 and need those files to update ?? Never the less I do have a cd I purcheased online with the full 2003 ghost on the installation cd I am sure of that one , but not so sure about this one ..
I want to keep my C drive as small as possible with data

Hello El Pescador !!
The lastest model usb 2 Seagate hardrive purcheased in  may 2005 is compatable with ghost 2003 for restores ,
It is visible when I clicked on browse as well as my C drive and three partition...
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"I tought I saw a puddy

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Olympia, WA--Puget Sound-USA

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #1 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 2:07pm

I think someone posted awhile back that you can not have both Ghost 9.x and Ghost 2003 installed at the same time in Windows.  If you try to install the other, the install program will say it has to 'uninstall' the first, before proceeding.

So my instinct tells me to uninstall ghost 2003 and install ghost 9x now  
I want to keep my C drive as small as possible with data  

If you do not plan on using Ghost 2003, I would un-install it using the 'Start|Control Panel|Add or Remove Programs' routine.  And then install Ghost 9.x.

No question is stupid...but, possibly the answers are  Wink !
(This is an old *NightOwl* user account--not in current use.  Current account is NightOwl without a dash at the end.)
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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #2 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 2:13pm
Thank You my friend Night Owl , sure glad you are by your computer at this time
I am going to un - install this 2003  pronto .....
Thank you again and  G-D Bless you
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Bayou Country, USA

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #3 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 2:38pm
chuckychez wrote on Jun 3rd, 2005 at 1:41pm:
"... Hello El Pescador !!
The lastest model usb 2 Seagate hardrive purcheased in  may 2005 is compatable with ghost 2003 for restores , ... It is visible when I clicked on browse as well as my C drive and three partition..."

Whoa - slow down, chuckychez - let us "make hay while the sun still shines" !!!

Try cranking up
Ghost Advanced > Run Ghost Interactively
to review all of the partitions (logical drives) on your PC and on the Seagate external drive (use the Up/Down arrows to navigate if the mouse cursor does not show what you expect to see).

El Pescador

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #4 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 7:32pm
Hi El Pescador
I have no idea what you mean  by run ghost interactively to review all of the the partitions and seagate usb 2
I clicked on each one of the options and by following the instructions to the letter . it brought me to where I was supposed to go and I did see all of my partitions and seagate looking in the browse window  so what more is there to do ..
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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #5 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 8:07pm
chuckychez -

If you were in the Norton Ghost 2003 DOS mode - where everything seems to be BLUE and GRAY - and there was a dropdown window where you could see all your logical drives (aka partitions), then your Seagate external HDD is NEC-compliant and Norton/Iomega friendly.

If you open Norton Ghost 2003 in Windows, you will see the options mentioned in my previous post above with certain letters underlined:

Ghost Basic > Backup

Ghost Advanced > Run Ghost Interactively

Ghost Utilities > Norton Ghost Boot Wizard

El Pescador

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #6 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 8:37pm
El Pescador
The disc I used for the test was the ghost 9.0 disc not the ghost 2003 disc , I only used that when I tried to install ghost and thought I was installing 9x when I was really installing 2003 , anyway its uninstalled now ...
As far as the 9x recovery , I looks to me like I was in dos mode durring the restore process not in windows at first I got the black screen then just the symantic windows and then windows started up again after I clicked exit .
I have another problem now , I had about 2.17 gig unused space on my C drive it seemed like plenty of room  and so I installed those ups apc files , I figured I would get it on C now so when I did the backup it would be included in the backup , so now I see where I have like  zero unused space left in C the tech told me that it was just  2 mbs , I don't get it ??
and if I am going to use PM 8  Its not good if C is filled to the brim like that and so now I am frantically  unistalling as much as I can ,
I uninstalled all my three spyware detector programs , encarta and streets and maps and vcom system suite and unused left over folders from previous software programs that were un installed   and also symantec live updates they got installed when I installed ghost 2003 I guess , so I suppose when I install 9.0 I will regain those symantec live updates right ?
well I still don't have enough room to even do a defrag
so I won 't be able to install ghost unless I figure out what else to un install   , could anyone tell me about how much room ghost 9.0 is going to consume ?? I guess I will have to start unistalling microsoft offiice programs , which I hate to do
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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #7 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 8:49pm
This is crazy I got a 250 gig hardrive and that screwy builder makes my C drive on 9.76 gig , and I don't have enough room to even install ghost so when I repartion I will have some security with knowing I have a ghost backup if things should go badly , after uninstalling about seven programs I just now tried to defrag , its telling me I only have 3 % unused space and defrag needs 15 % of unused space , I am realy in quantry , I was told the ups files were only about 2 mb's and I installed and unistalled ghost 2003 and also symantec updates other then that I did not install anything else I can't figure out how I got so much extra gig from 2.17 free to now a few mbs unused space on C drive ???
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NSW, Australia

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #8 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 9:16pm
chuckychez, you might get an extra GB of space by disabling System Restore. Also disable Hibernation. If you have 1 GB of RAM this will give you another 1 GB of disk space. We could change your page file size if you need more space.
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Bayou Country, USA

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #9 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 9:39pm
chuckychez -

Do a search for pagefile.sys (aka your swapfile) on C: Drive.  It can take up a gig or more by itself, but Ghost should ignore it.

El Pescador

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #10 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 10:16pm
Brian , El Pescador thanks guys
I will see what I can do
By the way how much space does the page files take up and your saying ghost don't include those in the backup ?
And don't you think the computer speed will slow down if the page files are away from the operating system drive and far down the hardrive on a different partion ?
Whats you take on that ?
My only ace in the hole now I am thinking to to un install my scanner program files , I don't know how accurate it is , but add remove is telling me its 4 gig ( hard to beleive ??)
As long as I have the cd I guess I should be ok with reinstalling it once I enlarge my C drive . Is it safe to uninstall and later reinstall the scanner program files ?
I never use messinger , but looks like there is no way to uninstall it , its not in add/remove or in start> my programs
I did save to favorites the other day goggle maps looks like it might take up space , but I guess thats only a short cut with a few kb's .its not on add/remove or programs so I can't figure out how to get rid of it ..I am going to uninstall those ups files I guess but it says in add/remove its only just under 5 mbs ,
I can not figure out what happened I just had 2.17 free the other day and all I did since then was installl and uninstall ghost 2003 and install those ups files which are only 5 mb s ,so where did all those mb's come from ??
computers are so dam wierd ..
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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #11 - Jun 3rd, 2005 at 10:22pm
Brian what happens when you disable system restore , is it real easy to enable it again later on ? I want to keep it
Is there some window in control panel or somewhere to disable and enable it ? just like xp firewall with a simple  off /on  type of thing
My ups files are in that  hibernation/ (hyberfil) folder it uses 2 gig on my pc cuz my ram is two gig .
It takes a snapshot of the whole pc then it  puts the pc to sleep and after half hour of unactivity  and when you shake mouse it wakes up and whatever you had on you computer like outlook express or a word doc. will still be on the monitor ...

Can anyone tell me how much Mbs ghost 9.0 uses up on the C drive ?
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #12 - Jun 4th, 2005 at 12:33am
chuckychez, you need space now. I don't know why you have suddenly lost space ?temp files ?system restore gone mad. I've seen the latter. I turned off system restore and hibernation two years ago. I suggest you do both now and you will have at least 3 GB of extra space. You can turn them back on next week if you like.

The Ghost folder on my C: drive is 75 MB.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #13 - Jun 4th, 2005 at 12:38am
To disable System Resore, right click My Computer, Properties, System Restore tab, put a tick in Turn off system restore on all drives. Accept the warnings.

To turn off Hibernation, right click the desktop, Properties, Screensaver tab, Power, Hibernate tab, remove the tick.

Plenty of disk space now. May need a restart.
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Bayou Country, USA

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Re: Accidently installed NG03 instead of 9.0
Reply #14 - Jun 4th, 2005 at 11:22am
chuckychez -

Here awhile back, I found that the Temp file (C:\Windows\Temp) on my C: drive was holding
14.7 GB
of some trash from my HP printer.  You should not delete that file, but you can do NO HARM by emptying it out.

El Pescador

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