Saturday: 13.January.2007

The Bug's 2nd Birthday

Cold today. (The kind that blows right thru you.) I hit the club for a sauna .. to warm my bones. Mere days ago I was hiking topless in shorts, and sweating. Now I can't seem to get warm. Weird weather we been having.

The bug had his second birthday this week. I was thinking of taking him to Disneyland, which is a birthday tradition I concocted for myself. But everybody I spoke with felt he's still too young to truly enjoy such an outing. (Note: kids under age 3 get in free.)

We ended up doing practically the polar opposite, and spent most of our time surrounded by nature. I managed to find us some nicely wooded areas (.. tho not quite up to Yosemite standards).

We also hit the beach, where he takes great pleasure in feeding Cheerios to dozens of hungry pigeons & seagulls. When the Cheerios run out, he chases the brazen birds up and down the shore. (Long as he has Cheerios, they chase him.)

••• today's entry continued here •••

His favorite activity appears to be watching diggers (also called backhoe's) moving around construction sites, digging holes, along with other "toys" of the construction world (dump trucks, cement mixers, forklifts & cranes).

Altho they quickly bore me, we spent quite-some-time this week at a number of such sites scattered around Orange County. (Much construction going on here.)

His appetite for diggers & dump trucks seems unquenchable, .. while hottie-girls who ogle over him are quickly dismissed as boring. (Yeah, I need to work on that with him.)

I tried to be *extra* attentive this week .. fun, playful, accommodating. Dare I say .. festive? (I didn't see him either Christmas or New Years.)

We also logged plenty of birthday-time on the neighbor's trampoline .. including circular rides on the disc-shaped swing, which hangs from a rope tied to a tree-branch far above it .. and visited all his favorite playgrounds. My efforts paid off with laughs and giggles galore.

He stayed over the night of his birthday, so the day was especially sweet. Before dozing off, I ended the day by listening to the sound his breath as he lay fast asleep.

If you ask him how old he is now, he'll tell you, "Two." He can do a gimme five, a high-five, and even knuckles. When I ask him, "Who loves you?" he responds, "Dada loves you." =D

Posted by Rad at January 13, 2007 05:40 PM


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