Quote:I really hope someone answers in the affirmative to this request.
I would say that the outlook is *not good*!
Ghost probably has over-written all data from the beginning of the drive to the point where the amount of data from the image file ends--so if the HDD is 80 GB and the data in the image file was 10 GB, then the first 10 GB of the destination HDD has been over-written--and any original data in that first 10 GB will not be recoverable with any *standard* recovery tools!
Now, if there is data beyond that first 10 GB, Ghost probably did not over-write it unless special switches or parameter were used rather than default settings--and recovery tools will be able to access that (you want to discontinue use of that HDD so more data is not over-written by addition writes to that drive!). But, it's hard to say how recoverable and usable those file may be--depends on how fragmented files where between the first 10 GB and the rest of that HDD.
Recovery companies may be able to *see* the over-written data using special tools that can detect the *remnant* magnetic shadow of that previous data--but that's beyond the average user!