Replacing a System Disk/Hard Drive using Ghost 10.
There are many different uses and scenarios for Ghost 2003, Ghost 9, and Ghost 10. This article provides some guidelines to replace one hard drive with a larger one.
It does not attempt to cover all possible uses of Ghost; this is limited to an often needed case of
replacing a single System hard drive containing a single partition with a larger hard drive.
Note: For a different scenario (not covered here), for example, if it is possible to connect both internal hard drives (new and old) inside the PC at the same time, the Ghost 10 Chapter 12 procedure called "Copy My Hard Drive feature" (or Ghost 9 Chapter 7 procedure called "Copy Drive feature") can be utilitized which shows how to copy directly from the old drive to the new drive.
Cloning partitions with Ghost 9 Guide, by Brian;action=display;num=11175... See other sections in the
1. You want to replace your hard drive with a larger one.
2. Windows XP
3. You have Ghost 10 installed. (note, this same procedure should apply for Ghost 9 also.)
4. Your hard drive to be replaced contains only one partition, the primary boot ( C: ) partition.
5. Your hard drive and XP is operational and working properly.
6. You have an USB2 external hard drive to store your backup images on.
1. Verify that your current hard drive has only one partition:
Right-click My Computer
Disk Management
Maximize the window
Does Disk Management show that you have ONLY one (1) partition or MORE than one?
Alternate verification to display your partitions:
Using Windows Explorer, navigate to this folder and run
c:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\Utility\PartinNT.exe
(Note that if you installed Ghost 10 as part of SystemWorks, the folder name may be different.)
Double click to run the PartinNT.exe program
Select "Copy to Clipboard" or "Save As" and then paste the results on this forum for further analysis. More than one partition requires special handling!
2. Verify that the Ghost 10 Recovery boot CD works for your pc, configuration, and external USB hard drive.
There are some issues involved when using Ghost 10.x with certain systems and USB external devices--so you need to determine if you can successfully use your external drive with the Recover Disk:
Ghost 10 Recovery CD problems
To verify the Ghost 10 Recovery CD:
1. Connect USB external hard drive to your PC. Note the drive letter assigned to it.
2. Insert Ghost 10 Recovery CD into the CD tray. (You may have to click "exit" if autorun tries to start it.)
3. Shutdown Windows XP.
4. At power-on/startup time, enable booting from your CD drive (may involve changing bios to boot from CD first).
5 . Boot from the Ghost 10 Recovery CD. Note. If you have trouble booting from the Ghost 10 Recovery CD, please note any error messages and post them here. Or, if Ghost 10 does not recognize or find your external hard drive (it may have a different drive letter, but that's ok), post results here.
6. Select Recover My Computer (see chapter 11 of the user guide).
7. Navigate to the backup image that is on your external hard drive.
8. If you can see your Recovery Point backup image on your external USB2 drive, your recovery CD environment is working correctly.
9. Select Exit. and boot back to Windows XP.
Copy/Implementation Procedure:
If you have ONLY one partition
, then use Ghost "Back Up Now" to create a backup image on your external drive.
1. In Windows XP, start Ghost 10 and Run Back Up Now or Complete System Backup to create a backup image onto your external USB drive. Be sure to check VERIFY while it is being created.
2. Shut down your PC.
3. Put your old drive in a safe place.
4. Switch out your old drive with the new drive. Ensure the master/slave/stand-alone jumpers of your new drive match your old drive.
Do NOT format or partition your new hard drive. Ghost 10 will do that automatically. It should be blank/unused.
5. Boot from the Ghost 10 Recovery CD.
6. Select Recover My Computer (read chapter 11 of the Ghost 10 user guide).
7. Highlight/select the Recovery Point with date and time that matches your backup.
(If your Recovery Point/Backup is not listed, click "Open from another location" and select the correct folder from your external hard drive that contains the backup.)
Be sure these options are set:
Set Drive Active
Restore Master Boot Record.
(note, you can also have it resize drive upon restore plus some other options if you want).
8. After the Restore completes, shut down your pc, and reboot with your hopefully new hard drive working fine.
Please post your results and experiences here when you finish.
Good luck!
Note any error messages and post them here on the Radified Forum.