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reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ?? (Read 209583 times)

Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #75 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 5:28pm

Today is the big day. After you have done a few differentials and understand the concept you will be ready to teach others. It's the same every time and the backup always works.

When you do a multi-pass differential you will see "Analyzing" where IFL is working out what has changed since the last Full image. Then IFL writes the differential image and does a Validate. Analyzing takes up most of the backup time and is the component that is assisted by having the Hash file. If you delete the Hash file you can still create a differential image but Analyzing will take longer.
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I Love Radified!

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Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #76 - Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:01am

wrote Reply #75 - Today at 00:28:02

Today is the big day... It's the same every time and the backup always works.

When you do a multi-pass differential you will see "Analyzing" where IFL is working out what has changed since the last Full image. Then IFL writes the differential image and does a Validate. Analyzing takes up most of the backup time and is the component that is assisted by having the Hash file. If you delete the Hash file you can still create a differential image but Analyzing will take longer.

AH!,,, but please hold it, hold it  Roll Eyes

I'm still sorta °fighting° to find out WHAT and WHEN exactly to select/double click/highlight to get the correct  DESTINATION folder/file Embarrassed

When creating backup image (full/entire) - I get "folder not found" - till I select/double click/highlight the correct file (maybe ?) --> meaning the file
below the folder
(latter says <DIR> = directory)  Huh

Happened when I started with *differential backup* > selected *... <Dir>* = wrong.

Selected *[file ..... ~4K]* --> seemed wrong to me, since I can't possibly add a backup INto an existing file! {understand my way of thinking ?}.

Furthermore: Within IFL the option 'file name' will only be given/offered when in correct folder/file (?) ,,, so I assumed.

---> Wrong again, cause when creating *EntireDrive image* - I picked created folder on usb external drive.
IFL started creating ...
After creating was successful, I found the 2 files in the path, not in folder ---> had to drag & drop.

There is a general problem which I don't seem to get right [how to - what - when - WHERE TO pick destination!].

Now, it doesn't matter as long as I can drag & drop the files into the appropriate folder.

But what when the external HD has quite a number of folders/files !!!

Master Brian
I've searched the manual + the knowledge base for a most similar screenshot/pic - to no avail.
This problem has to be solved in the first place.

I'm scared what might happen if I'd pick the wrong file when it comes to RESTORING  Shocked

Now, here's what I did yesterday (report):

1. Create
Backup image from a
Partition Image

Folder on external HD "Img_A_Full_XP_Incl_Differentials-09.08.2012" < = original folder already including full image XP.

IFL: file size: 8,981MiB (analyzing) | time: 2:35mts (creating)

2. Create
Entire Drive Backup Image

Folder on external HD "EntireDrive_C_Main-10.08.2012"

5 items (= partitions), showing [XP] as *partition 01* + [MBR 1] as *partition 02*.
Actual partitions are: [XP], [Music], [Emails], [Exe's+Drvs], [Videos] - make 5.

{question in between: [Music] = biggest partition (data).
IFL shows "volume
< what does
mean ??}

IFL: file size 143,661MiB | time 2:13:13
IFL: 287,312 incl. validation  | 4:26:26 incl. validation

External drive (destination):

file size *Full Backup 08/09/2012* = 4,247,776 KB.
file size *HashFileFullBackup 08/09/2012* = 52,860 KB.
file size *DifferentialBackupFromPartitionImage 08/10/2012* = 456,332 KB.
file size *EntireDriveBackup 08/10/2012* = 142,115,548 KB.
file size *HashFileEntireDriveBackup 08/10/2012* = 1,149,349 KB.

henriette *pondering learner* 


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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #77 - Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:35am

henriette wrote on Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:01am:
I'm still sorta °fighting° to find out WHAT and WHEN exactly to select/double click/highlight to get the correctDESTINATION folder/file

Let's say my target HD has a partition with the drive letter of D:
I'll now create multiple folders in D:   
Folder 1 first. Open 1 and create 2, open 2 and create 3, open 3 and create 4.
I'd like to create my images in folder 4. So the path is D:\1\2\3\4

Now I'll boot into IFL and create an Entire Drive image, writing the image to the 4 folder.

Full Backup
ATA ..... (sda)
select Entire Drive
Single File Set
File Direct
select your USB HD. It will be last in the list
select partition on USB (you will see the partition label)
double click 1
double click 2
double click 3
double click 4
at the bottom right of the window you will see /1/2/3/4/*.tbi    (so you know you are in the correct folder)
in the Name field, delete the default name and type in your own name. You don't have to type .tbi as that will be filled in automatically by IFL.
click Next
leave the ticks in Omit Page File Data, Omit Hibernation Data and Log Results to File
put a tick in Validate Byte-for-Byte
put a tick in Speed up Changes Only Backup
Compression Enhanced Speed - A
click Next
click Start

henriette wrote on Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:01am:
IFL shows "volume (2EB) < what does EB mean ??}

It is a Partition ID. Ignore it. You don't need to know about it at this stage.

henriette wrote on Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:01am:
I'm scared what might happen if I'd pick the wrong file when it comes to RESTORING

After you sort out the double clicking you CAN'T make that mistake.

Thanks for posting the times. I'd now like to see a time for a differential of your Entire Drive image.

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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #78 - Aug 11th, 2012 at 2:37pm

henriette wrote on Aug 11th, 2012 at 5:01am:
[MBR 1] as *partition 02*

I note you do have a number after "MBR".

MBR 1 is an Extended partition. It contains your four logical volumes.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #79 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:27am

Couldn't reply yesterday > PC had a short circuit, no more switching on possible ... not a quack from DONALD!
Unplugged peripherals 1-by-1, opened case, found a srew beneath mainboard (must have been there for ages) --- plugged peripherals 1-by-1 .... Donald worked again  Grin
[May as well have been a plug, no idea ....]

wrote Reply #77 - Yesterday at 12:35:47

double click 1
double click 2
double click 3
double click 4

AH! Like subfolders ---> click till end of tail, so to speak, right ?
Thanks for the detailed instruction.

IFL shows "volume (2EB) < what does EB mean ??}

It is a Partition ID. Ignore it.

I'm just curious. What does the abbreviation EB stand for ? You don't have to explain what it's all about.

wrote Reply #78 - Yesterday at 21:37:20

[MBR 1] as *partition 02*

I note you do have a number after "MBR".
MBR 1 is an Extended partition. It contains your four logical volumes.

I wrote it because lately you wondered if I had a number after *MBR* Wink

I'd now like to see a time for a differential of your Entire Drive image.

Here you are:

IFL name *Differential_1_EntireDrive.tbi*

File/time --> analyzing ...

IFL: File size Diff incl. validation = 146,767 MiB
       Time = 33:58 sec

On external drive *Differential_1_EntireDrive.tbi*:

file size = 644.572 KB

henriette  Smiley


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #80 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 3:02am

henriette wrote on Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:27am:
found a srew beneath mainboard 

You are clever!

henriette wrote on Aug 12th, 2012 at 2:27am:
I'm just curious. What does the abbreviation EB stand for ?

Every partition has an ID. It is a random hexadecimal number but once assigned, the same number persists. It could have been BA, DD, BE, etc. But EB it is.

Thanks for the numbers. What do you think about IFL at present?

I'm confused as to where you are getting your MiB numbers. Not from IFL I hope. Those numbers you see on the left in IFL aren't related to image size. They are related to sectors in use and are best not recorded. Get the file size from Windows Explorer.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #81 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 9:25am

wrote Reply #80 - Today at 10:02:05

I'm confused as to where you are getting your MiB numbers. Not from IFL I hope. Those numbers you see on the left in IFL aren't related to image size. They are related to sectors in use and are best not recorded. Get the file size from Windows Explorer.

Well, when creating a differential backup image from an Entire Drive image, IFL starts analazing .

In my case there are 5 items (partitions).

IFL showed an estimated size/time [I'd guess] at the very beginning of ~ 318 MiB | time ~ 1:10:xx hrs.

IFL then analyzes partition by partition for changes, with changing displayed sizes/times per partition. Hard to °follow°.

So I took the file size/time at the end (assuming to be 'creating incl. validating') - to give you an idea.

I also gave you the file size from Windows Explorer, when I wrote:

On external drive *Differential_1_EntireDrive.tbi*:

file size = 644.572 KB
I admit, IFL sizes/times are confusing in that case.
Wanted to let you know, anyway :=)


What do you think about IFL at present?

It's a fine software!
"practice makes perfect"  Wink 

You are clever!

~~~"every duck has 'its' day" ~~~ LOL



The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #82 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 4:22pm

Thanks. The file size on the backup HD in Windows Explorer is the one to quote.

In round figures, an Entire Drive image backup is.....
144 GB
4 1/2 hours to create

In round figures, an Entire Drive Differential image backup is.....
0.6 GB
1/2 hour to create

Is this correct?
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #83 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 6:06pm
Here is why you don't want to record the MiB figure seen in IFL. I imaged the same partition twice with Validation. With Enhanced Speed - A and with Nil Compression. IFL reported 3329 MiB Transferred on both occasions. The actual image sizes in Windows Explorer were....

996 MB
1640 MB

I just regard the MiB Transferred as a guide to progress. I don't really understand what it means. If you don't do a Validate the number is halved.

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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #84 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 2:32am

We talked about an IFL log. As IFL runs in RAM the log disappears when the computer restarts. But you can get IFL to email you the log when the Backup or Restore has completed. When you boot back into Windows there will be an email waiting, describing the procedure.

But the email procedure is too complicated for you at this stage. Later. On the other hand, when you see Backup Completed Successfully you don't really need a log.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #85 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 6:14am

wrote Reply #82 - Yesterday at 23:22:38

In round figures, an Entire Drive image backup is.....
144 GB
4 1/2 hours to create

In round figures, an Entire Drive Differential image backup is.....
0.6 GB
1/2 hour to create

Is this correct?

correct  Smiley

Reply #83 - Today at 01:06:18
I just regard the MiB Transferred as a guide to progress. I don't really understand what it means. If you don't do a Validate the number is halved.

I don't think we'll have to give attention to the *MiB* IFL tells us.
The only important size is the one in Windows Explorer > target drive.

Reply #84 - Today at 09:32:03
We talked about an IFL log. As IFL runs in RAM the log disappears when the computer restarts. But you can get IFL to email you the log when the Backup or Restore has completed. When you boot back into Windows there will be an email waiting, describing the procedure.

But the email procedure is too complicated for you at this stage. Later. On the other hand, when you see Backup Completed Successfully you don't really need a log.

I agree, too complicated for me and not really needed.
I'm (almost always) *thinking positive*, meaning the backup will be successful :=)

If not successful, I wonder if I could tell from the email what's wrong. That again might be something as attachment for you to encipher  Grin

I just finished creating a differential backup from partition image. Had new software versions.

IFL: time = 2:51 mts
External Drive (target): file size = 613,032 KB.

General question (External drives & deactivating):
I only plug my external drives when needed for backups.
Usually I deactivate external drives before shutting down PC - because of possible loss of data!
This once I forgot to deactivate > shut down PC > unplugged drive.

Reason for asking:
I once had an external drive. According to the manual one HAD to deactivate the drive BEFORE unplugging because of possible loss of data.

Are the external drives nowadays different  Huh


AH: would you tell me please where in Australia you live ? So I might find out the time difference  Smiley

The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #86 - Aug 13th, 2012 at 6:31am

henriette wrote on Aug 13th, 2012 at 6:14am:
According to the manual one HAD to deactivate the drive BEFORE unplugging because of possible loss of data.

I always use the Safely Remove icon before unplugging USB devices in Windows.

henriette wrote on Aug 13th, 2012 at 6:14am:
where in Australia you live

Eastern NSW. UTC +10. We are 8 hours ahead of your Summer time.

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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #87 - Aug 14th, 2012 at 3:32am

Reply #86 - Yesterday at 13:31:53

I always use the Safely Remove icon before unplugging USB devices in Windows.

Glad I asked  Smiley

Eastern NSW. UTC +10. We are 8 hours ahead of your Summer time.

Hehe, my Master from Down Under is ahead of time  Smiley

Usually Germany is ahead of time > America for example, where some of my friends live --> Geography!

I wonder if I had to create a new *FullBackupImage* (partition XP) next time.
*Full Backup* = 4,3 GB | 2nd Differential = 0,6 GB

You said: "once the differentials start to get larger than 10 or 20% of the *Full Image* size, I suggest starting again with a *Full Image*."

I don't think that the size of an additional differential would be much larger - upcoming patch day (WED = tomorrow for me) - might increase the size, though.

What would you advise me  Huh



The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #88 - Aug 14th, 2012 at 4:28am

henriette wrote on Aug 14th, 2012 at 3:32am:
You said: "once the differentials start to get larger than 10 or 20% of the *Full Image* size, I suggest starting again with a *Full Image*."

I don't think that the size of an additional differential would be much larger - upcoming patch day (WED = tomorrow for me) - might increase the size, though.

What would you advise me

When to create a new Full Entire Drive image is a personal decision. But to help out with a guideline let's do this. Continue with the same Full image if the Differential image size is less than 15 GB. If 6 months has passed and the Differential image is still less than 15 GB, create a new Full image.

I just noticed your example for the WinXP image. Start a new Full image if the Differential image is greater than 1 GB.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #89 - Aug 15th, 2012 at 7:45am

Reply #88 - Yesterday at 11:28:54
When to create a new Full Entire Drive image is a personal decision. But to help out with a guideline let's do this. Continue with the same Full image if the Differential image size is less than 15 GB. If 6 months has passed and the Differential image is still less than 15 GB, create a new Full image.

for the WinXP image. Start a new Full image if the Differential image is greater than 1 GB.

Thanks for the above guidelines. Very helpful  Wink

Just to let you know:
I've written 2 *.docs > "IFL CREATE Backup Images + Differentials" + "IFL RESTORE".

Now it's °neatly° put together in order.

Had been a lot of paperwork I'd copied to several folders (your instructions).

henriette  Smiley


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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