![Rad casa, Costa Mesa, California](gfx/casa_rad.jpg) 21.march.2007 - I always feel like I know someone better after I've visited them at their home and seen where they live.
With that, I have 4 photos for you, taken yesterday (first day of spring), near sunset, so you can see where I live (aka > "the ranch"):
The photos are nothing fancy, taken in the back yard. But you'll get an idea where I live, where the bug runs around & plays, and hopefully you'll feel like you know me a little better.
How I got here .. now that's a good story .. maybe another day.
I'm experimenting with the idea of including an image with the daily entry. Dr. Jakob frowns on images, claiming they suck too much bandwidth, which make web pages load slowly.
But I'm going to try and strike a balance by using small images, like the ones I used yesterday & today.
![First day of spring today. Also called the Spring equinox, or the Vernal equinox](gfx/seasons.jpg) 20.march.2007 - First day of spring (here in the Northern hemisphere). Also called the spring equinox, or vernal equinox. The word equinox means equal night.
Here on the Left coast, the exact time (when the sun crosses the equator) is > 5:07 PM (8:07 Eastern).
Nature lovers the world over will be out celebrating, banging their drums and enjoying the day. I'm gonna try for a bike ride later, ~ 5PM, so I'll be out at the exact moment. (I don't have a drum, but I'll find something to bang on.)
Perhaps I should note that day & night are not exactly equal on the equinox .. for reasons detailed here > US Naval Observatory, and also at National Geographic.
The remainder of today's entry is continued in Ye Olde Rad Blog. See here > First Day of Spring (Vernal Equinox)
18.march.2007 - Let's begin with good news today. My shoulder feels better (after months of being sore). Normally, shampoo'ing my hair hurts it worst (kills me). Today was the first day a shower brought no pain.
I've stopped lifting weights and took up bike-riding instead, in an effort to give the shoulder a chance to heal. I also carry the bug with my other arm (or on my shoulders). Seemed like that pain would never go away.
On a less-positive note .. you may recall back in November (the 7th), I mentioned a desire to quit drinking coffee (caffeine). So how's that coming? you ask?
Coffee never tasted so good as when I decided to quit. I drink espresso, and I've been drinking more of it than ever. ("Quadruple-shot, please.") Seems the more determined I am to quit, the better it tastes.
The remainder of today's entry is continued in Ye Olde Rad Blog. See here > Caffeine Addiction & Thoughts on Fatherhood (Motivation)
13.march.2007 - Received an email recently from the nice folks at Lunarpages, who host RADIFIED on one of their swanky servers (physically located downtown Los Angeles).
The girl I spoke with (Tiara) said Radified was referenced by people signing up for new accounts there, as the place where they heard about Lunarpages.
She said, if I completed a form to join their affiliate program, I'd get $65 for everyone who signed up. I said, "Cool," and did.
The link you see to your right is part of Lunarpages' affiliate program. If you know anybody looking for web hosting, send them by to click my link. (It won't cost them a penny extra.)
There's always a link located at the very bottom of this home page.
I researched web hosting providers and felt Lunarpages offered the best deal and most options. After being with them over a year now, I'm happy about my decision.
![Back Bay Loop bike path: Newport Beach, California](gfx/back_bay_loop_rad.jpg) 12.march.2007 - Took along my digital camera yesterday (Sunday) on a bike ride around the (beautiful) Back Bay Loop (~10 miles) .. here in Newport Beach. Gorgeous summer-like day.
Snapped photos along the way. Posted some of them, so you might get an idea what it's like to cruise this (marvelous) bike path.
See here > Back Bay Loop bike path & Newport Dunes Park. Enjoy.
The pictures would have come out better if I took them during the "magic hour" near sunset (or sunRISE). But these will still give you an idea what the loop is like.
In > this photo (65-KB), you can see smoke in the distance, from a fire that has been raging in nearby Anaheim Hills. Fortunately, the wind was blowing the other way.
In has been unusually warm here lately, and very dry, which wrecks havoc with my sinuses. I mention my reasons for cruising the Back Bay here > On the Rad Road to Recover
11.march.2007 - No entry in 10 days. That hasn't happened in many moons. The last time was probably back when I backpacked the mountains of Yosemite (& grew a beard). So something is up.
I need to feel an entry before I can write. I rarely write just to add words .. which seems trivial, if not phony.
In trying to understand this recent silence, I feel (not sure) it stems from a combination of the back injury and increased co-parenting contention.
Custody battles, as you know, are notoriously emotional. And when trouble befalls (as with the case of a debilitating injury), my instincts are to put emotional things on hold, and deal with the crisis sans emotion (to avoid distracting from the issue at hand).
The remainder of today's entry is continued in Ye Olde Rad Blog. See here > No blog entry in 10 days: What gives?
01.march.2007 - The Rad community forums broke the 25,000 post mark (with some individual threads logging more than 80,000 page views).
The Rad forums specialize in backing up your hard drive (the ultimate way >) with an imaging/cloning program called Norton Ghost (distributed by Symantec). A back-up image can help you sleep better.
Everybody at the forums has their own bailiwick of troubleshooting expertise, and there aren't many problems we haven't already seen (dozens of times).
There are several different versions of Ghost which folks are using .. including Ghost 2003 (which I prefer, for reasons detailed here), along with Ghost 9,.. Ghost 10, and now Norton Save & Restore (which is sometimes called Ghost 11, but close in features to Ghost 10).
The remainder of today's entry is continued in Ye Olde Rad Blog. See here > Rad Community Forums break 25,000 post mark