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reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ?? (Read 209522 times)

Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #60 - Aug 8th, 2012 at 2:30pm

Your LBA is 2048. Perfect. The partition is already aligned. Just start using the HD as a backup destination. You will have great fun with that HD and IFL.

Can you use the same CD after the trial finishes? According to the license agreement, you shouldn't. Can you download another trial? I'm not sure if that is appropriate but practically you could.

As far as the drive letter is concerned, if Q: is OK with you, fine. But you can change the drive letter to whichever letter you prefer.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #61 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:00am

wrote Reply
#28 - Jul 30th, 2012 at 7:04pm   


When you get more comfortable with IFD/
I can let you know how to install one or both to a USB external HD. Then you don't need a CD. Just boot from the external HD into IFD or
. Some people like this for its convenience but you get the same result as using a CD.

You can automate the process. Boot from the USB external HD and the imaging or restore starts on its own.

one or both ? WHAT - but we'd better leave it to later.
{sorry, lots of instructions - I've lost track}.

note: I will use
ONLY, no more IFD.

wrote Reply #60 - Yesterday at 21:30:38

Your LBA is 2048. Perfect. The partition is already aligned. Just start using the HD as a backup destination

Will do so  Wink

Before I start > a few questions:

°Do I need writing Backup images to a DVD at all ? - in other words: would I ever need a Boot-DVD with an image on it ? I can boot into DOS with the CD (IFL GUI) & restore an image. So what a DVD for Huh

From manual:
"Speed up Changes Only Backups ... is only available when creating a full image that is NOT being saved to DVD ..."

---> My new HD ext. 2TB is STILL EMPTY!

I intend to create a full image [XP partition] with this extra options:
° "Speed up Changes only Backup"
° "Compression enhanced speed-A"

After that - from time to time - Differentials.

Are 'ordinary' Full Images still necessary, anyway ???

Then how to write which backup image on DVD ?
(s. above!).

What should be the order _after creating a full image with this extra options:
° "Speed up Changes only Backup"
° "Compression enhanced speed-A"
+ Differentials_

... what to continue with ?

I would also like to create an Entire Drive image, later on.
Can't use "Speed up Changes only Backup"
nor "Compression enhanced speed-A" for doing so --- as I understand it.

Need your most valuable advice. ,,, ~~~"I'd be nothing if I didn't have you" ~~~

henriette  Kiss

BTW: 2TB drive letter now "L" = Linux  Smiley

The 400GB external 'sound machine (!) - extremely slow - guy#7 gave it to me - disconnected for good >>> basement!
(was drive letter 'L').

Damaged "EXT2" 1.5TB disconnected, still waiting for email from WD support > hopefully replacement.


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #62 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:20am

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:00am:
Do I need writing Backup images to a DVD at all ?

I don't create images on DVDs. I don't trust optical media.

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:00am:
Are 'ordinary' Full Images still necessary, anyway ???

I create a full backup image every month and start differentials again but others might go for several months before creating a new full backup image.

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:00am:
I would also like to create an Entire Drive image, later on.
Can't use "Speed up Changes only Backup"
nor "Compression enhanced speed-A" for doing so --- as I understand it.

Yes, you can use both Options and I suggest you do.

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 6:00am:
BTW: 2TB drive letter now "L" = Linux

Interesting choice. You make a great Padawan Learner.

Have fun! After you have created your Full images, try some differential images so you can see how the procedure differs from a full image. Your 2 TB of storage will allow lots of play time.

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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #63 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 9:35am

The USB interface might not allow you to see the full speed potential of Enhanced Speed - A.  Using that compression setting I found creating an image to a second internal HD was almost twice as fast as creating an image to a USB external HD. Let's see how your times compare as Standard compression was the same speed to both of your devices.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #64 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 11:58am

The USB interface might not allow you to see the full speed potential of Enhanced Speed - A.  Using that compression setting I found creating an image to a second internal HD was almost twice as fast as creating an image to a USB external HD. Let's see how your times compare as Standard compression was the same speed to both of your devices

Let's keep that for later.

IFL is going on my last nerve:

No matter what name in IFL I chose, I ALWAYS get 2 files  Angry

Yes, I double clicked to *get* the img into the folder.

Folder name (ext drive) = "Img_A_Full_XP_Incl_Differentials-09.08.2012".

Tried (within IFL):
"FlashPlayer270.tbi" ... and several others.

What I get in the folder is:
2 files. 1 = ok. 2. = '2012-file' | '#0-file | +++
Latter when I accepted the default name.

Icons of the 2nd file are 'unknown' > can't rename, since same name as the *TerabyteImageFile*.
Can't drag & drop, either.

Before I used the default name - I thought it might be the different way of German/English date --> German = DDMMYYYY
English/American = MMDDYYYY.
That can't be ittttt, either.

Now please tell me what to do!

btw: can I do a quickformat on the 2TB drive ? After all the *works* ?

henriette  Sad


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #65 - Aug 9th, 2012 at 3:33pm

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 11:58am:
No matter what name in IFL I chose, I ALWAYS get 2 files

You are supposed to get 2 files when you select "Speed up Changes only Backup". The second is the Hash file to speed up creation of the subsequent differential images. I did mention the Hash file in an earlier post. See Reply #48.

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 11:58am:
can I do a quickformat on the 2TB drive ? After all the *works* ?

Yes, but why would you want to do that? If you want to delete files, just delete them. A format is not necessary.

henriette wrote on Aug 9th, 2012 at 11:58am:
Icons of the 2nd file are 'unknown' > can't rename, since same name as the *TerabyteImageFile*.

That's how it should be. Those 2 files should stay together.

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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #66 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 12:49am

wrote Reply #65 - Yesterday at 22:33:34

You are supposed to get 2 files when you select "Speed up Changes only Backup". The second is the Hash file to speed up creation of the subsequent differential images.

Icons of the 2nd file are 'unknown' > can't rename, since same name as the *TerabyteImageFile*.

That's how it should be. Those 2 files should stay together.

Ok, I just can't believe the file extension to be:
'2012-file' | '#0-file --- for example.
Or are you saying either were correct  Huh

What is the correct file extension to be ???
(What file extension for the Hash file do you get ?)


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #67 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 3:43am

You are doing really well. All of your images are fine. Worth keeping.

My hash file is


and the full image is


I know the hash file looks strange but the format is correct. The Type column in Windows Explorer says #0 File. Just like yours.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #68 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:33am

All of your images are fine. Worth keeping.

My hash file is


and the full image is


I know the hash file looks strange but the format is correct. The Type column in Windows Explorer says #0 File. Just like yours.

note: to get the '*.#0' extension I had to accept the default "backup .... date .. time" (so it seems).

Will try if it works when avoiding numbers at the end (###) - next time.
And as I can tell from your
file names
: they
must be the same
- that might have been my mistake.

... so I can go on now with a *differential backup*.

Will let you know the details (file size etc.) when done.

Thanks a lot!

henriette  Smiley

The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #69 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:37am
henriette wrote on Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:33am:
note: to get the '*.#0' extension I had to accept the default "backup .... date .. time" (so it seems).

I can use any name. Whatever name you use for the Full image will be adopted by the hash file.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #70 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:47am
wrote Reply #69 - Today at 11:37:16

I can use any name. Whatever name you use for the Full image will be adopted by the hash file.

No matter what file extension (hash file) ????


The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #71 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:52am

In certain situations the file extension may be .#1. It doesn't matter what it is!!!

You are just getting confused. I suggest that you completely ignore the hash file as it will take care of itself. Name your full backup image in the usual fashion while in the IFL app. Whatever name you like. Don't try to rename it later. Use IFL as you did before and don't even look at the hash file as you are having a negative experience by trying to make it something which it isn't. Relax.
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #72 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 4:59am
The hash file will be limited to the max file size and have the same file name as the backup with an extension starting at .#0 followed by .#1, .#2, etc. as needed.
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I Love Radified!

Posts: 147
Heidelberg Germany

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #73 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 5:01am

In certain situations the file extension may be .#1. It doesn't matter what it is!!!

You are just getting confused. I suggest that you completely ignore the hash file as it will take care of itself. Name your full backup image in the usual fashion. Whatever name you like. Use IFL as you did before and don't even look at the hash file as you are having a negative experience by trying to make it something which it isn't. Relax.

That's it, my master, I will (just) ignore it  Wink

henriette *keeping master busy*  Smiley

The problem's not the computer - the problem sits right in front of it ...
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Posts: 6345
NSW, Australia

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Re: reliable backup software for Windows 7 - Ghost 10 ??
Reply #74 - Aug 10th, 2012 at 5:02am
My Padawan Learner is on the right track now.
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