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Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot freeze (Read 189283 times)

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #60 - Apr 14th, 2005 at 11:46pm
FWIW, I just ran into the exact problem odeen described in the first post of this thread, even the 'cycle'of flashing lights on the keyboard as described.  I will try his fix tomorrow.

But odeens criteria for this happening do not apply to my case-
i am not restoring from an image but rather a disk-to-disk clone of a live XP install.

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #61 - Apr 16th, 2005 at 2:31am
Thank you odeen! The MBRTool fix worked perfectly. Thank goodness I found this thread.

I noticed that the drive I cloned to had a slightly diferent partition structure than the drive with the original windows installation (the original had two primary partitions, and the active partition was the second of these- this is the stupid Gateway "restore partition" configuration. The new drive had a primary and extended partition, and the active was the first of the two). Just for kicks, I tried the process again from the beginning but this time formatting the new drive with exactly the same partition structure as the source drive. This time it was not necessary to use the MBRTool fix. Perhaps a small difference in the drive partitioning as compared to some stored parameter in XP is what causes the volume bytes problem in the copied XP installation, rather than an inherent problem with Ghost 9.0?? Is that a possibility?

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #62 - Apr 16th, 2005 at 2:54pm
Splicesite and Odeen, I'm curious:  Did you try a restore using the system index file (see Ghost 9.0 User's Guide, pages 76-77)?  If so, did this method avoid the problem?
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Dan Goodell
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #63 - Apr 17th, 2005 at 7:01am
"Thank you odeen! The MBRTool fix worked perfectly ... Just for kicks, I tried the process again from the beginning but this time formatting the new drive with exactly the same partition structure as the source drive.  This time it was not necessary to use the MBRTool fix."

What odeen is calling the "volume bytes" are really the "NT Serial Number", or today more commonly called simply the "Disk ID".  ("Volume" would be the wrong term--volumes are subdivisions of a partition, and the MBR is part of neither a partition nor a volume.)  As NightOwl alluded to earlier in this thread, the Disk ID is explained in detail on my webpage at www.goodells.net/multiboot/partsigs.htm.  What you are doing manually with mbrtool is the same thing "Kawecki's Trick" does.

Any Windows-based cloner like Ghost 9 has to manipulate the DiskID and/or the drive letter assignments stored in the registry's [MountedDevices] key.  That's just part of the extra complexity demanded when working "from-the-inside" that we've argued about earlier in this thread.  "From-the-outside" cloners don't have that kind of trouble.  But I don't know why v9 didn't handle it correctly in your first instance.

"Perhaps a small difference in the drive partitioning as compared to some stored parameter in XP is what causes the volume bytes problem in the copied XP installation, rather than an inherent problem with Ghost 9.0??"

If that is indeed the cause, I would say that's by definition an "inherent problem" with the product.  I'm not sure that's the case, but it would be interesting if you could test-clone a few more times and see if you could find a pattern to the problem.
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #64 - Apr 21st, 2005 at 3:00pm
Below is an overview explanation of how Ghost 9.0 is able to reliably create a "hot image" from within Windows (provided by Symantec in response to my email inquiry):
  • "When the creation of a backup image file is initiated, a virtual snapshot of the partition is taken and stored temporarily in memory, before the image file is created. The imaging product then starts the process of creating a virtual volume image while monitoring the file system for user changes. Any user changes that overlap with the V2i volume capture process are still written to the hard disk in normal fashion. Because V2i saves the old overwritten data to memory, this avoids interference with the new data. The older data is then written to the backup image file."  (http://service1.symantec.com/Support/powerquest.nsf/docid/2004025022659662?Open&...)

Conceptually, it seems a rather straight-forward process.

Kind regards,
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #65 - May 10th, 2005 at 2:03am
I figured this was a good place to ask this question because I to am having the same problem. I am trying to restore Windows XP pro sp v.2149. Let me explain what I have first and trying to accomplish. I have 2 hard drives in my computer. One at 15 gig (C:) (no partitions) and the other at 120 gig ( D:, E:, F:, etc) divided into 25 gig partitions each. I ran ghost 2003 in DOS and did an image of C: using the PARTITION option. I placed that image on E: of the second hard drive. I then went to restore it on D: which went fine I also did an integrity check before restoring. I then open my computer and disconnected all cables from C: (15 gig) in hopes of having my second hard drive get bumped to C: in booting up. I turn the computer on and waiting for it to boot to my dismay I got stuck at the login screen with nothing happening, not even no hard drive action from the LED.
My question is I figure it may be the MBR as what I read from this thread. But I do not want to chance messing with the MBR on that drive due to all other important information I have on the other partitions of that drive. Will messing with the MBR mess up the other partitions and will I be able to restore from this drive without having to reinstall Windows XP again? I know I am on the right track but as for windows not booting I am lost when it comes to using the MBR.  I do have a small DOS  program called restorembr.exe. I assume its for DOS but not sure how to use it or if its able to help me with what I am trying to attain. If anyone can give me some type of info that what went wrong with my restore it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You
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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 2094
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound-USA

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #66 - May 10th, 2005 at 3:48am

What you have attempted to do may make perfect sense to us humans--but, it just doesn't work for NT-based OS systems such as WinXP!

Unlike older OS's based on DOS, where upon each boot, the drive letters are assigned based on a specific set of rules, and if you change the drive positions and types of partitions (primary vs extended), the drive letters change accordingly--on NT-based OS systems, the drive letter assignment is 'sticky', and is remembered between boots.

So, your drive 'D:\' is still drive 'D:\' after you take your other HDD 'C:\' off the system, as are the E, F, G, etc., partitions are still the same as they were.  So when the boot process gets to the point of loading drivers--based on the entries in the registry which point to drive 'C:\', that drive is not found and the boot process chokes.

As always, it's a good idea to have a backup before doing anything that's potentially disasterous!

You may be able to use Dan Goodell's recommendation here:

Kawecki's Trick

Note:  you need to use the newer Fdisk program that works with HDD's bigger than 64 GB's, and you need to be using a Win98se or ME boot disk.  You can find the newer Fdisk program here:

Radified Binaries Downloadable Files

Also, your other drive letters will be reassigned as well, so if your registry points to programs on those partitions--they will not be found--and upon booting, if any are set to automatically load on boot, you will get errors saying the programs were not found.  You can use 'Disk Management' to go back and change the drive letter assignments to correct that issue, if you want, or correct all the registry entries that point to the wrong partition.

Post back with the results of your efforts.

No question is stupid...but, possibly the answers are  Wink !
(This is an old *NightOwl* user account--not in current use.  Current account is NightOwl without a dash at the end.)
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #67 - May 11th, 2005 at 3:54pm
I like to thank you NightOwl for you quick response and effective information. My problem was solved. What I did, was use method 2 in the kawecki trick link you gave me. I first went into the registry deleted all the keys. I then shut down booted in DOS using 98 se boot disk then ran ghost. Did an image then check the integrity of the image and then uncompressed the image to the first partition on my second HDD D:. I then shut down disconnected my first HDD and booted up my second HDD now becoming C: for the first time it booted up and worked well, an exact image of my windows XP was created. Once again thank you NightOwl, for your corrective reply to my problem.
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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 2094
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound-USA

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #68 - May 11th, 2005 at 4:01pm

Thanks for posting back with your results--glad I could help  Smiley !

No question is stupid...but, possibly the answers are  Wink !
(This is an old *NightOwl* user account--not in current use.  Current account is NightOwl without a dash at the end.)
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #69 - May 17th, 2005 at 1:34am

Thank you MadMan for bringing up an interesting issue and thank you NightOwl for providing such an insightful link as 'Kawecki's Tricks'.

But after going through the  posts made by MadMan, I could not resist asking - "Why did you not use 'Method 3' instead of 'Method 2' as the former could have got you there quickly without the need for creating the image again when you had already restored an image to Partition D: of Disk 2 ?" The only thing that was left to be done was to reassign the Partition D: as C:/ using 'fixmbr' command.

I ask this just to know if there was a faster solution to the above problem and apologise if I missed anything technical. An answer to this post will certainly provide more insights into the issue.

- Frodo

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #70 - Sep 28th, 2005 at 7:49am
Hi Folks,
Here is the solution for this boot freeze problem of windows XP after restoring a disc image to another hd in Norton Ghost 9.0 :

Method #3 ("Kawecki's Trick"):

One way of doing this is to alter or delete the DiskID in the MBR. Since the DiskID is part of the partition signatures, this forces a change in the signatures and previously remembered drive letters can be reassigned because they no longer match valid partition signatures. To easiest way to delete the DiskID is to use a Win98 boot floppy (aka, "Windows 98 Startup Disk"). Boot the computer from the boot floppy, run the command "fdisk /mbr", remove the floppy, and reboot into 2000/XP.

I have a booting HD and non-freezing Windows XP NOW!
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james radford

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #71 - Nov 15th, 2005 at 1:21pm
i have ghost 2002 and everything seems to point towards a need for a floppy disk.  Do I need a floppy disk to make a clone?  Many thanks
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"I tought I saw a puddy

Posts: 2094
Olympia, WA--Puget Sound-USA

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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot fre
Reply #72 - Nov 16th, 2005 at 1:55am
james radford

Yes, probably--or a bootable CD:

Creating Bootable CD/DVD's Without A:\Floppy Drive


No question is stupid...but, possibly the answers are  Wink !
(This is an old *NightOwl* user account--not in current use.  Current account is NightOwl without a dash at the end.)
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Re: Ghost 9.0 restoration problem-Windows boot freeze
Reply #73 - Aug 29th, 2011 at 4:46am
For however many successful DOS-based restores that can be documented, I suspect that it could be matched by an equally large number of Window-based restores (although, admittedly, no such dataset exists).  As a consequence, such comparisons do not help resolve the question of whether Windows-based imaging is more or less reliable than DOS-based imaging
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