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Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost 9 (Read 305986 times)

Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost 9
Jun 20th, 2005 at 1:04am
Most people won't need to use this method, but it does have its advantages, such as creating images and doing Copy Drive from the Preinstalled Environment.

See my #14 reply. The Reatogo program has changed.

Instructions for making a BartPE CD which includes the Ghost 9 plugin

Here is the main BartPE (Preinstalled Environment) web page which explains the PE Builder concept, but we will not use this page for making our CD.


You will need a WinXP SP2 CD or an i386 folder (containing Windows setup files) in your C: drive . Ghost 9 must be installed on your computer.

If you don’t have a SP2 disc, see AutoStreamer in Step 1 of the following web page:


From the above page:

In Step 2 download “ReatogoPE” (which is   reatogo-313-103-a.exe)

Then click “software plugins with autoHelp” and download the following two files. “Getting_Started.exe” and “autoDriver for disk and network drivers” which is at the bottom of the page (autoDriverBETA-1.exe).

Place reatogo-313-103.exe in the root of your C: drive ie   C:\ reatogo-313-103-a.exe

Double click reatogo-313-103-a.exe and follow instructions. This will create a folder called  “reatogo-313-103-a”    
Delete the file    reatogo-313-103-a.exe

Copy “Getting_Started.exe” to the plugin folder  ( C:\ reatogo-313-103-a\plugin )

Make sure you are on the internet.

Double click    Getting_Started.exe and follow instructions. On the Download autoHelp plugins page,

Type 45,      (x_ghost9)        Enter

Type 38,        (USB+1394)    Enter

The  folder C:\reatogo-313-103-a\plugin\USB+1394_autoHelp opens. Double click !autoHelp_USB+1394.cmd

Close the Wget window.

Open the “x_ghost9_autoHelp” folder.
Double click   !autoHelp_ghost9+dotNET.cmd
Type 1,        Enter
Copy and paste your Ghost 9 serial number,          Enter

Skip the next five paragraphs if you don’t need network or storage drivers.  If you are planning to use a network you will need network card drivers. Then you can write an image to another computer or restore an image stored on another computer.

The easiest way to obtain drivers is to use autoDriverBETA-1.exe which you have downloaded. Unzip the file to your plugin folder. Double click autoDriverBETA-1.exe. Make sure the Detection Mode is Network Drivers. Click Detect Drivers. Tick those detected. Click Create Driver Plugin. Don’t use the Storage Drivers mode. It causes a fatal error in the CD operation (on my computer. It may work on yours).

An alternative way to add drivers is to open the “help” folder and double click drivers.htm. This will explain how to do it. You can add drivers for adapters in other computers if you intend to use the CD in other computers.

If you only intend to use the CD in one computer then drivers for your other networked computers aren’t needed. You can also add storage drivers now or Press F6 during the boot process to add your SATA drivers.

The computer containing the BartPE CD must be cabled to your router but other computers on the network can be wireless.

Insert your Win XP SP2 disc into the CD drive.

Open the main C:\ reatogo-313-103-a   folder and double click pebuilder.exe

For Source:   choose your CD drive or if you don't have a WinXP CD, the folder which contains the i386 folder
Leave Output as BartPE
Put a tick in Create ISO image
Don’t tick Burn to CD as it produces an error later (on my computer. It may work on yours).
Click Build
It takes a few minutes depending on the speed of your computer.

Burn pebuilder.iso to a CD (R or RW) using your favourite prog. It must be burnt as an image, not a Data CD, Boot CD or CD-ROM (ISO). In Nero choose Recorder, Burn Image. All burning progs should have an option to burn an image.

Boot to your new CD, press F6 if you need to load SATA drivers (if you didn’t add them to the SCSIAdapter folder). BartPE takes several minutes to load and loading is finished when the Start Menu opens.

Your USB external HD can be hot plugged if desired.

If you need to map a Network Drive, open My Computer, click Tools, Map Network Drive. Don’t click Browse. In the Folder field, add your network share as \\ComputerName\share. Enter your Username and password when prompted.

Double click “Start Ghost9”
Ignore the “Fatal Application Exit” balloon as it’s just the AutoRamResizer being disabled.
Accept the licence agreement. Right click and paste your serial. Unlock.
Click Cancel for “optional registration”.
Double click “Start Ghost9” again.

It’s ready to go.

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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #1 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 12:38pm
Very nice. I stickied it.

We may even want to convert this puppy into a web page.
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #2 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 2:20pm
Hey, Brian.  Here's a (somewhat) tangential question with respect to the requirement "You will need a WinXP SP2 CD".

My Compaq Presario 8000T desktop came pre-loaded with Windows XP, and thus a Windows XP CD was not provided.  In conversation with both Compaq/HP as well as Microsoft, neither is able to provide a Windows XP CD - even though both companies acknowledge that I already own a valid operating system license.  It seems foolish (and costly) to have to purchase another Windows XP license simply to get the CD.  Any ideas?
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #3 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 7:52pm
In the last few months Dell have also stopped providing WinXP CD's with their computers. The Dell newsgroup has had long threads about this action and many people have reported success in obtaining CD's after complaining loudly to Dell. Compaq must still be deaf.

I used to change my BartPE setup frequently, so I copied my WinXP CD to a folder on the HD and I use this folder as "Source". As you hold a valid OS licence and have many friends ...... I think this is OK under the licence anyway.
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Sufferin' succotash

Posts: 4090
Newport Beach, California

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #4 - Jun 20th, 2005 at 8:24pm
Perhaps of interest, about Dell no longer including Windows CDs with their PCs:

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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #5 - Jun 26th, 2005 at 6:10pm
Pleonasm, I just noticed this on Bart's page.

"Build from - Bart's builder can also build from Windows XP Home Edition or from a preinstalled Windows XP version (without CD)."

I'm not sure what he means by "preinstalled Windows XP version" but do you have a C:\i386 folder? I've deleted mine so I can't run a test. Perhaps it can be used as "Source".

Can someone try?
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #6 - Jun 29th, 2005 at 1:32pm
Brian, I do have a C:\WINDOWS\I386 directory on my PC which contains 146 subdirectories, with 6,411 files in total (465MB).  It does appear that the I386 directory holds the Windows XP setup files (see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;307064).

As a kindness to the forum readership, would you be willing to summarize the current ‘state-of-the-art’ recommendations on creating and using BartPE together with Ghost 9.0?  There have been bits of wisdom scattered across different threads, and a unified procedural summary would be highly valued (and appreciated).

I would like to give it a try, assuming that the C:\WINDOWS\I386 directory will work as an alternative source to the Windows XP CD.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #7 - Jun 29th, 2005 at 7:27pm
Pleonasm, your i386 folder should work as "Source".

The instructions for building the CD remain as above. Reatogo has a beta version available with a new final version “coming soon” but use my instructions. The BartPE CD is well worth having, even if you never use the Ghost plugin. You will realize the possibilities of being able to access the files of a non booting OS, run chkdsk, regedit, Computer Management, defrag, delete files which can’t be deleted easily from Windows (eg virus infected files) and also running a virus scan in the PE. It’s far easier to use than the Windows Recovery Console. BartPE was originally designed as a recovery CD.

From the CD, Ghost 9 looks just like the Windows version. Same GUI. All functions are available, image, restore, copy drive and Backup Image Browser. To run Backup Image Browser you need to double click the v2i file rather than use the GUI icon.

For general usage your normal Ghost CD is the way to go. Where the BartPE CD differs is the ability to create images and do Copy Drive from the CD. The normal CD can’t do this. On rare occasions, this can be necessary. We’ve had examples recently.

Also, you can add your own SATA drivers so a floppy isn’t needed. Good for people without a floppy drive. For those people whose Ghost CD doesn’t have drivers for their network card (me) you can add your NIC drivers to BartPE and then have network access. Networking from BartPE is more intuitive than the standard Ghost CD, but both work.

You can even surf the net from the CD.

Creating a BartPE CD will cost you 30 cents. It’s worth much, much more.

PS For those who haven't turned to the Dark Side, you can make the CD without the Ghost 9 plugin.
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #8 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 9:20pm
I successfully created a Bart Preinstalled Environment (BartPE) bootable CD.  Some observations and questions:

  • The process is quite simple (see http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/). ; I encourage everyone to create a BartPE CD, if for no other reason than it allows a user to easily copy files from hard drives onto a USB flash drive using a Windows Explorer look-alike utility.  This could be exceptionally valuable if your PC cannot boot into Windows.
  • PE Builder automatically detected C:\Windows as a valid source for the Windows setup files.  A Windows XP CD is not required.
  • A USB flash drive was unrecognized when running BartPE – unless it was attached prior to booting into BartPE.
  • BartPE automatically recognized an external Maxtor hard disk drive connected via FireWire without difficulty.
  • BartPE does, however, have a 'dark side' – namely, you can use this tool to boot the PC and in the process completely bypass the necessity of entering a Windows password.  As a consequence, the user of BartPE has visibility to each and every file on the PC.  If you think that a Windows password provides file security, then think again.  The answer, of course, is to employ file encryption (e.g., SecretAgent – see http://www.infoseccorp.com/products/secretagent/sa57win.htm)/

  • Oddly, I noticed that the time/date stamp of a copied file is exactly 5 hours later than the source.  Any ideas on why this might be?
  • After creating the PEBuilder.iso file, is there any reason not to delete the 'output' directory generated by PE Builder (C:\PE Builder\pebuilder313\BartPE\*.*)?

Kudos to Brian for raising awareness of BartPE on this forum!

P.S.:  I did not include the Ghost 9.0 plug-in for BartPE, since I do not anticipate the need to create images from within BartPE.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #9 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 5:10am
Welcome to the BartPE club. Editing the boot.ini because of partition number mismatch has been of value to me. When you get the time, try both varieties and see which you prefer.



PE Builder automatically detected C:\Windows as a valid source for the Windows setup files.  A Windows XP CD is not required.

I've updated my instructions.

Oddly, I noticed that the time/date stamp of a copied file is exactly 5 hours later than the source.

The build time on my BartPE is in GMT. Do you live on the US east coast?

After creating the PEBuilder.iso file, is there any reason not to delete the 'output' directory generated by PE Builder (C:\PE Builder\pebuilder313\BartPE\*.*)?

It's of no further use and I delete the folder.

If your Ghost 9 application is working correctly the Ghost plugin on this CD will be just of interest value. Imaging direct from the CD could sometimes be useful. Such as imaging a computer which doesn't yet have Ghost 9 installed.
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #10 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 11:21am
Brian, concerning instructions about the necessity of having a Windows CD, note that the situation I described may be unique to the configuration of my PC:  namely, I'm running Windows XP Professional SP2 and have a C:\Windows\I386 directory present.  Under other conditions, a Windows CD may in fact be required to produce a BartPE bootable CD disc.
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #11 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 3:02pm
To correct the time stamp issue reported previously, it is necessary to start the "Date and Time" utility in BartPE and (A) set the correct time zone as well as (B) manually enter the current time value.

I uninstalled PE Builder, since it uses quite a bit of disk storage.  As anticipated, this has no impact on booting and using the BartPE CD.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #12 - Jul 2nd, 2005 at 5:32pm
Pleonasm wrote on Jul 2nd, 2005 at 11:21am:
Brian, concerning instructions about the necessity of having a Windows CD, note that the situation I described may be unique to the configuration of my PC:  namely, I'm running Windows XP Professional SP2 and have a C:\Windows\I386 directory present.  Under other conditions, a Windows CD may in fact be required to produce a BartPE bootable CD disc.

Can anyone confirm the i386 situation?
I don't have an i386 folder in Windows and choosing C:\Windows as source doesn't work. If I enter an incorrect source path the error message is ...i386\setupldn.bin not found. An i386 folder is on the WinXP CD.

To add further confusion I copied my i386 folder from the WinXP CD to the HD. If you then choose i386 as source there is an error message but if you choose the folder containing i386 it works. Your choice of C:\Windows was fortuitous. I had previously copied my whole WinXP CD to a HD folder but all that is needed is  to copy i386 into a HD folder.
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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #13 - Jul 6th, 2005 at 1:48pm

Your choice of C:\Windows was fortuitous

Note that PE Builder automatically detected C:\Windows as a valid source in my case.  Whether that was a simple default setting within PE Builder - or whether PE Builder has the sophisticated logic necessary to detect a true Windows XP source - I can't say.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: Using Bart's PE Bootable CD/DVD with Ghost9
Reply #14 - Jul 16th, 2005 at 8:25am
Reatogo has updated his BartPE version. The version described in my initial post no longer exists. Download the latest version from here


The setup is slightly different to my previous instructions but if you follow the prompts it will work. I did notice that you aren't prompted to double click !autoHelp_ghost9+dotNET.cmd in the “x_ghost9_autoHelp” folder. This must be done or Ghost 9 won't work.

Plugin 38 (USB) shouldn't be downloaded anymore. USB external devices still work but need to be connected before booting into BartPE. External HD's can't be hot plugged anymore.

My comments on drivers and networking are still valid.

I expect Reatogo to update his BartPE fairly frequently but his instructions are becoming clearer with each version so I probably won't need to provide further help.
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